- the time when something ends; "it was the death of all his plans"; "a dying of old hopes" (同)dying, demise
- the time at which life ends; continuing until dead; "she stayed until his death"; "a struggle to the last" (同)last
- the absence of life or state of being dead; "he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life"
- the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism; "the animal died a painful death"
- the act of killing; "he had two deaths on his conscience"
- the event of dying or departure from life; "her death came as a terrible shock"; "upon your decease the capital will pass to your grandchildren" (同)decease, expiry
- occurring with no delay; "relief was instantaneous"; "instant gratification" (同)instant
- the personification of death; "Death walked the streets of the plague-bound city"
- 〈U〉〈C〉『死』,死亡;死に方,死にざま / 〈U〉死んだ[ような]状体 / 《the~》(…の)絶滅,破滅《+『of』+『名』》 / 《the~》(…の)死の原因,命取り《+『of』+『名』》 / 《通例『D-』》死神(手に鎌(かマ)を持った黒装束の骸骨(がいこつ)で表される)
- 即時の,瞬間の
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English Journal
- Pooling data from fatality analysis reporting system (FARS) and generalized estimates system (GES) to explore the continuum of injury severity spectrum.
- Yasmin S1, Eluru N2, Pinjari AR3.
- Accident; analysis and prevention.Accid Anal Prev.2015 Sep 2;84:112-127. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2015.08.009. [Epub ahead of print]
- Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and Generalized Estimates System (GES) data are most commonly used datasets to examine motor vehicle occupant injury severity in the United States (US). The FARS dataset focuses exclusively on fatal crashes, but provides detailed information on the continuum
- PMID 26342892
- Gender differences in mortality among treated opioid dependent patients.
- Evans E1, Kelleghan A2, Li L2, Min J3, Huang D2, Urada D2, Hser YI2, Nosyk B4.
- Drug and alcohol dependence.Drug Alcohol Depend.2015 Jul 17. pii: S0376-8716(15)00381-6. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.07.010. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIMS: To assess gender differences in characteristics, mortality rates, and the causes and predictors of death among treated opioid-dependent individuals.METHODS: Linked vital statistics data were obtained for all individuals first enrolled in publicly funded pharmacological treatment for opioid dep
- PMID 26282107
- Mortality among individuals accessing pharmacological treatment for opioid dependence in California, 2006-10.
- Evans E1, Li L1, Min J2, Huang D1, Urada D1, Liu L3, Hser YI1, Nosyk B2,4.
- Addiction (Abingdon, England).Addiction.2015 Jun;110(6):996-1005. doi: 10.1111/add.12863. Epub 2015 Mar 15.
- AIMS: To estimate mortality rates among treated opioid-dependent individuals by cause and in relation to the general population, and to estimate the instantaneous effects of opioid detoxification and maintenance treatment (MMT) on the hazard of all-cause and cause-specific mortality.DESIGN: Populati
- PMID 25644938
Japanese Journal
- G211 感温性インクを用いた生体擬似組織の極短時間温度上昇の計測(一般講演(7))
- 吉井 峻,藏田 耕作,内田 悟,福永 鷹信,高松 洋
- 熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2011, 343-344, 2011-10-28
- … Irreversible electroporation (IRE) is a technique to perforate a cell membrane by electric pulses and induce necrotic cell death around electrodes. …
- NAID 110009656937
- Application of Heart Rate Variability Analysis to Electrocardiogram Recorded Outside the Driver's Awareness From an Automobile Steering Wheel
- Osaka Motohisa,Murata Hiroshige,Fuwamoto Yoshitaka,Nanba Shinji,Sakai Kazuhiro,Katoh Takao
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 72(11), 1867-1873, 2008-10-20
- … Methods and Results Steering-ECG and ECG from a chest lead (chest-ECG) were recorded simultaneously in 10 normal subjects while they were driving for 90min. For each of 4 parameters (instantaneous heart rate, low-and high-frequency components of HRV, and the ratio of these components in all subjects), mutual information was used to examine whether the fluctuation from the steering-ECG resembled that from the chest-ECG. …
- NAID 110006975581
- 日本の鯨類捕獲調査(JARPA/JARPN)における爆発銛改良実験(その他(動物福祉))
- 石川 創,重宗 弘久
- Japanese journal of zoo and wildlife medicine 13(1), 21-28, 2008-03
- (財)日本鯨類研究所は,国際捕鯨取締条約第8条に基づき日本政府が発給した特別許可による鯨類捕獲調査を,南極海(JARPA)および北西太平洋(JARPN)で行っている.鯨類捕獲調査では,致死的調査における動物福祉を向上させるため,詳細なデータ収集と解析に基づく鯨の致死時間(TTD)短縮および即死率(IDR)向上の努力が払われている。漁具改良による致死時間短縮を目指し,2000年から2004年にかけて …
- NAID 110006781656
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- Search instantaneous death and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso. You can complete the definition of instantaneous death given by the English Cobuild dictionary with other English dictionaries ...
- Instantaneous death refers to death occurring in an instant or within an extremely short time after an injury or seizure. This factor is taken into consideration while determining an award of damages
- 関
- immediate effect、instantaneously