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- 1. 肝内胆管の消失および胆管消失症候群hepatic ductopenia and vanishing bile duct syndrome [show details]
… intrahepatic small bile ducts (septal, interlobular, ductules, and canal of Hering). The diameter of the bile ducts steadily decreases from the liver hilum toward the periphery. The bile ducts, as well as …
- 2. 成人に生じる胆石症の概要overview of gallstone disease in adults [show details]
… Technique for bile collection – Bile microscopy aims to detect microcrystals of cholesterol or amorphous bilirubinate as indirect evidence for the presence of microlithiasis in bile . The methods …
- 3. 術後黄疸患者に対するアプローチapproach to the patient with postoperative jaundice [show details]
…of the liver, gallbladder, or bile ducts are at particular risk. Surgery performed near the periphery of the bile ducts or gallbladder is associated with a risk of a bile leak or a stricture from dysfunctional …
- 4. 肝切除の概要overview of hepatic resection [show details]
…collections or bile peritonitis . Bile leakage following hepatic surgery is further classified as Grade A, B, or C. Grade A bile leakage causes no change in patients clinical management. A Grade B bile leakage …
- 5. 胆管切除術および再建術bile duct resection and reconstruction [show details]
…be discussed here. The management of common bile duct stone and bile duct injury, and surgical treatment of cholangiocarcinoma, are covered elsewhere. Bile duct resection and reconstruction (BDRR) is …
English Journal
- A 6-Year-Old Child With Citrin Deficiency and Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
- Wang L, Wang L, Zhu S, Zhang M, Dong Y, Wang FS.
- Pediatrics. 2019 Jan;143(1).
- We report the case of a 6-year-old boy with citrin deficiency and advanced hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosed by using imaging. He exhibited intrahepatic cholestasis 2 days after his birth and was misdiagnosed with inspissated bile syndrome at that time. The symptoms of jaundice spontaneously resolv
- PMID 30591617
- Percutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage in a Two-Month-Old Infant with Inspissated Bile Syndrome.
- Chang SH, Joo SM, Yoon CS, Lee KH, Lee SM.
- Yonsei medical journal. 2018 Sep;59(7)904-907.
- Inspissated bile syndrome (IBS) is a relatively rare condition. Many treatment options are available, including medication, surgery, and surgical interventions, such as insertion of cholecystostomy drain, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, internal biliary drainage, and percutaneous tra
- PMID 30091325
- Parameters that help to differentiate biliary atresia from other diseases.
- Hayashida M, Matsuura T, Kinoshita Y, Esumi G, Yoshimaru K, Yanagi Y, Takahashi Y, Taguchi T.
- Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society. 2017 Dec;59(12)1261-1265.
- The diagnosis of biliary atresia (BA) is still challenging. The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical features and parameters that contribute to a diagnosis of BA. From January 2000 to December 2013, 37 patients who underwent operative cholangiography were evaluated retrospectively. The pati
- PMID 28802084
Japanese Journal
- 超音波カラードプラ法が診断・経過観察に有用であった新生児肝血管内皮腫の1例
- 大塚 恭寛,高橋 英世,大沼 直躬,田辺 政裕,吉田 英生,岩井 潤
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 30(1), 90-94, 1994
- 症例は,在胎35過に帝王切開にて2040g で出生した日齢0の男児. 腹部腫瘤と呼吸困難を主訴に当科入院. 右季肋部に腫瘤を触知し,心不全と DIC 所見を認めた. 超音波検査・単純 CT にて肝の S-4,5,6を占拠する腫瘤を認め,超音波カラードプラ法 (CDUS) にて,腫瘤内の拍動性で点状の血流シグナル・動門脈短絡・動静脈短絡を認めた. 両葉多発型の新生児肝血管内皮腫と診断し,心不全・DI …
- NAID 110002105047
- 頭蓋内出血によるいわゆる"濃縮胆汁症候群"の一剖検例
- 村岡 俊二 [他],阿部 章彦,中村 仁志夫,崎山 幸雄,香坂 忍
- 肝臓 21(7), 883-889, 1980
- 生後49日の男児剖検例.生後5日頃から新生児高ビリルビン血症を認めたが,その後著変なく経過していた.生後28日,嘔吐と痙攣を主訴として入院,CT-scanで硬膜下血腫を指摘されたが,その後D.I.C.を合併し3週間の経過で永眠した.剖検で硬膜下血腫と脳内血腫を認めると同時に,肝は腫大し,その割面で,小葉中心部は緑色を呈していた.組織学的に肝は,小葉中心部の胆汁うっ滞と小葉中間帯から周辺部にかけて著 …
- NAID 130000876614
- 濃厚胆汁症候群を呈した,いわゆる新生児肝炎の一剖検例
Related Links
- Inspissated bile syndrome: Definition, Description, Causes and Risk Factors:Inspissated bile syndrome is defined as partial or complete obstruction of the extrahepatic biliary system by impaction of thick bile or sludge in the distal ...
- Purpose Inspissated bile syndrome (IBS) is a rare cause of obstructive jaundice in neonates and infants with several treatment options reported. We present our experience with the use of minimally invasive ultrasound-guided ...
- Inspissated bile syndrome symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment information for Inspissated bile syndrome (Bile plug syndrome) with alternative diagnoses, full-text book chapters, misdiagnosis, research treatments ...
- 英
- inspissated-bile syndrome, inspissated bile syndrome
- (沸騰・蒸発させて)濃くする/なる、濃厚にする/なる、濃縮する、濃化する
- 関
- inspissated