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- 1. 不妊症の概要overview of infertility [show details]
…countries, female factor infertility was reported in 37 percent of infertile couples, male factor infertility in 8 percent, and both male and female factor infertility in 35 percent. Five percent of couples …
- 2. 女性の不妊評価evaluation of female infertility [show details]
… for factors that could be impairing fertility. The infertility specialist then uses this information to counsel the couple about the possible etiologies of their infertility and to offer a treatment plan …
- 3. 男性不妊症の検査approach to the male with infertility [show details]
… analyses), men with infertility should undergo the following evaluation: Male partners in an infertile couple may have idiopathic male infertility. Other possibilities include infertility of the female partner …
- 4. 女性不妊症の原因causes of female infertility [show details]
… couples in developed countries, male factor infertility in 8 percent, and both male and female factor infertility in 35 percent . The remaining couples had unexplained infertility or became pregnant during the …
- 5. 女性の不妊症の治療treatments for female infertility [show details]
…The evaluation of female infertility, as well as the causes and treatment of male infertility, are discussed separately: The only absolute contraindications to infertility therapy are contraindication …
English Journal
- [Comparison of current methods of tubal patency assessment].
- Lőrincz J, Jakab A, Török P.
- Orvosi hetilap. 2017 Mar;158(9)324-330.
- Most common organic cause of infertility is the blockage of the Fallopian tubes. Several methods were introduced to evaluate tubal patency. Hysterosalpingography is a conventional radiology procedure using contrast medium, which gives an accurate image of the uterine cavity and the Fallopian tubes,
- PMID 28245679
- [Influence of malignant tumors occurring in the reproductive age on spermiogenesis: studies on patients with testicular tumor and lymphoma].
- Molnár Z, Benyó M, Bazsáné Kassai Z, Lévai Í, Varga A, Jakab A.
- Orvosi hetilap. 2014 Aug;155(33)1306-11.
- The application of chemo- and radiotherapy results in good survival prognosis for young men with malignant tumors, but long-term gonadoxic effect has to be considered. In addition, malignant disease itself has a negative impact on spermiogenesis. The aim of the authors was to examine the spermiogene
- PMID 25109916
- [Spontaneous abortion and changes of estrogen receptors and progesterone receptors in the endometria of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome].
- Shi XB, Zhang J, Fu SX.
- Zhong nan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Central South University. Medical sciences. 2008 Jun;33(6)518-22.
- To explore the relationship between the spontaneous abortion and changes of estrogen receptors (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR) in the endometria of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Thirty-two patients who suffered PCOS combined with infertilitas feminis were enrolled in a experim
- PMID 18600000
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- 英
- infertility
- ラ
- infertilitas
- 関
- 習慣流産
- 妊娠後、妊娠を維持できず流産、早産、死産によって児に恵まれない状態。
- 習慣流産は不育症の中に含まれ、3回以上連続する流産である(参考1)。
- 1回の流産は約15%、習慣流産は1-2%、不育症は5%程度の頻度。
- QB.Q-234
- 子宮異常(子宮奇形(中隔子宮など)、子宮筋腫、頚管無力症)
- 内分泌異常(黄体機能不全、甲状腺機能異常、糖尿病)
- 感染症
- 自己免疫異常(SLE、抗リン脂質抗体症候群)
- 母児関連:血液型不適合、免疫学的因子(同種免疫異常)
- 参考1
- 夫婦どちらかの染色体異常(均衡型転座4.5%)、抗リン脂質抗体(17.4%)、子宮奇形(弓状子宮を除いて3.2%)、胎児染色体異常(頻度不明)
- 原因かどうかは不明だが、不育症に伴うことは明らかになっているもの:黄体機能不全(23.4%)、糖尿病(1%)、甲状腺機能異常(10%)
- 参考1
- 染色体検査:夫婦の染色体検査(G分染法)
- 子宮形態検査:経膣超音波検査法、子宮卵管造影検査
- 免疫学的検査:抗リン脂質抗体(抗CL・β 2GPI複合体抗体、抗CL抗体IgG、ループスアンチコアグラント)、抗核抗体
- 内分泌学的検査:基礎体温測定、糖尿病検査、甲状腺機能検査、下垂体機能、黄体機能検査
- 凝固系検査:APTT、PT
- 子宮形態検査:子宮鏡、超音波子宮検査、sonohysterogram、MRI
- 免疫学的検査:抗DNA抗体、抗SS-A/RO抗体
- 内分泌学検査:75gOGTT、HbA1c
- 凝固系検査:(子宮内胎児死亡例に対し)Protein C、Protein S、アンチトロンビン
- 1. クリニカルレクチャーシリーズ 1)不育症の診断と治療 - 日産婦誌59巻9号
- http://www.jsog.or.jp/PDF/59/5909-238.pdf