- 〈U〉地獄(hell) / 〈C〉地獄のような所
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/26 14:08:10」(JST)
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- コンピュータ用語
- Inferno (オペレーティングシステム)
- インフェルノ (映像編集機) - オートデスク社メディア&エンターテインメント部門(旧ディスクリート社)製のプロフェッショナル用の映像編集・合成システムの名称。
- 映画
- インフェルノ (映画) - ダリオ・アルジェント監督のホラー映画。
- インフェルノ 大火災脱出(中国語版) - オキサイド・パン、ダニー・パン共同監督の香港・中国合作映画。
- 音楽作品
- INFERNO (アルバム) - Creature Creatureのアルバム。
- フィクション
- インフェルノ (トランスフォーマー) - トランスフォーマーシリーズのキャラクター。
- 文学作品
- インフェルノ (小説) - ダン・ブラウンの小説。
- インフェルノ (ファン・フィクション) - シルヴァイン・レイナードのトワイライト・サーガのファン・フィクション小説。
- 漫画
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[Wiki en表示]
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Inferno may refer to:
- Hell
- Conflagration, a large uncontrolled fire
- 1 Literature
- 2 Music
- 3 Film
- 3.1 TV film / Straight-to-DVD
- 4 Television
- 5 Comics
- 6 Gaming
- 7 Sports teams
- 8 Other uses
- 9 See also
- Inferno (Dante), the first part of Dante's Divine Comedy
- Inferno (Strindberg novel), an 1897 novel by August Strindberg
- Inferno, a concept of infernality of Nature in The Bull's Hour, a 1968 novel by Ivan Yefremov
- Inferno (Niven and Pournelle novel), a 1976 novel by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
- Isaac Asimov's Inferno, a 1994 novel by Roger MacBride Allen
- Inferno (Batman novel), a 2006 novel by Alex Irvine
- Inferno, a 2006 novel in the Bionicle Legends series, by Greg Farshtey
- Inferno (Star Wars novel), a 2007 novel by Troy Denning
- Inferno (Brown novel), a 2013 novel by Dan Brown
- Infernö, a Norwegian thrash metal-band
- Inferno Metal Festival, annual music festival in Oslo, Norway
- Zbigniew Robert Promiński or Inferno, drummer with the band Behemoth
- Inferno, guitarist with Cirith Gorgor
- Inferno (Metamorfosi album)
- Inferno (Motörhead album)
- Inferno (Entombed album)
- Inferno (soundtrack), a soundtrack album by Keith Emerson, from the 1980 film (see below)
- Inferno: Last in Live, an album by Dio
- Inferno (Tangerine Dream album), an album by Tangerine Dream
- Inferno, an album by Alien Sex Fiend
- Inferno (Petra Marklund album)
- Inferno, an album by Project Pitchfork
- "Inferno", a song by Kreator from Voices of Transgression – A 90s Retrospective
- "Inferno (Unleash the Fire)", a song by Symphony X from The Odyssey
- L'Inferno (film) a 1911 Italian film
- Inferno (1953 film), a film noir by Roy Ward Baker
- Inferno (1980 film), an Italian horror film by Dario Argento
- Inferno (1997 film), starring Don "The Dragon" Wilson
- Inferno (1999 film), starring Jean-Claude Van Damme
- Inferno (2001 film), a British "short" movie directed by Paul Kousoulides
- Inferno (2016 film), upcoming American thriller based on Dan Brown's novel of same name
TV film / Straight-to-DVD
- Inferno (TV film), a 1998 TV film starring Stephanie Niznik
- Hellraiser: Inferno, a straight-to-DVD film in the Hellraiser series released in 2000
- "Inferno", fourth episode of the 1965 Doctor Who serial The Romans
- Inferno (Doctor Who), a 1970 serial from the British science fiction series
- "Inferno" (Stargate Atlantis), an episode in the science fiction series
- Inferno (Transformers), four characters from the various Transformers universes
- "Inferno" (Captain Scarlet), an episode of Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons
- Series titles of reality game shows on MTV:
- Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Inferno (2004)
- Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Inferno II (2005)
- Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Inferno 3 (2007)
- Inferno, a female gladiator in Gladiators
- Team Inferno, Disney Channel Games Red Team
- Inferno (DC Comics), a character in Legion of Super-Heroes
- Inferno (Exemplar), a character in the Marvel Comics team Exemplars
- Inferno (Marvel Comics), a crossover involving the X-Men
- Inferno (demon), a Marvel Comics supervillain
- Inferno (Joseph Conroy), a minor Marvel Comics supervillain
- Inferno!, a Warhammer anthology magazine mixing text and comic stories
- Inferno, a title from Caliber Comics
- Armageddon: Inferno, a DC Comics storyline connected with Armageddon 2001
- Judge Dredd: "Inferno", a story line featuring Judge Grice
- Inferno, an alternate version of Legion of Super-Heroes member Sun Boy
- Inferno (Soulcalibur), a boss character in Soulcalibur
- Inferno (video game), a 1994 space flight simulation game by Digital Image Design
- Inferno, an installment of the video game Doom
- Alone in the Dark: Inferno, an updated version of the video game Alone in the Dark
Sports teams
- Brampton Inferno, a Canadian Lacrosse League team
- Columbia Inferno, an ECHL hockey team based in Columbia, South Carolina
- Indianapolis Inferno, a Great Lakes Junior Hockey League team
- Lancaster Inferno (NPSL), a defunct National Premier Soccer League team (2008)
- Lancaster Inferno (WPSL), a Women's Premier Soccer League team
- Phoenix Inferno, a defunct Major Indoor Soccer League team (1980-1983)
- Tampa Bay Inferno, a Women's Football Alliance team
- The teams of Alverno College, a Roman Catholic college in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Other uses
- Pedro de Ataíde Inferno, Captain-major of Portuguese Ceylon from 1564-1565
- Operation Inferno, a 1968 Israeli Defense Forces raid that escalated into the Battle of Karameh with Palestinian Liberation Organization and Jordanian Army forces
- Inferno (G.I. Joe), a fictional character in the G.I. Joe universe
- Inferno Peak, Antarctica
- Inferno Ridge, Antarctica
- Inferno (horse), a Canadian Thoroughbred racehorse
- Inferno (operating system), a distributed operating system started at Bell Labs
- Inferno (software), a visual effects software system
See also
- Dante's Inferno (disambiguation)
- Infernal (disambiguation)
- Infernus
- Towering Inferno (disambiguation)
English Journal
- Screening for Lung Cancer Using Low-Dose Computed Tomography. Are We Headed for DANTE's Paradise or Inferno?
- Tanner NT1, Silvestri GA.
- American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.Am J Respir Crit Care Med.2015 May 15;191(10):1100-1. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201503-0565ED.
- PMID 25978569
- The Neurologist in Dante's Inferno.
- Riva MA1, Bellani I, Tremolizzo L, Lorusso L, Ferrarese C, Cesana G.
- European neurology.Eur Neurol.2015;73(5-6):278-82. doi: 10.1159/000381541. Epub 2015 Apr 22.
- The year 2015 marks the 750th birth anniversary of the Italian poet Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). It is less known that Dante had a sound level of medical knowledge, probably derived by his academic studies. In his works, medieval notions of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology (e.g. the connection betwe
- PMID 25925207
- [Another Dante's inferno in a gold mine during the Vargas era: Nova Lima, Minas Gerais].
- Maia AC1.
- História, ciências, saúde--Manguinhos.Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos.2014 Oct-Dec;21(4):1197-214. doi: 10.1590/S0104-59702014000400007.
- This article analyzes the control strategies in place at Morro Velho mine in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, and the changes after the implementation of labor legislation during the Vargas administration. The diseases common amongst mine workers, silicosis and arsenicosis, are investigated thro
- PMID 25606724
Japanese Journal
- 書評 『原爆地獄 The Atomic Bomb Inferno』[岡田悌次,河勝重美,榮久庵憲司]
- 石川 逸子
- Coal sack = コールサック : 石炭袋 : 詩の降り注ぐ場所 (82), 201-203, 2015-06
- NAID 40020496928
- James Thomson (B. V.) とT. S. Eliot─都市のイメージ─(高成廈教授・寺木伸明教授 退任記念号)
- 日下 隆平
- 人間文化研究 (2), 245-276, 2015-03-23
- … Thomson drew parallels between Dante's Inferno and The City of Dreadful Night by quoting the inscription over the gate of Dante's Hell as the poem's Epigraph. …
- NAID 110009903556
- トマス・ピンチョンの『重力の虹』論 : 『神曲』と「荒地」の影響
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