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- 1. 自発性頭蓋内圧低下症:病態生理、臨床的特徴および診断spontaneous intracranial hypotension pathophysiology clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
…nondiagnostic. The procedure involves intrathecal injection, via lumbar puncture, of a radioisotope (indium-111 DTPA) . The dynamic flow of the isotope is followed by scanning at predetermined intervals for 24…
- 2. 転移性の高分化型胃腸系神経内分泌(カルチノイド)腫瘍:腫瘍増殖およびホルモン過剰分泌による症状を管理するための全身治療の選択肢metastatic well differentiated gastrointestinal neuroendocrine carcinoid tumors systemic therapy options to control tumor growth and symptoms of hormone hypersecretion [show details]
… radiolabeled form of the somatostatin analog octreotide (indium-111 [111-In] pentetreotide [OctreoScan]) or Gallium Ga-68… An analysis of kidney function over time using 99mTc-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) clearance to accurately assess glomerular filtration…
- 3. 腎不全患者に生じる抗がん剤の腎毒性と用量調整:分子標的治療薬chemotherapy nephrotoxicity and dose modification in patients with renal insufficiency molecularly targeted agents [show details]
…of kidney function over time using technetium-99m (99mTc) diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) clearance to accurately assess glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in 74 consecutive patients with …
- 4. 脊椎以外の骨髄炎の疑いがある状況での画像検査法approach to imaging modalities in the setting of suspected nonvertebral osteomyelitis [show details]
… imaging begins four to six hours after administration and may be repeated at 18 and 30 hours. For indium-111, images are acquired 18 to 30 hours following injection . Images are taken up to 24 hours later …
- 5. 転移性の高分化型胃腸膵管系神経内分泌腫瘍:症状、予後、画像および生化学的モニタリングmetastatic well differentiated gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors presentation prognosis imaging and biochemical monitoring [show details]
…significantly more metastases than either planar somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (SRS) using indium-111 (111-In) pentetreotide (OctreoScan) or CT (sensitivity rates for MRI, planar SRS, and CT were 95 …
English Journal
- Indium 111 diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid scintigraphy in the identification and management of intrathecal pump malfunction.
- Yowtak J, Cato K, Williams H, Salazar P, Macomson S, Sekul E, Vender J.
- PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation. 2013 Jan;5(1)32-8.
- Intrathecal drug-delivery systems have become widely used tools in the management of refractory chronic pain and spasticity. Because increasing numbers of patients are using these systems, rehabilitation specialists frequently are the initial care providers who identify clinical signs and symptoms i
- PMID 22981006
- Vaginal distribution and retention of a multiparticulate drug delivery system, assessed by gamma scintigraphy and magnetic resonance imaging.
- Mehta S, Verstraelen H, Peremans K, Villeirs G, Vermeire S, De Vos F, Mehuys E, Remon JP, Vervaet C.
- International journal of pharmaceutics. 2012 Apr;426(1-2)44-53.
- For any new vaginal dosage form, the distribution and retention in the vagina has to be assessed by in vivo evaluation. We evaluated the vaginal distribution and retention of starch-based pellets in sheep as live animal model by gamma scintigraphy (using Indium-111 DTPA as radiolabel) and in women v
- PMID 22265911
- Calcineurin inhibitor minimization using sirolimus leads to improved renal function in pediatric heart transplant recipients.
- Chinnock TJ, Shankel T, Deming D, Cutler D, Sahney S, Fitts J, Chinnock RE.
- Pediatric transplantation. 2011 Nov;15(7)746-9.
- The introduction of cyclosporine revolutionized the practice of immunosuppression for solid organ transplant recipients, and has resulted in a significant increase in survival. While CNI use has been the mainstay of immunosuppressive therapy in pediatric heart transplantation, CNIs have been associa
- PMID 21883751
Japanese Journal
- 腫瘍の核医学画像診断・治療を目的としたペプチド放射性医薬品-RI標識octreotide誘導体-
- Comparison of Indium-111-DTPA-IgG and Tc-99m-MIBI Accumulation in VX-2 Cancer
- Otsuka Nobuaki/Morita Koichi/Sone Teruki[他]
- Kawasaki medical journal 23(1), 43-48, 1997
- NAID 110000018543
- Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with indium-111-DTPA-D-Phe-1-octreotide in man: metabolism, dosimetry, and comparison with iodine-123-Tyr-3-octreotide
Related Links
- Indium DTPA In 111 Drug Information from Drugs.com. Includes Indium DTPA In 111 side effects, interactions and indications. Indium DTPA In 111 Drug Information from Drugs.com. Includes Indium DTPA In 111 side effects ...
- **2014年9月改訂(第5版) *2010年7月改訂 - 1 - 注) 注意-医師等の処方箋により使用すること 放射性医薬品・脳脊髄液腔病変診断薬 インジウムDTPA(111In)注 放射性医薬品基準ジエチレントリアミン五酢酸インジウム(111In ...
- INDIUM DTPA In 111 PENTETATE INDIUM DISODIUM In 111 DESCRIPTION GE Healthcare (Medi-Physics, Inc.) Indium DTPA In 111 is a diagnostic drug for intrathecal use. It is available as a sterile, pyrogen-free, isotonic, ...
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- 英
- diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid, DTPA, diethylenetriaminepentaacetate
- 同
- ジエチレントリアミン5酢酸、ジエチレントリアミンペンタ酢酸、ジエチレントリアミペンタアセテート酸
- ペンテト酸 pentetic acid
- 関
- テクネチウム99m-DTPA、Gd-DTPA、111In-DTPA
- http://www.chemicalbook.com/ChemicalProductProperty_JP_CB5497704.htm
- http://gennavi.com/?p=1145
- 英
- indium(111In) diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid
- 同
- インジウム111-DTPA, indium-111-DTPA, 111In-DTPA
- 商
- ジエチレントリアミン五酢酸インジウム(111In)
- 関
- 放射性医薬品
ジエチレントリアミン五酢酸 diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid
インジウム In