- 関
- illustrate、illustration
- a visual representation (a picture or diagram) that is used make some subject more pleasing or easier to understand
- artwork that helps make something clear or attractive
- supply with illustrations; "illustrate a book with drawings"
- depict with an illustration
- 実例となる,例証となる
- 〈C〉(説明などのための)『例』,実例(example) / 〈U〉(実例・図版・表などによる)(…の)説明,例証《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉『挿絵』,説明図,図版,イラスト
- …‘を'『説明する』,例証する / 〈本・雑誌など〉‘に'図解(挿絵)を入れる
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English Journal
- Pitfalls in special coagulation testing: three illustrative case studies.
- Moser KA, Adcock Funk DM.SourceColorado Coagulation, A Business Unit of Esoterix, Inc, Englewood, CO, USA.
- International journal of laboratory hematology.Int J Lab Hematol.2013 Jun;35(3):334-8. doi: 10.1111/ijlh.12067. Epub 2013 Mar 11.
- Assays in the special coagulation laboratory are affected by numerous factors, including pre-analytical variables, anticoagulant drugs, and abnormalities of the coagulation system other than the analyte specifically being examined. By reviewing special coagulation tests as a group and in concert wit
- PMID 23480842
- On the choice of doses for phase III clinical trials.
- Lisovskaja V, Burman CF.SourceDepartment of Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University, SE-412 96, Göteborg, Sweden.
- Statistics in medicine.Stat Med.2013 May 10;32(10):1661-76. doi: 10.1002/sim.5632. Epub 2012 Sep 30.
- Many potential new medicines fail in phase III clinical trials, because of either insufficient efficacy or intolerability. Such failures may be caused by the absence of an effect and also if a suboptimal dose is being tested. It is thus important to consider how to optimise the choice of dose or dos
- PMID 23023767
- Latino values in the context of palliative care: illustrative cases from the family focused grief therapy trial.
- Gaudio FD, Hichenberg S, Eisenberg M, Kerr E, Zaider TI, Kissane DW.Source1Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA.
- The American journal of hospice & palliative care.Am J Hosp Palliat Care.2013 May;30(3):271-8. doi: 10.1177/1049909112448926. Epub 2012 Jun 5.
- Background: Clinicians meet a variety of ethnicities among patients and families in hospice programs. This article focuses on Latino families.METHODS: Within a controlled trial of family therapy in the context of palliative care, 17 families identified as Hispanic. Five were examined qualitatively h
- PMID 22669936
Japanese Journal
- Mezeghrani Fatima Zohra
- Osaka Journal of Mathematics 50(3), 725-747, 2013-09
- … A few illustrative examples related to the interpolation theory are discussed. …
- NAID 120005327213
- WIB工法による杭基礎の液状化時の耐震性向上と合理的設計(<特集>杭基礎の健全性評価と補強技術)
- 竹宮 宏和
- 地盤工学会誌 61(8), 22-25, 2013-08-01
- … An illustrative example case study is given to demonstrate the economical design of piles when the WIB is used in addition for enhancement around them. …
- NAID 110009634979
- 歯科・口腔外科的手術後の耳鼻咽喉科的合併症に対する内視鏡下鼻内手術の3例
- 國弘 幸伸,大場 俊彦
- 福岡医学雑誌 = Fukuoka acta medica 104(6), 205-213, 2013-06-25
- NAID 40019806294
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- il·lus·tra·tive (ĭ-lŭs′trə-tĭv, ĭl′ə-strā′tĭv) adj. Acting or serving as an illustration. il·lus′tra·tive·ly adv. il•lus•tra•tive ... One day I was sitting on a red marble bench in the vestibule looking up at an ancient piece of apprentice-work, in mosaic, illustrative ...
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- 図解する、図示する、説明する、例証する、模式化する
- 関
- account for、diagram、exemplification、exemplify、explain、explanation、graphic display、graphical display、illustration、illustrative、interpretative、represent
- 関
- account for、diagram、exemplification、exemplify、explain、explanation、graphic display、graphical display、illustrate、illustrative、interpretative、represent
- 英
- illustration、illustrate、illustrative
- 関
- 図示、説明、例証、模式化