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- hyperlipemia、hyperlipidaemia、hyperlipidaemic、hyperlipidemia、hyperlipidemic、lipidemic
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- 1. 腎移植後の脂質異常 lipid abnormalities after renal transplantation
English Journal
- Effect of a high-fat challenge on the proteome of human postprandial plasma.
- Dejeans N, Herosimczyk A, Sayd T, Chambon C, Martin JF, Maier JA, Tauveron I, Mazur A.SourceINRA, UMR 1019, UNH, CRNH Auvergne, F-63009 Clermont-Ferrand, France.
- Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland).Clin Nutr.2012 Jun 19. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND & AIMS: Postprandial lipemia has been associated with inflammation, oxidative stress and vascular dysfunction. This metabolic disturbance represents a complex process only partly understood. The purpose of this study was to identify variations in plasma proteome after a high-fat chall
- PMID 22721722
- Cholesterol metabolism differs after statin therapy according to the type of hyperlipemia.
- Lupattelli G, Siepi D, De Vuono S, Roscini AR, Crisanti F, Covelli D, Pirro M, Mannarino E.SourceInternal Medicine, Angiology and Atherosclerosis, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Perugia, Italy. glupa@unipg.it
- Life sciences.Life Sci.2012 Jun 6;90(21-22):846-50. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2012.03.038. Epub 2012 Apr 24.
- AIM: Non-cholesterol sterols reflect cholesterol metabolism. Statins reduce cholesterol synthesis usually with a rise in cholesterol absorption. Common hyperlipemias have shown different patterns of cholesterol metabolism. We evaluated whether cholesterol absorption and synthesis may differ after st
- PMID 22554491
Japanese Journal
- 高脂血症から回復したポニーの血液生化学値の変化(内科学)
- 及川 伸,MCGUIRK Sheila,西部 観,樋口 貴志,黒澤 隆,綿貫 実,佐藤 博
- The journal of veterinary medical science 68(4), 353-359, 2006-04-25
- 高脂血症は,ポニーに特有の脂質代謝異常であり,その致死率は高い.このレポートは,高脂血症を発症したポニーの急性期から回復後期にかけての臨床生化学的所見を日本で初めて記述したものである.本症例は,酪農大の家畜病院に入院した妊娠後期の3頭のシェットランド種のポニー(7〜9歳,30〜45日間の入院)であった.なお,12頭の健康なポニーから得られたデータを対照とした.主要な臨床所見は,沈うつ,嚥下障害,食 …
- NAID 110004758088
- PJ-639 Pitavastatin Increases Circulating Adiponectin in Hyperlipemic Patients(Atherosclerosis, clinical-13 (H) PJ107,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Inami Norihito,Inami Norihito,Nomura shousaku,shouzu akira,shouda yasuhiro,Takahashi Nobuyuki,Kimura Yutaka,Tanaka Atsushi,Nanba Masashi,omoto seitarou,yamada kouichi,kajiura takayuki,Iwasaka Toshiji
- Circulation journal : official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society 70(Supplement_I), 647, 2006-03-01
- NAID 110005943359
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- hyperlipemic、hyperlipidaemia、hyperlipidaemic、hyperlipidemia、hyperlipidemic、lipemia、lipidemic
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- hyperlipemia、hyperlipemic、hyperlipidaemia、hyperlipidaemic、hyperlipidemia、lipidemic
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- hyperlipemia、hyperlipemic、hyperlipidaemia、hyperlipidaemic、hyperlipidemia、hyperlipidemic
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- hyperlipemia、hyperlipemic、hyperlipidaemia、hyperlipidemia、hyperlipidemic、lipidemic