- bring bad luck; be a source of misfortune
- (geology) a column of weathered and unusually shaped rock; "a tall sandstone hoodoo"
- something believed to bring bad luck
- a practitioner of voodoo
- cover with a hood; "The bandits were hooded"
- protective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine; "there are powerful engines under the hoods of new cars"; "the mechanic removed the cowling in order to repair the planes engine" (同)bonnet, cowl, cowling
- metal covering leading to a vent that exhausts smoke or fumes (同)exhaust hood
- a tubular attachment used to keep stray light out of the lens of a camera (同)lens hood
- (falconry) a leather covering for a hawks head
- (zoology) an expandable part or marking that resembles a hood on the head or neck of an animal
- a headdress that protects the head and face
- the folding roof of a carriage
- a protective covering that is part of a plant (同)cap
- an aggressive and violent young criminal (同)hoodlum, goon, punk, thug, tough, toughie, strong-armer
- (slang) a neighborhood
- (slang) a neighborhood
- 〈U〉不運 / 〈C〉不吉なもの,縁起の悪い人 / 〈人〉‘に'不運をもたらす
- 『ずきん』,フード / (馬車・自動車などの)ほろ,(電灯,煙突などの)かさ,(機械などの)おおい,(カメラのレンズ用の)フード / 《米》(自動車の)ボンネット(車体のエンジン部分のおおい)(《英》bonnet) / (大学の式服などの)背の垂れ布 / …‘を'ずきん(ほろ,かさなど)でおおう,‘に'ずきん(ほろ,かさなど)をつける;(ずきんなどで)…‘を'おおう《+『名』+『with』+『名』》
- =hoodlum
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/02/21 14:37:51」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Hoodoo may refer to:
- Hoodoo (folk magic), African-American traditional folk magic
- Hoodoo Gurus, an Australian rock music group
- Hoodoo (Alison Moyet album), the third solo album by singer/songwriter Alison Moyet
- Hoodoo (John Fogerty album), John Fogerty's third solo album, was recorded in the late spring of 1976 but never released
- Hoodoo (Krokus album), the 16th album by heavy metal band Krokus
- "Hoodoo", a song by the English rock band Muse from their album Black Holes and Revelations
- Hoodoo: Unraveling the 100 Year Mystery of the Chicago Cubs, a book by Grant DePorter
- Horatio J. HooDoo, a character in the Lidsville TV show
Geology and geography
- Hoodoo No. 401, Saskatchewan, a rural municipality
- Hoodoo (geology), a rock formation
- Hoodoo Mountain, a stratovolcano in northwestern British Columbia, Canada
- Hoodoo Butte, a volcanic cone in the Cascade Range in Oregon, United States
- Hoodoo (ski area), a ski resort located on Hoodoo Butte
- Hoodoo Mountains in Latah County, Idaho, United States
- Castle Rock Hoodoos Provincial Park, near Savona, British Columbia
- Dutch Creek Hoodoos, near Canal Flats, British Columbia
English Journal
- The sensitivity of the Spontaneous Selective Attention Test (SSAT): a study of schizophrenic inpatients and outpatients versus normal controls.
- Myles-Worsley M1, Coon H, Byerley W.
- Schizophrenia research.Schizophr Res.1998 May 25;31(2-3):131-9.
- The Spontaneous Selective Attention Task (SSAT) is a visual word-identification task that measures the type of selective attention that occurs spontaneously when there are multiple stimuli, all potentially relevant, and insufficient time to process each of them fully. The present study was designed
- PMID 9689717
- Genetic and developmental factors in spontaneous selective attention: a study of normal twins.
- Myles-Worsley M1, Coon H.
- Psychiatry research.Psychiatry Res.1997 Aug 8;71(3):163-74.
- The Spontaneous Selective Attention Task (SSAT) is a visual word identification task designed to measure the type of selective attention that occurs spontaneously when there are multiple stimuli, all potentially relevant, and insufficient time to process each of them fully. These are conditions whic
- PMID 9271789
- Anthropology's Hoodoo Museum.
- Fox K1.
- Culture, medicine and psychiatry.Cult Med Psychiatry.1995 Sep;19(3):409-21.
- PMID 8529395
- White liver: a cultural disorder resembling AIDS.
- Kerr HD1.
- Social science & medicine (1982).Soc Sci Med.1993 Mar;36(5):609-14.
- Hoodoo is a folk belief system common among black Americans. Conjuration and rootwork are other terms used to describe this system which includes the casting of spells and witchcraft. This paper describes the black folk concept of 'white liver', an aspect of hoodoo which bears striking resemblance t
- PMID 8456330
Japanese Journal
- 西垣内 磨留美
- 長野県看護大学紀要 4, 11-18, 2002-03-31
- フロリダ大学図書館所蔵の書簡を検討した結果,Zora Neale Hurstonの人生の分岐点をめぐる側面,そしてそこから導かれた晩年の姿が明らかになった.Hurstonは,1935年,奨学金を得て学位を取得し大学で教鞭をとるという道につながる選択を捨てる決断をするが,これはその後を左右する重要な決断であった.この決断をHurstonにさせたのは,フォークロアやフードゥに関する資料を収集し,アフリ …
- NAID 110004687746
- 地形過程における岩石制約 : 日本における研究史と展望(<特集>地形プロセスにおけるロックコントロール)
- 鈴木 隆介
- 地形 23(2), 161-199, 2002-03-25
- … 研究は,地形過程における岩石制約の意義を精細に議論できる点で有意義である.タフォニの形成過程・成長速度(松倉公憲,砂村継夫,田中幸哉,など),海上橋の石積み橋脚の削剥過程・速度(高橋健一ら)や不吉岩(hoodoo)の形成過程(田中幸哉ら)の研究がその例である.地形過程ごとに,それに関与する重要な岩石物性の種類は異なる.巨大エネルギーによる地形過程(例 : 阻石落下)では岩石物性の差異はほとんど無意味であるが,微 …
- NAID 110001271494
- "Witnessing the Ceremony"--The Writing of Folklore and Hoodoo in Zora Neale Hurston′s Mules and Men
Related Links
- A hoodoo (also called a tent rock, fairy chimney, and earth pyramid) is a tall, thin spire of rock that protrudes from the bottom of an arid drainage basin or badland. Hoodoos, which can range from 5-150 feet tall (1.5-45 meters), typically consist ...
- Hoodoo, also known as conjure, and "Voodoo" (which strictly speaking is different in many ways) is a traditional African-American folk spirituality that developed from a number of West African, Native American, and European spiritual traditions ...
- Hoodoo may refer to: Culture[edit]. Hoodoo (folk magic), African-American traditional folk magic; Hoodoo Gurus, an Australian rock music group; Hoodoo ( Alison Moyet album), the third solo album by singer/songwriter Alison Moyet; Hoodoo ...
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