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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/08/26 23:05:09」(JST)
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For guidelines on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:List of guidelines or Wikipedia:Policies and guidelines.
- "Guideline" is the NATO reporting name for the Soviet SA-2 surface-to-air missile.
A guideline is a statement by which to determine a course of action. A guideline aims to streamline particular processes according to a set routine or sound practice. By definition, following a guideline is never mandatory. Guidelines are not binding and are not enforced. ( U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, http://www.va.gov/trm/TRMGlossaryPage.asp )
Guidelines may be issued by and used by any organization (governmental or private) to make the actions of its employees or divisions more predictable, and presumably of higher quality.
Examples or guidelines are:
- EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles
- Federal Sentencing Guidelines
- Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office
- Medical guidelines
- Human interface guidelines
- Programming style guidelines
- UNGEGN Toponymic Guidelines
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English Journal
- Sources of errors in spatial frequency domain imaging of scattering media.
- Bodenschatz N, Brandes A, Liemert A, Kienle A.AbstractKnowledge of the impact of potential sources of error in spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI) is essential for the quantitative characterization of absorption and scattering in tissue and other turbid media. We theoretically investigate the error in the derived absorption and scattering parameter, subject to typical experimental and theoretical sources of errors. This provides a guideline to properly assess the significance of various parameters related to the measurement and the theoretical evaluation of spatial frequency domain reflectance data. At the same time, this study serves as a reference to estimate the overall precision of derived optical parameters of semi-infinite scattering media using SFDI.
- Journal of biomedical optics.J Biomed Opt.2014 Jul;19(7):071405. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.19.7.071405.
- Knowledge of the impact of potential sources of error in spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI) is essential for the quantitative characterization of absorption and scattering in tissue and other turbid media. We theoretically investigate the error in the derived absorption and scattering parameter
- PMID 24474551
- Combined repeated-dose toxicity study of silver nanoparticles with the reproduction/developmental toxicity screening test.
- Hong JS, Kim S, Lee SH, Jo E, Lee B, Yoon J, Eom IC, Kim HM, Kim P, Choi K, Lee MY, Seo YR, Kim Y, Lee Y, Choi J, Park K.Author information Korea Testing and Research Institute, Health Care Research and Creation , Gimpo , Korea.AbstractCombined repeated-dose toxicity study of citrate-capped silver nanoparticles (7.9 ± 0.95 nm) with reproduction/developmental toxicity was investigated in rats orally treated with 62.5, 125 and 250 mg/kg, once a day for 42 days for males and up to 52 days for females. The test was performed based on the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development test guideline 422 and Good Laboratory Practice principles. No death was observed in any of the groups. Alopecia, salivation and yellow discolouration of the lung were observed in a few rats but the symptoms were not dose-dependent. Haematology, serum biochemical investigation and histopathological analysis revealed no statistically significant differences between control group and the treated groups. Toxicity endpoints of reproduction/developmental screening test including mating, fertility, implantation, delivery and foetus were measured. There was no evidence of toxicity.
- Nanotoxicology.Nanotoxicology.2014 Jun;8(4):349-62. doi: 10.3109/17435390.2013.780108. Epub 2013 Mar 19.
- Combined repeated-dose toxicity study of citrate-capped silver nanoparticles (7.9 ± 0.95 nm) with reproduction/developmental toxicity was investigated in rats orally treated with 62.5, 125 and 250 mg/kg, once a day for 42 days for males and up to 52 days for females. The test was performed based on
- PMID 23432083
- Integrating ergonomics into engineering design: The role of objects.
- Hall-Andersen LB1, Broberg O2.Author information 1Department of Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Building 424, DK 2800 Lyngby, Denmark; ALECTIA Consulting, Teknikerbyen 34, DK 2830 Virum, Denmark. Electronic address: lbjso@dtu.dk.2Department of Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Building 424, DK 2800 Lyngby, Denmark.AbstractThe objective of this study was to explore the role of objects in integrating ergonomic knowledge in engineering design processes. An engineering design case was analyzed using the theoretical concepts of boundary objects and intermediary objects: Boundary objects facilitate collaboration between different knowledge domains, while the aim of an intermediary object is to circulate knowledge and thus produce a distant effect. Adjustable layout drawings served as boundary objects and had a positive impact on the dialog between an ergonomist and designers. An ergonomic guideline document was identified as an intermediary object. However, when the ergonomic guidelines were circulated in the design process, only some of the guidelines were transferred to the design of the sterile processing plant. Based on these findings, recommendations for working with objects in design processes are included.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2014 May;45(3):647-54. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2013.09.002. Epub 2013 Oct 20.
- The objective of this study was to explore the role of objects in integrating ergonomic knowledge in engineering design processes. An engineering design case was analyzed using the theoretical concepts of boundary objects and intermediary objects: Boundary objects facilitate collaboration between di
- PMID 24148875
Japanese Journal
- 原発性胃癌に対する術後抗凝固療法 : 関連病院におけるアンケート結果報告
- 関節リウマチ治療におけるJCR,EULARおよびACRのガイドライン・リコメンデーションの特徴とその比較 (特集 今,知っておきたい「リウマチ」のすべて) -- (薬物治療の新しい話題)
- 平和主義,立憲主義,民主主義を侵害する日米ガイドラインと戦争法 (特集 立憲主義・民主主義・平和主義を取り戻す)
Related Links
- C&F DESIGN 今から10年以上前、ガイドラインという名前とオリジナリティーの高い商品は、フライラインとシューティングヘッドの世界で、スカンジナビアのフライフィッシャーの心に深く刻まれることになりました。
- GUIDELINE BECOMES NEW DISTRIBUTOR OF EINARSSON FLY REELS GUIDELINE well established in Canada News 2015 - LXi T-Pac Rods GL Fir-Skin Gloves Bags Facebook Guideline Sweden AB :: Phone: +46 31 92 36:: ...
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- 英
- guideline
- http://www.j-circ.or.jp/guideline/pdf/JCS2007_yamaguchi_d.pdf
- 社団法人日本耳鼻咽喉科学会 嚥下障害診療ガイドライン 耳鼻咽喉科外来における対応
- クラスI:有益であるとの根拠があり、適応が一般に同意されている。
- クラスIIa:有益であるとの意見が多い。
- クラスIIb:有益であるとの意見が少ない。
- クラスIII:有益でない。または有害である。
- 英
- guideline
- 関
- ガイドライン
- 関
- clinical practice guideline、practice guideline
- 関
- clinical guideline、clinical practice guideline
- 関
- clinical guideline、practice guideline