- 関
- granular
- a tiny grain
- 小粒,微粒
- (砂糖などが)粒の,粒状の / (紙・革などが)表面がざらざらしている
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/11/01 19:10:45」(JST)
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Look up granule or granules in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
A granule is a large particle or grain. It can also be
- Granule (solar physics), visible structures in the photosphere of the Sun arising from activity in the Sun's convective zone
- Granule (cell biology), any of several submicroscopic structures, some with explicable origins, others noted only as cell type-specific features of unknown function
- "Azurophil granule", a structure characteristic of the azurophil eukarytotic cell type
- "Chromaffin granule", a structure characteristic of the chromophil eukaryotic cell type
- Martian spherules, spherical granules of material found on the surface of the planet Mars
- Granule (geology), a specified particle size of 2–4 millimetres (-1–-2 on the φ scale)
- In pharmaceutical terms, a granule is small particles gathered into a larger, permanent aggregate in which the original particles can still be identified
- In the Oracle database, a unit of contiguously allocated virtual memory
See also
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English Journal
- Structural and functional properties of alkali-treated high-amylose rice starch.
- Cai J, Yang Y, Man J, Huang J, Wang Z, Zhang C, Gu M, Liu Q, Wei C.SourceKey Laboratories of Crop Genetics and Physiology of the Jiangsu Province, Plant Functional Genomics of the Ministry of Education, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Feb 15;145:245-53. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.08.059. Epub 2013 Aug 27.
- Native starches were isolated from mature grains of high-amylose transgenic rice TRS and its wild-type rice TQ and treated with 0.1% and 0.4% NaOH for 7 and 14 days at 35 °C. Alkali-treated starches were characterised for structural and functional properties using various physical methods. The 0.1%
- PMID 24128474
- Distinctive population of Gfap-expressing neural progenitors arising around the dentate notch migrate and form the granule cell layer in the developing hippocampus.
- Seki T, Sato T, Toda K, Osumi N, Imura T, Shioda S.SourceDepartment of Histology and Neuroanatomy, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, 160-8402, Japan.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2014 Feb;522(2):Spc1. doi: 10.1002/cne.23508.
- In the adult hippocampus, granule cells continue to be generated from astrocyte-like progenitors expressing glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) that differ from embryonic neocortical progenitors. However, during the embryonic period, dentate granule neurons and neocortical pyramidal neurons are d
- PMID 24311322
- Distinctive population of Gfap-expressing neural progenitors arising around the dentate notch migrate and form the granule cell layer in the developing hippocampus.
- Seki T, Sato T, Toda K, Osumi N, Imura T, Shioda S.SourceDepartment of Histology and Neuroanatomy, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, 160-8402, Japan.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2014 Feb;522(2):261-83. doi: 10.1002/cne.23460.
- In the adult hippocampus, granule cells continue to be generated from astrocyte-like progenitors expressing glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) that differ from embryonic neocortical progenitors. However, during the embryonic period, dentate granule neurons and neocortical pyramidal neurons are d
- PMID 23983092
Japanese Journal
- Mechanical Properties of Agglomerates Produced by the Mechanical Vibration of Cohesive Powders
- Investigation of Physicochemical Drug Properties to Prepare Fine Globular Granules Composed of Only Drug Substance in Fluidized Bed Rotor Granulation
- Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin 63(12), 1070-1075, 2015-12
- NAID 40020661279
- High-dose cyclophosphamide induces specific tumor immunity with concomitant recruitment of LAMP1/CD107a-expressing CD4-positive T cells into tumor sites
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- 英
- granule
- アズール好性
- アズール→紫褐、紫赤
- リンパ球、単球、前骨髄球、血小板、巨核球
- リンパ球では0.3-0.6μm
- 好酸性
- エオシン→赤橙色
- 好酸球
- 0.5-0.7μm
- 関
- granule、particulate
- 英
- granule
- 関
- 顆粒、顆粒剤
- 英
- granule
- 関
- 顆粒、粒剤
- 関
- kinetosome