- 関
- gastric remnant
- travel through a district and make political speeches; "the candidate stumped the Northeast"
- the base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felled (同)tree stump
- remove tree stumps from; "stump a field"
- (cricket) any of three upright wooden posts that form the wicket
- the part of a limb or tooth that remains after the rest is removed
- cause to be perplexed or confounded; "This problem stumped her" (同)mix up
- relating to or involving the stomach; "gastric ulcer" (同)stomachic, stomachal
- campaigning for something by making political speeches (stump speeches)
- (木の)『切り株』 / (一般に主要部分を除いた)『残部』,残片;(特に手足の)切れ残り / (政治演説の)演壇[米国で開拓時代に切り株を演壇に用いたことから] / 《話》〈人〉‘を'困惑させる,困らせる,閉口させる / 《副詞[句]を伴って》ぎごちなく(重い足どりで)歩く,ドタドタ歩く / 政治演説して回る,遊説する
- 胃の,胃に発生する
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English Journal
- Duodenal stump fistula after gastrectomy for gastric cancer: risk factors, prevention, and management.
- Paik HJ1, Lee SH1, Choi CI1, Kim DH1, Jeon TY2, Kim DH2, Jeon UB3, Choi CW4, Hwang SH1.
- Annals of surgical treatment and research.Ann Surg Treat Res.2016 Mar;90(3):157-63. doi: 10.4174/astr.2016.90.3.157. Epub 2016 Feb 26.
- PURPOSE: A duodenal stump fistula is one of the most severe complications after gastrectomy for gastric cancer. We aimed to analyze the risk factors for this problem, and to identify the methods used for its prevention and management.METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical data of 716 cons
- PMID 26942159
- [Retrospective clinical analysis of surgical treatment for gastric stump carcinoma].
- Xi HQ1, Cui JX, Hu C, Ma LG, Wei B, Chen L.
- Zhonghua wai ke za zhi [Chinese journal of surgery].Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi.2016 Mar;54(3):182-6. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0529-5815.2016.03.006.
- OBJECTIVES: To investigate the clinical feature and surgical procedures of gastric stump carcinoma (GSC) and to identify the prognostic factors which influence survival rate of GSC patients.METHODS: Clinical data of 167 patients who underwent R0 resection for gastric stump carcinoma at Chinese Peopl
- PMID 26932885
- [Application of da Vinci robotic surgical system in radical resection of gastric and colorectal cancer: a report of 647 cases].
- Tang B1, Zeng DZ, Zhao YL, Qian F, Shi Y, Hao YX, Zhang C, Luo HX, Yu PW.
- Zhonghua wai ke za zhi [Chinese journal of surgery].Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi.2016 Mar;54(3):177-81. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0529-5815.2016.03.005.
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate the feasibility and safety of robotic-assisted radical resection of gastric and colorectal cancer.METHODS: The clinical data of 305 patients who received radical resection of gastric cancer and 342 patients who received radical resection of colorectal cancer both accomplish
- PMID 26932884
Japanese Journal
- Incidence of metachronous gastric cancer in the remnant stomach after synchronous multiple cancer surgery
- 胃切除術後にWernicke-Korsakoff症候群を発症した1例
- 中嶌 雅之,永末 裕友,田中 栄治,林 亨治,横溝 博,平田 稔彦
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(6), 1551-1555, 2014
- 症例は65歳,男性.平成21年4月上旬に心窩部痛を主訴に近医受診し,上部消化管内視鏡検査で胃癌と診断され,治療目的で当院紹介受診した.6月下旬に腹腔鏡補助下幽門側胃切除,Roux-en-Y再建術を施行した.術後4日目に十二指腸断端の縫合不全と診断し,術後9日目,開腹ドレナージ術を施行した.初回手術後14日目から食事を再開した.食事摂取量は20から70%程度であり,末梢血管から輸液の補充を行った.初 …
- NAID 130004901233
- 小川 史洋,中島 裕康,柿沼 廣邦,三枝 信,佐藤 之俊
- 日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 53(2), 148-149, 2014
- … A 61-year-old man underwent distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer. … Finally, histopathologial examination of the resected specimen revealed the nodule as a metastasis from gastric cancer. … The tumor stump cytology showed a necrotic background and cell clusters with three-dimensional tubular structures. …
- NAID 130004513247
Related Links
- gastric stump Gastroenterology That part of the stomach that remains after partial resection ... Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational ...
- gastric stump definition from the mondofacto online medical dictionary ... help contact sitemap gastric stump definition home dictionary word tools courses study skills forum about us Search dictionary help gastric stump medical ...
- 英
- gastric stump
- 関
- 胃残留物
- 関
- gastric stump
- 関
- gastro、stomach、ventriculi、ventriculus