- performing or able to perform its regular function; "a functioning flashlight"
- not performing or able to perform its regular function; "a malfunctioning valve" (同)nonfunctional
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English Journal
- Physicians' Experiences as Patients with Statin Side Effects: A Case Series.
- Koslik HJ1, Meskimen AH1, Golomb BA2.
- Drug safety - case reports.Drug Saf Case Rep.2017 Dec;4(1):3. doi: 10.1007/s40800-017-0045-0.
- PMID 28217821
- Select physical performance measures and driving outcomes in older adults.
- Mielenz TJ1,2, Durbin LL3, Cisewski JA3, Guralnik JM4, Li G3,5,6.
- Injury epidemiology.Inj Epidemiol.2017 Dec;4(1):14. doi: 10.1186/s40621-017-0110-2. Epub 2017 May 8.
- PMID 28459121
- Long-term lithium treatment in bipolar disorder: effects on glomerular filtration rate and other metabolic parameters.
- Tondo L1,2,3, Abramowicz M4, Alda M5, Bauer M6, Bocchetta A7,8, Bolzani L9, Calkin CV5, Chillotti C8, Hidalgo-Mazzei D10, Manchia M11,12, Müller-Oerlinghausen B13, Murru A10, Perugi G14, Pinna M15,16, Quaranta G14, Reginaldi D15, Reif A17, Ritter P Jr6, Rybakowski JK4, Saiger D18, Sani G19, Selle V20,9, Stamm T18,21, Vázquez GH22,23,24, Veeh J17, Vieta E10, Baldessarini RJ20,22.
- International journal of bipolar disorders.Int J Bipolar Disord.2017 Dec;5(1):27. doi: 10.1186/s40345-017-0096-2. Epub 2017 Aug 1.
- PMID 28480485
Japanese Journal
- 母親の家庭・職場環境による子育てストレスの差と保育園・幼稚園への期待
- 梅花女子大学心理こども学部紀要 = Baika Women's University Research Bulletin-Faculty of Psychology and Children's Studies (8), 17-34, 2018-03-22
- NAID 120006415720
- 大学生におけるアイデンティティ発達と学業・友人・家族機能との関連─学生生活サイクルの視点から─
- 吉備国際大学研究紀要(人文・社会科学系) = Journal of KIBI International University Humanities and Social Sciences (28), 27-43, 2018-03-16
- NAID 120006413570
- 三溪園の活用と運営の展望 : 公共庭園・観光資源として機能する庭園
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- hyperactive、hyperactivity、hyperfunction
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- high-performance