- 同
- 大孔髄膜腫
- a natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure (同)hiatus
- a large wine bottle for liquor or wine
- a tumor arising in the meninges which surround the brain and spinal cord; usually slow growing and sometimes malignant
- marine microorganism having a calcareous shell with openings where pseudopods protrude (同)foraminifer
- (骨・植物などの)孔(こう),開口
- (ぶどう酒などが約2リットルはいる)大びん
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English Journal
- A minimal access far-lateral approach to foramen magnum lesions.
- Kryzanski JT1, Robertson JH2, Heilman CB1.
- Journal of neurological surgery. Part B, Skull base.J Neurol Surg B Skull Base.2014 Aug;75(4):236-42. doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1371363. Epub 2014 Apr 4.
- Objectives The far-lateral approach is widely used to treat pathology of the ventral foramen magnum. Numerous methods of exposure have been described, most of which utilize long skin incisions and myocutaneous flaps. Here we present our experience with gaining exposure through a small paramedian i
- PMID 25093146
- Foramen magnum meningiomas: surgical treatment in a single public institution in a developing country.
- Colli BO1, Carlotti-Junior CG1, Assirati-Junior JA1, Borba LA2, Coelho-Junior Vde P1, Neder L3.
- Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria.Arq Neuropsiquiatr.2014 Jul;72(7):528-37.
- OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical outcome of patients with foramen magnum (FM) meningiomas.METHOD: Thirteen patients (11 Feminine / 2 Masculine with FM meningiomas operated on through lateral suboccipital approach were studied. Clinical outcome were analyzed using survival (SC) and recurrence-free
- PMID 25054986
- Primary ventral foramen magnum meningeal melanocytoma.
- Sodhi HB, Salunke P1, Sahoo SK, Radotra BD, Kumar N.
- Neurology India.Neurol India.2014 Mar-Apr;62(2):230-2. doi: 10.4103/0028-3886.132452.
- PMID 24823756
Japanese Journal
- Foramen magnum meningioma with arterial supply from the odontoid arterial arch system
- Miyazaki Tomoko,Suzuki Sachio,Kurata Akira [他]
- The Kitasato medical journal 40(2), 154-157, 2010-09
- NAID 40017293772
- 大孔部腫瘍の外科的治療(<特集>頭蓋頸椎移行部疾患の外科治療)
- 寳子丸 稔
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 17(4), 299-310, 2008-04-20
- 大孔部に発生する腫瘍の発生頻度は少なく,経験できる症例が限られていること,腫瘍の周囲には延髄や椎骨動脈などの重要な構造物が存在すること,腫瘍摘出後の骨格の安定性に配慮を必要とすることなどから,外科的治療に困難を伴うことが多い.さらに,大孔部では硬膜外静脈叢が発達していることが多く,骨や椎骨動脈の露出にあたっては硬膜外静脈叢の処理に注意を払う必要がある.硬膜外腫瘍は浸潤性に発育するものが多く,全摘出 …
- NAID 110006657324
- 頭蓋底腫瘍摘出術におけるナビゲーションシステムの有用性
- 竹本 安範,藤津 和彦,市川 輝夫,武田 行広,宮原 宏輔,松永 成生
- 医療 60(7), 453-458, 2006
- 2001年1月より2005年12月まで光学式ナビゲーションシステム(Stealth Station TREON, Medtronic Sofamor Danek社, Minneapolis, MN)支援下で24例の頭蓋底腫瘍摘出術を行った. この使用経験をもとにナビゲーションシステムの頭蓋底外科における有用性を検討した. 内訳は髄膜腫11例, 神経鞘腫4例, 下垂体腺腫4例, 形質細胞腫2例, コ …
- NAID 130004316658
Related Links
- Foramen magnum meningiomas are challenging tumors, requiring special considerations because of the vicinity of the medulla oblongata, the lower cranial nerves, and the vertebral artery. After detailing the relevant anatomy of the foramen ...
- In anatomy, the foramen magnum (Latin: "great hole") is a large opening in the occipital bone of the cranium. It is one of the several oval or circular apertures in the base of the skull (the foramina), through which the medulla oblongata (an ...
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- 同
- foramen magnum meningioma
- 関
- foramina、hole、vent