- a section of something that is long and narrow; "a length of timber"; "a length of tubing"
- the linear extent in space from one end to the other; the longest dimension of something that is fixed in place; "the length of the table was 5 feet"
- the property of being the extent of something from beginning to end; "the editor limited the length of my article to 500 words"
- the longest and thickest bone of the human skeleton; extends from the pelvis to the knee (同)thighbone, femoris
- Florida
- 〈U〉〈C〉(空間・時間の)『長さ』 / 〈U〉〈C〉長いこと,長い状態 / 〈C〉単位となる長さ;(競馬・競艇の)1馬身,1艇身 / 〈C〉ある長さの物(部分)
- 大腿骨(だいたいこつ)(thighbone)
- female / feminine
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- 1. 妊娠期間の出生前評価 prenatal assessment of gestational age
- 2. 胎児発育遅延の診断 diagnosis of fetal growth restriction
- 3. 致死的骨格形成異常の出生前診断 prenatal diagnosis of the lethal skeletal dysplasias
- 4. 胎児異数性に関連する超音波所見 sonographic findings associated with fetal aneuploidy
- 5. 先天性股関節脱臼の臨床的特徴および診断 clinical features and diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip
English Journal
- Elderly men with renal dysfunction are most at risk for poor outcome after neck of femur fractures.
- Khan SK, Rushton SP, Courtney M, Gray AC, Deehan DJ.SourceRoyal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle University Hospitals NHS Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
- Age and ageing.Age Ageing.2013 Jan;42(1):76-81. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afs152. Epub 2012 Oct 3.
- BACKGROUND: both acute and chronic renal dysfunction (ARD and CRD) have been reported to influence outcomes after neck of femur fractures. We have examined the relationship between the length of stay, mortality and renal dysfunction using biomarkers. These included pre-operative (admission) serum co
- PMID 23034557
- Disruption of the insulin-like growth factor-1 gene in osteocytes impairs developmental bone growth in mice.
- Sheng MH, Zhou XD, Bonewald LF, Baylink DJ, Lau KH.SourceDivision of Regenerative Medicine, Department of Medicine, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, CA 92350, USA. Electronic address: MSheng@llu.edu.
- Bone.Bone.2013 Jan;52(1):133-44. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2012.09.027. Epub 2012 Sep 29.
- This study evaluated the role of osteocyte-derived insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in developmental bone growth by assessing the bone phenotype of osteocyte Igf1 conditional knockout (KO) mice, generated by crossing the Dmp1-driven Cre-expressing transgenic mice with Igf1 floxed mice containing
- PMID 23032105
Japanese Journal
- Osgood-Schlatter 病発症者と非発症者との間で骨長増加に対する筋タイトネス変化が異なる
- 戸島 美智生,鳥居 俊
- 日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌 = The journal of Japanese Society of Clinical Sports Medicine 19(3), 473-479, 2011-08-31
- NAID 10029606462
- Osgood-Schlatter病発症に下肢の骨長増加量が関係する
- 戸島 美智生,鳥居 俊
- 発育発達研究 2011(50), 50_1-50_7, 2011
- … The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the lower limb length and the onset of OSD.The subjects of the present experiment were 27 male junior high school soccer players whose femur and tibia length were measured by using the scanned image of DXA (Delphi-AQDR ; … 12 legs).As a result of logistic regression analyses, the increase of femur length proved to be a causative factor of OSD. …
- NAID 130000760095
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- 英
- femur length FL
- 関
- 妊娠週数