- 関
- range of motion、tourism
- a journey taken for pleasure; "many summer excursions to the shore"; "it was merely a pleasure trip"; "after cautious sashays into the field" (同)jaunt, outing, junket, pleasure trip, expedition, sashay
- the business of providing services to tourists; "Tourism is a major business in Bermuda" (同)touristry
- a spacecraft that carries astronauts from the command module to the surface of the moon and back (同)lunar module, LEM
- a reduced rate for a round-trip ticket
- (特定の目的おもった団体の)『小旅行』,遠足 / (特別割引料金の)周遊旅行
- 観光旅行 / 観光事業,旅行代理業
- 遊覧(周遊)旅行者
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For other uses, see Excursion (disambiguation).
An excursion is a trip by a group of people, usually made for leisure, education, or physical purposes. It is often an adjunct to a longer journey or visit to a place, sometimes for other (typically work-related) purposes.
Public transportation companies issue reduced price excursion tickets to attract business of this type. Often these tickets are restricted to off-peak days or times for the destination concerned.
Short excursions for education or for observations of natural phenomena are called field trips. One-day educational field studies are often made by classes as extracurricular exercises, e.g. to visit a natural or geographical feature.
The term is also used for short military movements into foreign territory, without a formal announcement of war.[1]
See also
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- Business trip
- Field trip
- Picnic
- ^ an example of this use in a Newseek article
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 右心の心エコー評価 echocardiographic assessment of the right heart
- 2. 機能性僧帽弁閉鎖不全症 functional mitral regurgitation
- 3. 三尖弁の心エコー評価 echocardiographic evaluation of the tricuspid valve
- 4. 重症低圧較差大動脈弁狭窄症 low flow low gradient severe aortic stenosis
- 5. 心筋症の心エコーによる認識 echocardiographic recognition of cardiomyopathies
English Journal
- Association between right ventricular dysfunction and restrictive lung disease in childhood cancer survivors as measured by quantitative echocardiography.
- Patel A1, Weismann C, Weiss P, Russell K, Bazzy-Asaad A, Kadan-Lottick NS.
- Pediatric blood & cancer.Pediatr Blood Cancer.2014 Nov;61(11):2059-64. doi: 10.1002/pbc.25157. Epub 2014 Aug 17.
- BACKGROUND: Restrictive lung disease is a complication in childhood cancer survivors who received lung-toxic chemotherapy and/or thoracic radiation. Left ventricular dysfunction is documented in these survivors, but less is known about right ventricular (RV) function. Quantitative echocardiography m
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- European journal of pharmacology.Eur J Pharmacol.2014 Oct 5;740:410-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2014.04.015. Epub 2014 Apr 21.
- Inhibition of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) has been vigorously pursued as a potential therapy to treat patients who are at an elevated risk for coronary artery disease. Anacetrapib, a novel CETP inhibitor, has been shown clinically to raise HDL cholesterol and reduce LDL cholesterol whe
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- Assessment of P-wave dispersion in children with atrial septal aneurysm.
- Arslan D1, Cimen D1, Guvenc O1, Oran B1, Yilmaz FH2.
- Cardiology in the young.Cardiol Young.2014 Oct;24(5):918-22. doi: 10.1017/S1047951113001431. Epub 2013 Sep 25.
- BACKGROUND: This was a prospective controlled study to determine the P-wave duration and P-wave dispersion in patients with atrial septal aneurysm.METHODS: A total of 41 children with atrial septal aneurysm, including 21 boys and 20 girls (mean age 11.85 ± 3.8 years), and 32 controls, including 17
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- Transfemoral amputations: is there an effect of residual limb length and orientation on energy expenditure?
- Bell JC1, Wolf EJ, Schnall BL, Tis JE, Potter BK.
- Clinical orthopaedics and related research.Clin Orthop Relat Res.2014 Oct;472(10):3055-61. doi: 10.1007/s11999-014-3630-x.
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Japanese Journal
- 大学における都市観光を題材としたフィールドワーク教育の実践
- 鈴木 富之
- 鈴鹿国際大学紀要Campana 20, 37-46, 2014-03-15
- 本稿では、都市観光を題材とした巡検教育の実践方法について報告し、その教育的意義について検討した。まず、都市観光を題材とした巡検教育を実施するにあたり、多種多様な都市機能が立地する都市には他地域では体験できない魅力が多数存在していることや、観光客やビジネス旅行者、親戚・友人訪問を目的とした旅行者などさまざまな目的を持った旅行者が大都市を訪れることを指摘した。また、巡検の教育的意義として、対象地域が有 …
- NAID 110009691550
- 高校男子サッカー選手における体幹筋機能と股関節可動域が運動時腰痛に及ぼす影響
- 2013年度土壌物理学会大会 エクスカーションの報告
- 長田 友里恵
- 土壌の物理性 = Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Physics (125), 55-57, 2013-12
- NAID 40019935204
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- excursionとは。意味や和訳。[名]1(1)(…への)小旅行,遠足((to ...)). ふつう日帰りの団体旅行a ski excursionスキー旅行go on [make] an excursion遠足に行く.(2)(割引特定料金の列車・汽船・バスなどの)遊覧旅行,周遊旅行.2 ((集合 ...
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- EXCURSIONへようこそ こちらは、真中香弥が個人で運営する ドラマ「TRICK」を中心としたイラストサイトです。 同人的要素を含みます。 二次創作等に関心のない方は 入室されないことをお勧めします。 荒らし目的の入室も厳禁です。
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- 英
- range of motion ROM、excursion
- 関
- 観光旅行
- 英
- excursion、tourism
- 関
- 可動域
- 関
- excursion
三尖弁輪収縮期移動距離 TAPSE
- 同
- 左室後壁振幅, PWE