- a circumscribed inflammatory and often suppurating lesion on the skin or an internal mucous surface resulting in necrosis of tissue (同)ulceration
- relating to the esophagus
- 潰瘍
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English Journal
- Prevalence and Risk Factors for Barrett's Esophagus in Patients with GERD in Northern India; Do Methylene Blue-directed Biopsies Improve Detection of Barrett's Esophagus Compared the Conventional Method?
- Wani IR1, Showkat HI2, Bhargav DK3, Samer M4.
- Middle East journal of digestive diseases.Middle East J Dig Dis.2014 Oct;6(4):228-36.
- BACKGROUND The reported rates of Barrett's esophagus (BE) ranged from 2.6% to 23% in Indian patients with gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms. The role of methylene blue chromoendoscopy during endoscopy, either for the diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus or for the detection of dysplasia a
- PMID 25349686
- Analysis of the five-year outcomes of sleeve gastrectomy and mini gastric bypass: a report from the Indian sub-continent.
- Kular KS1, Manchanda N, Rutledge R.
- Obesity surgery.Obes Surg.2014 Oct;24(10):1724-8. doi: 10.1007/s11695-014-1264-4.
- BACKGROUND: Few reports have compared laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) to laparoscopic Roux-en-Y procedure (LRNY). This study aims at comparing the 5-year follow-up results of mini gastric bypass (MGB or omega gastric bypass (OGB)) and LSG in terms of weight loss, weight regain, complications,
- PMID 24805912
- Beyond the stomach: An updated view of Helicobacter pylori pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment.
- Testerman TL, Morris J.
- World journal of gastroenterology : WJG.World J Gastroenterol.2014 Sep 28;20(36):12781-12808.
- Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is an extremely common, yet underappreciated, pathogen that is able to alter host physiology and subvert the host immune response, allowing it to persist for the life of the host. H. pylori is the primary cause of peptic ulcers and gastric cancer. In the United States
- PMID 25278678
Japanese Journal
- Gastropericardial fistula in the gastric tube after esophagectomy for cancer
- Mori Naoki,Fujita Hiromasa,Tanaka Toshiaki [他]
- Esophagus : official journal of the Japan Esophageal
- NAID 40020539642
- 症例報告 コイン型リチウム電池誤飲により受傷4時間で食道潰瘍を来した1例
- Gastric tube ulcer after esophagectomy
- Mori Naoki,Fujita Hiromasa,Tanaka Toshiaki [他]
- Esophagus : official journal of the Japan Esophageal
- NAID 40020340452
Related Links
- The Anatomy, Causes, And Symptoms Of An Esophageal Ulcer The Anatomy Of The Esophagus The causes and symptoms of an esophageal ulcer may be better understood by first taking a look into both the anatomy of the ...
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- 英
- esophageal ulcer、esophageal ulceration
- ラ
- ulcus oesophagi
- 関
- 食道潰瘍形成
- 食道粘膜の傷害
- 好発部位は第2狭窄部位(大動脈狭窄部:bronchoaortic constriction)である。消化性のものは中部食道に多い。
- ウイルス:サイトメガロウイルス、単純ヘルペスウイルス
- 細菌:結核、梅毒
- 真菌:カンジダ(カンジダ食道炎)
- 炎症性疾患:クローン病、ベーチェット病
- 機械性:異物、器械
- 内因性:大動脈瘤、隣接臓器からの炎症の波及
- 薬剤性:薬剤(抗生剤、テトラサイクリン、ドキシサイクリン、塩化カリウム、ビスホスホネート、NSAIDs、ステロイド)(食道に停留し浸透圧や酸・アルカリによる粘膜障害により生じる)
- 誤嚥性:強酸、強アルカリ、農薬、腐食性化学物質、リチウム電池
- 原因疾患の治療
- 対症療法として、プロトンポンプ阻害薬などによる酸分泌抑制
- 胃食道逆流症に対する治療として手術も選択肢となり得る
- 関
- esophageal ulcer
- 関
- esophagus、oesophageal、oesophagus