- relating to the esophagus
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English Journal
- Similarities and differences in the clinical features between cardia varices and esophageal varices.
- Kondo T1, Maruyama H, Kiyono S, Sekimoto T, Shimada T, Takahashi M, Okugawa H, Kobayashi S, Yoshizumi H, Yokosuka O.
- Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology.J Gastroenterol Hepatol.2014 Jun 9. doi: 10.1111/jgh.12647. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND AND AIM: Little is known about the clinical features of cardia varices (CV). The aim was to examine the background, bleeding risk, and post-treatment outcomes of CV in patients with portal hypertension.METHODS: The subjects of this retrospective study were 277 patients (179 males, 98 fema
- PMID 24909069
- Balloon-Occluded Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration versus Endoscopic Injection Sclerotherapy for Isolated Gastric Varices : A Comparative Study.
- Emori K1, Toyonaga A, Oho K, Kumamoto M, Haruta T, Inoue H, Morita Y, Mitsuyama K, Tsuruta O, Sata M.
- The Kurume medical journal.Kurume Med J.2014 May 26. [Epub ahead of print]
- Background and Aim: Isolated gastric varices (IGV) have a lower risk of bleeding than esophageal varices, however IGV bleeding is associated with a higher mortality than bleeding of esophageal varices. In recent years, two widely used treatments for IGV have been balloon-occluded retrograde transven
- PMID 24858411
- Revisiting extra hepatic portal vein obstruction in children from the north Indian gangetic plain.
- Goyal S1, Dixit VK, Jain AK, Mishra OP, Jena SK, Ghosh J.
- Indian journal of pediatrics.Indian J Pediatr.2014 May;81(5):429-33. doi: 10.1007/s12098-013-1257-7. Epub 2013 Oct 10.
- OBJECTIVES: To study the demographic features, etiology, clinical, radiology and laboratory findings in children with Extra hepatic portal vein obstruction (EHPVO) from the North Indian Gangetic Plain.METHODS: A prospective analysis of 53 patients of EHPVO (<14 y of age) was done. Data for clini
- PMID 24113883
Japanese Journal
- 症例報告 胃全摘術後の吻合部静脈瘤破裂に対する緊急止血に難渋した3例
- 日本門脈圧亢進症学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of portal hypertension 24(2), 169-174, 2018
- NAID 40021647282
- 症例報告 胃全摘術後の食道静脈瘤に対して内視鏡的食道静脈瘤硬化療法を施行した1例
- 日本門脈圧亢進症学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of portal hypertension 23(4), 286-292, 2017
- NAID 40021423033
- 臨床研究 食道静脈瘤に対する内視鏡的硬化療法・結紮術同時併用療法(EISL)の止血時間短縮効果ならびに硬化剤停滞効果に関する検討
- 日本門脈圧亢進症学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of portal hypertension 23(1), 59-62, 2017
- NAID 40021143596
Related Links
- Description Sclerotherapy for esophageal varices involves injecting a strong and irritating solution (a sclerosant) into the veins and/or the area beside the distended vein. Sclerosant injected directly into the vein causes ...
- Sclerotherapy for Esophageal Varices Definition Sclerotherapy for esophageal varices (also called endoscopic sclerotherapy) is a treatment for esophageal bleeding that involves the use of an endoscope and the injection of a ...
- 英
- esophageal sclerotherapy
- 関
- 内視鏡的食道静脈瘤硬化術、内視鏡的硬化療法、硬化療法、食道静脈瘤。食道結紮術。肝硬変
- 関
- esophagus、oesophageal、oesophagus