- extending from the back to the belly
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English Journal
- New perspectives on pharyngeal dorsoventral patterning in development and evolution of the vertebrate jaw.
- Medeiros DM, Crump JG.SourceDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0334, USA. Electronic address: Daniel.Medeiros@Colorado.edu.
- Developmental biology.Dev Biol.2012 Nov 15;371(2):121-35. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2012.08.026. Epub 2012 Aug 30.
- Patterning of the vertebrate facial skeleton involves the progressive partitioning of neural-crest-derived skeletal precursors into distinct subpopulations along the anteroposterior (AP) and dorsoventral (DV) axes. Recent evidence suggests that complex interactions between multiple signaling pathway
- PMID 22960284
- Gastrulation: making and shaping germ layers.
- Solnica-Krezel L, Sepich DS.SourceDepartment of Developmental Biology, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri 63110; email: solnical@wustl.edu , sepichd@wustl.edu.
- Annual review of cell and developmental biology.Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol.2012 Nov 10;28:687-717. doi: 10.1146/annurev-cellbio-092910-154043. Epub 2012 Jul 9.
- Gastrulation is a fundamental phase of animal embryogenesis during which germ layers are specified, rearranged, and shaped into a body plan with organ rudiments. Gastrulation involves four evolutionarily conserved morphogenetic movements, each of which results in a specific morphologic transformatio
- PMID 22804578
Japanese Journal
- 初期発生期におけるJNK シグナル伝達経路の多様な生理的役割
- 浅岡 洋一
- 比較生理生化学 30(2), 59-67, 2013
- c-Jun N-terminal kinase(JNK)シグナル伝達経路は,細胞外からの様々なストレス刺激や発生プログラムなどの内因性シグナルを細胞核へ的確に伝達するための主要なシステムの1つである。JNKはMAPキナーゼファミリーに属するタンパク質リン酸化酵素であり,線虫から哺乳類に至る動物門で幅広く保存されている。JNKは上流の2種類の活性化因子であるMAPキナーゼキナーゼ(MKK)4とMKK …
- NAID 130003369134
- Dorsoventral patterning in hemichordates : insight into early chordate evolution
- Retinoic acid guides eye morphogenetic movements via paracrine signaling but is unnecessary for retinal dorsoventral patterning
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- 英
- dorsoventral patterning
- 関
- 背腹軸パターン形成
- 英
- dorsoventral patterning
- 関
- 背腹軸形成
- 関
- pattern、pattern formation
- 関
- dorsal-ventral