- belonging to or on or near the back or upper surface of an animal or organ or part; "the dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals"
- (植物の)背部の,背の
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/04/06 09:13:24」(JST)
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Dorsal mesentery |
Abdominal part of digestive tube and its attachment to the primitive or common mesentery. Human embryo of six weeks.
Schematic figure of the bursa omentalis, etc. Human embryo of eight weeks.
Details |
Latin |
mesenterium dorsale commune |
/Elsevier |
m_10/12526373 |
Anatomical terminology
[edit on Wikidata]
The portion of the dorsal mesentery that attaches to the greater curvature of the stomach, is known as the dorsal mesogastrium. The part of the dorsal mesentery that suspends the colon is termed the mesocolon.
The dorsal mesogastrium develops into the greater omentum.
Mesentery in red. Dorsal mesentery is the lower part of the circuit. The upper part is ventral mesentery.
This article incorporates text in the public domain from the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)
Development of the digestive system
Foregut |
- Stomodeum
- Buccopharyngeal membrane
- Rathke's pouch
- Tracheoesophageal septum
- Pancreatic bud
- Hepatic diverticulum
Midgut |
Hindgut |
- Urorectal septum
- Proctodeum
- Cloaca
Anatomy of the peritoneum and mesentery
General |
Abdominal |
mesentery |
- Lesser omentum
- Hepatoduodenal ligament
- Hepatogastric ligament
- Liver
- Coronary ligament
- (Left triangular ligament
- Right triangular ligament
- Hepatorenal ligament)
- Falciform ligament (Round ligament of liver and Ligamentum venosum in it, but not of it)
mesentery |
- Greater omentum
- Gastrophrenic ligament
- Gastrocolic ligament
- Gastrosplenic ligament
- Mesentery
- Splenorenal ligament
- Phrenicocolic ligament
- Folds
- Umbilical folds
- Supravesical fossa
- Medial inguinal fossa
- Lateral umbilical fold
- Lateral inguinal fossa
- Ileocecal fold
cavity |
- Greater sac
- Lesser sac
- Omental foramen
General |
- Cystohepatic triangle
- Hepatorenal recess of subhepatic space
- Abdominal wall
- Peritoneal recesses
- Paracolic gutters
- Paramesenteric gutters
Pelvic |
Uterus/ovaries |
- Broad ligament of the uterus
- Mesovarium
- Mesosalpinx
- Mesometrium)
- Ovarian ligament
- Suspensory ligament of ovary
Recesses |
- Male
- Recto-vesical pouch
- Pararectal fossa
- Female
- Recto-uterine pouch
- Recto-uterine fold (Uterosacral ligament)
- Vesico-uterine pouch
- Ovarian fossa
- Paravesical fossa
- Retroperitonium
Spaces |
- Extraperitoneal space
- Retroperitoneal space
- Retropubic space
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Proximal segmentation of the dorsal mesogastrium reveals new anatomical implications for laparoscopic surgery.
- Xie D1, Gao C1, Lu A1, Liu L1, Yu C1, Hu J1, Gong J1.
- Scientific reports.Sci Rep.2015 Nov 6;5:16287. doi: 10.1038/srep16287.
- Generally, the gold standard of radical surgery for gastrointestinal (GI) tumors is en bloc resection of primary lesions and their related tissues. For gastric cancer, the ideal surgical treatment should be D2 radical gastrectomy plus complete mesogastrium excision. Complete mesogastrium excision is
- PMID 26542081
- Morphogenesis of the spleen during the human embryonic period.
- Endo A1, Ueno S, Yamada S, Uwabe C, Takakuwa T.
- Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007).Anat Rec (Hoboken).2015 May;298(5):820-6. doi: 10.1002/ar.23099. Epub 2014 Dec 5.
- We aimed to observe morphological changes in the spleen from the emergence of the primordium to the end of the embryonic period using histological serial sections of 228 samples. Between Carnegie stages (CSs) 14 and 17, the spleen was usually recognized as a bulge in the dorsal mesogastrium (DM), an
- PMID 25403423
- Accessory spleen in the pelvis: A case report.
- Taskin MI1, Baser BG2, Adali E2, Bulbul E3, Uzgoren E4.
- International journal of surgery case reports.Int J Surg Case Rep.2015;12:23-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2015.05.009. Epub 2015 May 8.
- INTRODUCTION: Accessory Spleen (AS) is a very rare entity and usually near the spleen's hilum and in the tail of the pancreas. Pelvis reported as an atypical and a rare localization. AS may be formed during embryonic life, they rise from the left side of the dorsal mesogastrium as a result of imperf
- PMID 25985297
Japanese Journal
- 術前診断し得た小児遊走牌茎捻転に対し牌固定術を施行した1例 : 超音波カラードプラの有用性
- 大塚 恭寛,高橋 英世,大沼 直躬,田辺 政裕,吉田 英生,岩井 潤
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 29(1), 143-147, 1993-02-20
- 症例は5歳の男児.腹痛・嘔吐を主訴に当科を受診. 腹部全体の圧痛・腹壁緊張亢進を認め,左肋骨弓下に可動性のある超手拳大の硬い腫瘤を触知.超音波・遺影 CT・肝脾スキャンの所見から遊走牌茎捻転と診断. 超音波カラードプラ法にて, 脾門部での遠肝性脾動脈血流と求肝性脾静脈血流がリアルタイムに確認され,未だ脾壊死には陥っていないものと判定し,脾温存の方針で緊急手術を施行. 脾は固定収帯が欠損し,充血腫大 …
- NAID 110002104051
Related Links
- mesogastrium [mez″o-gas´tre-um] the portion of the primordial mesentery that encloses the stomach and from which the greater omentum develops. adj., adj ... It is known as the dorsal mesogastrium or greater omentum in the ...
- Posts about dorsal mesogastrium written by Sahaja ... 24. The anatomy+ histology of the spleen. Differentiation of the ectoderm. * Completely Intraperitoneal, except at the hilum, where splenic vessels enter/ exit, part of FOREGUT
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- 関
- dorsal mesogastrium、epiploic、greater omentum、net、omentum、omentum majus
- 関
- dorsal mesogastrium、greater omentum、omental、omentum majus
- 関
- dorsal mesogastrium、epiploic、greater omentum、omental
- 関
- dorsally、dorsum、notal