- dance to disco music
- a public dance hall for dancing to recorded popular music (同)discotheque
- popular dance music (especially in the late 1970s); melodic with a regular bass beat; intended mainly for dancing at discotheques (同)disco music
- having a flat circular shape (同)discoidal, disklike, disclike, disk-shaped, disc-shaped
- collapse of an expanded lung (especially in infants); also failure of pulmonary alveoli to expand at birth
- discotheque
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English Journal
- Radiographic characterization of presumed plate-like atelectasis in 75 nonanesthetized dogs and 15 cats.
- Giglio RF, Winter MD, Reese DJ, Thrall DE, Abbott JR, Graham JP, Berry CR.SourceDepartment of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA.
- Veterinary radiology & ultrasound : the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Radiology and the International Veterinary Radiology Association.Vet Radiol Ultrasound.2013 Jul-Aug;54(4):326-31. doi: 10.1111/vru.12035. Epub 2013 Apr 3.
- Discrete discoid or linear areas of increased soft opacity have been observed within the pulmonary parenchyma in thoracic radiographs of dogs and cats. Similar radiographic findings have been described in humans and termed plate-like atelectasis. The purpose of this retrospective study was to descri
- PMID 23551337
- Plate atelectasis: an implication of foreign body aspiration into the lower airways in two adults.
- Lin FC, Chang SC.SourceChest Department, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, ROC.
- Zhonghua yi xue za zhi = Chinese medical journal; Free China ed.Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi (Taipei).2001 Oct;64(10):597-602.
- Pneumonic patches and atelectatic or bronchiectatic changes in the tributary lung distal to the bronchial foreign body are common radiographic abnormal findings in adults with foreign body aspiration into the lower airways. Nevertheless, plate (plate-like or discoid) atelectasis, a form of periphera
- PMID 11791948
- Types and mechanisms of pulmonary atelectasis.
- Woodring JH, Reed JC.SourceDepartment of Diagnostic Radiology, University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington 40536-0084, USA.
- Journal of thoracic imaging.J Thorac Imaging.1996 Spring;11(2):92-108.
- Atelectasis is one of the most commonly encountered abnormalities in chest radiology and remains a daily diagnostic challenge. At times atelectasis can be overlooked, particularly when pulmonary opacification is minimal or absent, and at other times it might be interpreted as being some other form o
- PMID 8820021
Japanese Journal
- 経カテーテル的肝動脈塞栓療法(TAE)後の肺血流スキャン異常
- 腹部疾患にみられる板状無気肺(discoid atelectasis)
Related Links
- Discoid atelectasis refers to a small area or small segment of the lungs that is affected by the condition. Common causes include shallow breathing, pulmonary embolism etc. ... The definition of atelectasis is the collapse of part or ...
- Also called discoid or subsegmental atelectasis, this type is seen most commonly on chest radiographs. Platelike atelectasis probably occurs because of obstruction of a small bronchus and is observed in states of ...
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- 英
- round atelectasis
- 同
- 円板状アテレクターゼ 円板状無気肺 discoid atelectasis、板状様アテレクターゼ 板状無気肺 plate like atelectasis、rounded atelectasis?
- YN.I-85 SRA.224
- 大きさは3-5cmで胸膜に接する腫瘤。
- 円形、類縁形あるいは腫瘤状陰影を呈する無気肺。胸膜肥厚、癒着を伴う
- 石綿暴露歴、男性、喫煙者であることが多い。
- 下肺野に多く(SRA.297 参考3)、右下葉に多い(SRA.224)。
- 成因は不明であるが、臓側胸膜の線維化により胸膜が肺を包み込むようにして形成されるという考えがある。
- 肺癌や結核腫の鑑別が問題となる。
- CT上、肥厚した胸膜に接した円形腫瘤映画認められ、気管支や血管が腫瘤影にまきこまれる陰影(comet-like tail)が観察される。
- 造影CTでは類円形、均一に造影される(参考1)
- 大きさが不変であることや縮小傾向を示すことは良性であることを示唆する。
- 画像所見のみで診断できるが、特徴的なcommet tailが見られなければ生検が必要かも。(参考3)
- 石綿肺に関連して生じた円形無気肺はasbestos pseudotumor, Blesovsky syndromeと呼ばれる(参考1)
- 1. chest xp: Asbestos: When the Dust Settles—An Imaging Review of Asbestos-related Disease1
- Fig 10a.が円形無気肺
- http://radiographics.rsna.org/content/22/suppl_1/S167.full
- http://imaging.consult.com/image/chapter/Chest?title=Atelectasis&image=fig5&locator=gr5&pii=S1933-0332(08)73180-X
- 3. [charged] Radiologic patterns of lobar atelectasis - uptodate [1]