- of or relating to the diet; "dietary restrictions" (同)dietetic, dietetical
- a regulated daily food allowance
- a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite (同)K, atomic number 19
- 食事の;規定食の,食養生の / 規定食,特別食
- ポタシウム,カリウム(金属元素;化学記号はK)
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English Journal
- Sodium and potassium intake patterns and trends in South Korea.
- Lee HS, Duffey KJ, Popkin BM.SourceDepartment of Food and Nutrition Industry, Korea Health Industry Development Institute, Gangoe-myeon, South Korea.
- Journal of human hypertension.J Hum Hypertens.2013 May;27(5):298-303. doi: 10.1038/jhh.2012.43. Epub 2012 Nov 15.
- We examined major trends and patterns regarding sodium and potassium intake and the ratio of sodium and potassium in the diets of South Koreans. We used data from 24-h dietary recall data from 10 267, 8819 and 9264 subjects ages 2 years in the 1998, 2005 and 2009 Korean National Health and Nutr
- PMID 23151751
- Chemical composition of the tiger's milk mushroom, Lignosus rhinocerotis (Cooke) Ryvarden, from different developmental stages.
- Lau BF, Abdullah N, Aminudin N.AbstractChemical composition of the tiger's milk mushroom (Lignosus rhinocerotis) from different developmental stages, i.e. the fruit body, sclerotium, and mycelium, was investigated for the first time. Fruit body and sclerotium of L. rhinocerotis were rich in carbohydrates and dietary fibers but low in fat. Protein levels in L. rhinocerotis were moderate and all essential amino acids, except tryptophan, were present. Mycelium contained high levels of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, riboflavin, niacin and appreciable amounts of essential fatty acids. Results indicated that the sclerotium of L. rhinocerotis that was used in ethnomedicine was not superior to the fruit body and mycelium with regards to the nutritional content and bioactive constituents. Our findings provide some insights into the selection of appropriate mushroom part(s) of L. rhinocerotis and proper cultivation techniques for the development of new nutraceuticals or dietary supplements.
- Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.J Agric Food Chem.2013 Apr 18. [Epub ahead of print]
- Chemical composition of the tiger's milk mushroom (Lignosus rhinocerotis) from different developmental stages, i.e. the fruit body, sclerotium, and mycelium, was investigated for the first time. Fruit body and sclerotium of L. rhinocerotis were rich in carbohydrates and dietary fibers but low in fat
- PMID 23597270
- Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass reverses the effects of diet-induced obesity to inhibit the responsiveness of central vagal motoneurones.
- Browning K, Fortna SR, Hajnal A.SourcePenn State College of Medicine.
- The Journal of physiology.J Physiol.2013 Apr 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- Diet-induced obesity (DIO) has been shown to alter the biophysical properties and pharmacological responsiveness of vagal afferent neurones and fibers, although the effects of DIO on central vagal neurones have never been investigated. The aims of this study were to investigate whether high-fat diet
- PMID 23459752
Japanese Journal
- 石川 祐一,斎藤 知栄,中川 幸恵,樫村 修生,山縣 邦弘
- 日本健康医学会雑誌 21(4), 244-251, 2013-01-31
- 日本における血液透析患者数は年々増加しており,その中で長期透析患者の増加,高齢化などが問題になっている。血液透析患者が長期間良好な状態で透析を受けるためには栄養管理は重要であり,特に高カリウム血症,高リン血症,水分・塩分管理などは食事摂取内容と密接な関連がある事から栄養指導が重要視される。そこで本研究では,血液透析患者の継続的栄養指導の効果について検討した。対象は,2000年より10年間以上継続栄 …
- NAID 110009577663
- 高知県における日常食中の放射性セシウムおよび放射性カリウムの一日摂取量調査
- 山岸 あづみ,青江 誠一郎
- International Journal of Human Culture Studies 2013(23), 176-178, 2013
- 昆布を各種有機酸(シュウ酸・クエン酸・乳酸・コハク酸・リンゴ酸)および有機酸塩(シュウ酸K・シュウ酸Na・クエン酸K・クエン酸Na・乳酸Na・コハク酸Na・リンゴ酸Na)溶液にて煮沸した.その結果,有機酸溶液のpHは3-4であり,有機酸塩溶液のpHは6前後であった.また,昆布は有機酸溶液ではシュウ酸溶液,有機酸塩溶液ではシュウ酸Naおよびシュウ酸K溶液と煮沸した際にもっとも軟化した.本結果から,溶 …
- NAID 130003379423
Related Links
- Because so many foods contain potassium, too little potassium (potassium deficiency) is rarely caused by inadequate diet. However, even a moderate reduction in the body's potassium levels can lead to salt sensitivity and high blood pressure ...
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- dietary potassium
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- 食餌性カリウム
- 英
- dietary potassium
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- 食事性カリウム
- 食事性の、食餌性の、食物性の、食事由来の、食物由来の
- 関
- alimentary、foodborne