- 関
- decontamination
- rid of contamination; "The soil around the housing development had to be decontaminated by the city"
- the removal of contaminants
- …'を'浄化する / 〈物・場所〉‘から'有害物を除く,汚染を除く
- 浄化,汚染の除去
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English Journal
- Effect of the treatment by slightly acidic electrolyzed water on the accumulation of γ-aminobutyric acid in germinated brown millet.
- Li X1, Hao J1, Liu X1, Liu H2, Ning Y1, Cheng R3, Tan B4, Jia Y5.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Nov 1;186:249-55. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.03.004. Epub 2015 Mar 9.
- The accumulation of γ-aminobutyric acid and the microbial decontamination are concerned increasingly in the production of sprouts. In this work, the effect of the treatment by slightly acidic electrolyzed water on the accumulation of γ-aminobutyric acid in the germinated brown millet was evaluated
- PMID 25976818
- Effect of novel ultrasound based processing on the nutrition quality of different fruit and vegetable juices.
- Khandpur P1, Gogate PR2.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2015 Nov;27:125-36. doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2015.05.008. Epub 2015 May 15.
- Increasing consumer awareness regarding the health benefits of different nutrients in food have led to the requirement of assessing the effect of food processing approaches on the quality attributes. The present work focuses on understanding the effects of novel approaches based on the use of ultras
- PMID 26186829
- Simultaneous removal of tetracycline hydrochloride and As(III) using poorly-crystalline manganese dioxide.
- Wang H1, Zhang D2, Mou S3, Song W3, Al-Misned FA4, Golam Mortuza M5, Pan X6.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2015 Oct;136:102-10. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.04.070. Epub 2015 May 15.
- Simultaneous removal of antibiotic tetracycline hydrochloride (TC) and As(III) by poorly-crystalline Mn dioxide was investigated. TC and As(III) can be effectively oxidized and removed by MnO2. High concentrations of TC and As(III) competed with each other for oxidation or adsorption sites on MnO2 a
- PMID 25966328
- Cold plasma inactivation of internalised bacteria and biofilms for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli.
- Ziuzina D1, Han L1, Cullen PJ2, Bourke P3.
- International journal of food microbiology.Int J Food Microbiol.2015 Oct 1;210:53-61. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2015.05.019. Epub 2015 Jun 3.
- Microbial biofilms and bacteria internalised in produce tissue may reduce the effectiveness of decontamination methods. In this study, the inactivation efficacy of in-package atmospheric cold plasma (ACP) afterglow was investigated against Salmonella Typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes and Escherich
- PMID 26093991
Japanese Journal
- 泉 雅子
- 日本物理學會誌 68(3), 141-148, 2013-03-05
- 世界を震撼させた東京電力福島第一原子力発電所の事故から二年近くが経過した.原子炉は冷温停止状態に至り,事故そのものは収束に向かいつつあるが,環境中に大量に漏洩した放射性物質の回収は容易ではなく,環境や人体への影響が憂慮されている.近年の分子生物学の進展により,放射線に対する細胞応答を分子レベルで理解できるようになったが,その一方で,長期にわたる低線量被曝や内部被曝の人体への影響については情報が少な …
- NAID 110009594257
- O-605 放射性物質を含む作物等の安全な減容・安定化技術の開発 : (1)枝葉、落葉の減容化特性(セッション6:震災復興)
- 吉田 貴紘,藤本 清彦,久保島 吉貴,佐々木 達也,山本 幸一,竹倉 憲弘,薬師堂 謙一
- バイオマス科学会議発表論文集 (8), 60-61, 2012-12-25
- … In order to decontaminate of radioactive substances in agricultural lands and forests, we are developing the densification technologies for the polluted bulky biomass. …
- NAID 110009560591
- 都市緑地の除染 (特集 里山ランドスケープの放射能と除染)
- Remediation of toxic metal contaminated soil by washing with biodegradable aminopolycarboxylate chelants
- Begum Zinnat A.,Rahman Ismail M. M.,Tate Yousuke,Sawai Hikaru,Maki Teruya,Hasegawa Hiroshi
- Chemosphere 87(10), 1161-1170, 2012-06-00
- … GLDA appeared to possess the greatest potential to decontaminate the soil through ex situ washing treatment compared to the other biodegradable chelants used in the study. …
- NAID 120003989040
Related Links
- decontaminateとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)〈病室などの〉汚染を除く,を浄化する;〈建物・地域などから〉(ガス・放射能などの)汚染を除去する.degrave;・contaminant[名]浄化剤. degrave;・contamination[名][U]浄化;(ガス・放射能など ...
- decontaminate / ˌdi kənˈtæm əˌneɪt / Show Spelled [dee-k uh n-tam-uh-neyt] Show IPA verb (used with object), decontaminated, decontaminating. 1. to make (an object or ... Word Origin & History decontaminate 1936, from de-+ contaminate
- Full Definition of DECONTAMINATE transitive verb: to rid of contamination (as radioactive material) — de·con·tam·i·na·tion \-ˌ ta-mə-ˈ nā-shən\ noun — de·con·tam·i·na·tor \-ˈ ta-mə-ˌ nā-tər\ noun See decontaminate defined for English ...
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- decontaminate
- 英
- decontamination、decontaminate
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- 汚染除去