- tapping a part of the body for diagnostic purposes (同)pleximetry
- the act of exploding a percussion cap
- the act of playing a percussion instrument
- free and open discussion of (or debate on) some question of public interest; "such a proposal deserves thorough public discussion" (同)ventilation
- a musician who plays percussion instruments
- a musical instrument in which the sound is produced by one object striking another (同)percussive instrument
- stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing (同)obdurate, obstinate, unrepentant
- 《米話》=curse / 《形容詞を伴って》(…な)やつ,野郎 / =curse
- 〈U〉(特に,音を出すために二つの物を)ぶっつけ合わせること;〈C〉ぶっつけ合わせて出た音(振動,衝撃) / 〈U〉〈C〉(診察の)打診 / 《集合的に》打楽器
- 打楽器奏者
- 《米話》=cursed / 強情な,片意地な
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Look up cuss in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Cuss may refer to:
- CUS I, the name of the first drilling ship
- Cambridge University Socialist Society
- Common Use Self Service, a standard for airport check-in kiosks.
- Profanity
English Journal
- The effect of major ions and DOM on complexation and toxicity of dissolved thallium to Daphnia magna.
- Nagel AH, Cuss CW, Goss GG, Shotyk W, Glover CN.
- Environmental toxicology and chemistry. 2019 Aug;().
- Thallium (Tl) is a trace element associated with base metal mining and processing, but little is known regarding how its toxicity is influenced by water chemistry. In the current study, the 48-h median lethal concentration (LC50) of Tl to Daphnia magna was determined in a standard laboratory water,
- PMID 31386757
- Response to introducing quality improvement teaching into general practice undergraduate placements.
- Cuss M, Nayler J.
- Education for primary care : an official publication of the Association of Course Organisers, National Association of GP Tutors, World Organisation of Family Doctors. 2019 Jul;30(4)258.
- PMID 31307275
- A survey of the genesis of stress and its effect on the academic performance of midwifery students in a college in Ghana.
- Budu HI, Abalo EM, Bam V, Budu FA, Peprah P.
- Midwifery. 2019 Jun;73()69-77.
- This study assesses the genesis of stress among midwifery students in Ghana and its impact on their academic performance. A contextual cross-sectional design was used, and data were drawn from a 17-modified-item response from the College Undergraduate Stress Scale (CUSS), a rating of students' acade
- PMID 30903921
Japanese Journal
- On the methodology for constructing a semantic network of English prepositions : A case study of the preposition for
- 日本体育大学紀要 = Bulletin of Nippon Sport Science University 46(2), 119-125, 2017-03
- NAID 120006029132
- 気管腕頭動脈瘻に対し腕頭動脈離断術を施行した1 例
- Temperature Sensing with Up-Converting Submicron-Sized LiNbO3:Er3+/Yb3+ Particles
Related Links
- cuss 【自他動】〈話〉のろう、罵る 【名】 〈話〉のろいの言葉、悪口 〈話・軽蔑的〉野郎、やつ【発音】kʌ s【カナ】カス【変化】《動》cusses | cussing | cussed - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。
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- (物体の)衝撃、衝突。震動、音響。打楽器、打楽器部。打診、打診法
- 関
- cross、crossing over、intersect、intersection