- no longer in the natural state; developed by human care and for human use; "cultivated roses"; "cultivated blackberries"
- (of land or fields) prepared for raising crops by plowing or fertilizing; "cultivated land"
- European biennial having a long fusiform root that has been made palatable through cultivation
- yields the staple food of 50 percent of worlds population (同)Oryza_sativa
- (of land or fields) not prepared for raising crops; "uncultivated land"
- plants that are grown for their produce
- foster the growth of
- prepare for crops; "Work the soil"; "cultivate the land" (同)crop, work
- (土地が)耕作された;(作物が)栽培された / 教養のある;洗練させた
- 〈土地〉'を'『耕す』;〈作物〉'を'『栽培する』;〈魚など〉'を'養殖する / …'を'『教化する』,養成する,育成する / …'を'得ようとする
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/10/15 09:25:55」(JST)
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Look up cultivation in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Cultivation may refer to:
- Gardening
- Agriculture, the cultivation and breeding of animals, plants and fungi
- Fungiculture, the process of producing food, medicine, and other products by the cultivation of mushrooms and other fungi
- Horticulture, the cultivation of plants
- Tillage, the cultivation of soil
- Animal husbandry, the cultivation of livestock
- Microbiological culture, a method of multiplying microbial organisms
- Cultivation, a video game by Jason Rohrer
- Cultivation theory, George Gerbner's model of media effects
- The acquisition of high culture
See also
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English Journal
- Steviol glycosides targeted analysis in leaves of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) from plants cultivated under chilling stress conditions.
- Soufi S1, D'Urso G2, Pizza C2, Rezgui S3, Bettaieb T3, Montoro P4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2016 Jan 1;190:572-80. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.05.116. Epub 2015 May 29.
- Stevia rebaudiana is an important agricultural crop for the production of a high-potency natural sweetener, sensitive to low temperature during the developmental stage. Stimulation of chilling stress with a pre-treatment with endogenous signalling components and in particular with salicylic acid (SA
- PMID 26213012
- Carbon disulfide formation in papaya under conditions of dithiocarbamate residue analysis.
- Abakerli RB1, Sparrapan R1, Sawaya AC1, Eberlin MN1, Jara JL1, Rodrigues NR1, Fay EF2, Luiz AJ2, Galvão TD3, Martins Ddos S4, Yamanishi OK5, Toledo HH6.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Dec 1;188:71-6. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.04.059. Epub 2015 Apr 22.
- Golden, Sunrise Solo and Tainung cultivars of papaya were found to release CS2 when submitted to experimental conditions of dithiocarbamate residue analysis. Three common analytical methods were used to quantitate CS2; one spectrophotometric method and two chromatographic methods. All three methods
- PMID 26041166
- From the acta prize lecture 2014: the periodontal-systemic connection seen from a microbiological standpoint.
- Olsen I1.
- Acta odontologica Scandinavica.Acta Odontol Scand.2015 Nov;73(8):563-8. doi: 10.3109/00016357.2015.1007480. Epub 2015 Apr 20.
- OBJECTIVE: To give an overview of the periodontal-systemic connection seen from a microbiologist.METHODS: Original research papers, review articles and workshop proceedings were consulted.RESULTS: Periodontal bacteria can cross epithelial cells, enter the circulation, invade endothelial cells, induc
- PMID 25891035
- Wnt5a Induces Collagen Production by Human Periodontal Ligament Cells Through TGFβ1-Mediated Upregulation of Periostin Expression.
- Hasegawa D1, Wada N1, Maeda H1, Yoshida S1, Mitarai H1, Tomokiyo A1, Monnouchi S1, Hamano S1, Yuda A1, Akamine A1.
- Journal of cellular physiology.J Cell Physiol.2015 Nov;230(11):2647-60. doi: 10.1002/jcp.24950.
- Wnt5a, a member of the noncanonical Wnt proteins, is known to play important roles in the development of various organs and in postnatal cell functions. However, little is known about the effects of Wnt5a on human periodontal ligament (PDL) cells. In this study, we examined the localization and pote
- PMID 25655430
Japanese Journal
- プリンテッド・エレクトロニクスが拓く明日 (特集 2013年のFPD・グリーンテクノロジー展望と注目技術)
- 「文学的文章創作」の指導原理に関する一考察 : 波多野完治の場合
- 三藤 恭弘,ミトウ ヤスヒロ,Mitoh Yasuhiro
- 広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 61, 171-178, 2012-12-21
- … Creative writing needs“ Intuition" and “Inspiration." “Rhetoric" cultivated by creative writing is important in terms of media literacy. …
- NAID 120005198296
- オーストリアの親教育Elternbildungに関する一考察 : シュタイアーマルク州の事例より
- 蘆田 智絵,アシダ チエ,Ashida Chie
- 広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第一部, 学習開発関連領域 61, 35-40, 2012-12-21
- … Self-reliance of the participants towards their educational responsibility is to be cultivated in order for the parents to develop self-efficacy in parenthood. …
- NAID 120005198257
- モンゴルにおける小麦作経営の特徴と発展可能性の評価
- ダンビー ビャンバスレン,門間 敏幸
- 東京農業大学農学集報 57(3), 196-204, 2012-12-14
- 本報では,モンゴルにおける小麦作の発展プロセスを整理するとともに,現在の小麦作経営の技術・経営の特徴と課題を経営規模別に明らかにして,現行技術の改善と輪作作物の導入による経営発展の可能性を線形計画法を用いて評価した。現状の 100 ha 以下の小規模経営の収益率を見ると,50 ha 以下では17%,50〜99 ha では26%と低い。また,中規模経営(100〜500 ha)の収益率は 38%,50 …
- NAID 110009523577
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- 関
- arable land
- 関
- cultivation、cultural、culture、incubate、incubation、rear