- 関
- raven
- utter shrill sounds; "The cocks crowed all morning"
- black birds having a raucous call
- the cry of a cock (or an imitation of it)
- express pleasure verbally; "She crowed with joy"
- obtain or seize by violence
- large black bird with a straight bill and long wedge-shaped tail (同)Corvus corax
- prey on or hunt for; "These mammals predate certain eggs" (同)prey, predate
- feed greedily; "The lions ravened the bodies"
- unofficial championship title for player who heads the league in batting average and home runs and runs batted in
- of a horse that has won the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes and the Preakness races
- plant of ponds and slow streams having submerged and floating leaves and white flowers; Europe and North America (同)water buttercup, Ranunculus aquatilis
- an emaciated horse likely soon to become carrion and so attractive to crows (同)crow-bait
- fill or occupy to the point of overflowing; "The students crowded the auditorium"
- an informal body of friends; "he still hangs out with the same crowd" (同)crew, gang, bunch
- a large number of things or people considered together; "a crowd of insects assembled around the flowers"
- to gather together in large numbers; "men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah" (同)crowd together
- a member of the Siouan people formerly living in eastern Montana
- a Siouan language spoken by the Crow
- 『カラス』 / =crowbar
- 《単位形で》おんどりのかん高い鳴き声 / 〈娩〉《通例単数形で》キャッキャッという赤ん坊の笑い声 / 〈おんどりが〉ときを告げる / 〈赤ん坊が〉キャッキャッと笑う / (一般に)〈人が〉誇らしげに歓声をあげる
- ワタリガラス,大ガラス(普通のカラス(crow)よりも大型で,不吉な鳥とされる) / 漆黒(しっこく)の
- (秩序・統制のない)(…の)『群衆』,人こみ《+『of』+『名』》 / 《the+》『一般大衆』,庶民 / (…の)たくさん寄り集まっているもの《+『of』+『名』》 / 《話》(特定の)グルーパ,連中 / 『群らがる』,大勢集まる / 《副詞句を伴って》群らがって押し進む(押し寄せる) / (…に)〈人・物〉'を'『詰め力む』,押し力む《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / (…で)〈場所〉'を'いっぱいにする,(…を)…‘に'詰め込む《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 《話》せがむ,強要する
- 〈C〉〈U〉クロー族[の人](米国Montana州東部のアメリカインディアンの一族) / クロー語
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/07/29 17:39:01」(JST)
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This article is about bird species with the word "crow" in their common name. For the genus containing crows, see Corvus. For the family containing crows, see Corvidae. For other uses, see Crow (disambiguation).
A carrion crow scavenging on a beach in Dorset, England.
A crow is a bird of the genus Corvus. The term "crow" is used both as part of the common name of many species, and collectively for all of Corvus.
Species with the word "crow" in their common name include:
- Corvus albus – pied crow (Central African coasts to southern Africa)
- Corvus bennetti – little crow (Australia)
- Corvus brachyrhynchos – American crow (United States, southern Canada, northern Mexico)
- Corvus capensis – Cape crow or Cape rook (Eastern and southern Africa)
- Corvus caurinus – northwestern crow (Olympic peninsula to southwest Alaska)
- Corvus cornix – hooded crow (Northern and Eastern Europe and Northern Africa)
- Corvus corone – carrion crow (Europe and eastern Asia)
- Corvus edithae – Somali crow (eastern Africa)
- Corvus enca – slender-billed crow (Malaysia, Borneo, Indonesia)
- Corvus florensis – Flores crow (Flores Island)
- Corvus fuscicapillus – brown-headed crow (New Guinea)
- Corvus hawaiiensis (formerly C. tropicus) – Hawaiian crow (Hawaii)
- Corvus imparatus – Tamaulipas crow (Gulf of Mexico coast)
- Corvus insularis – Bismarck crow (Bismark Archipelago, Papua New Guinea)
- Corvus jamaicensis – Jamaican crow (Jamaica)
- Corvus kubaryi – Mariana crow or aga (Guam, Rota)
- Corvus leucognaphalus – white-necked crow (Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico)
- Corvus macrorhynchos – jungle crow (Eastern Asia, Himalayas, Philippines)
- Corvus macrorhynchos macrorhynchos – large-billed crow
- Corvus macrorhynchos levaillantii – eastern jungle crow (India, Burma)
- Corvus macrorhynchos culminatus – Indian jungle crow
- Corvus meeki – Bougainville crow or Solomon Islands crow (Northern Solomon Islands)
- Corvus moneduloides – New Caledonian crow (New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands)
- Corvus nasicus – Cuban crow (Cuba, Isla de la Juventud, Grand Caicos Island)
- Corvus orru – Torresian crow or Australian crow (Australia, New Guinea and nearby islands)
- Corvus ossifragus – fish crow (Southeastern U.S. coast)
- Corvus palmarum – palm crow (Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic)
- Corvus ruficolis edithae – Somali crow or dwarf raven (Northeast Africa)
- Corvus sinaloae –– Sinaloan crow (Pacific coast from Sonora to Colima
- Corvus splendens – house crow or Indian house crow (Indian subcontinent, Middle East, east Africa)
- Corvus torquatus – collared crow (Eastern China, south into Vietnam)
- Corvus tristis – grey crow or Bare-faced crow (New Guinea and neighboring islands)
- Corvus typicus – piping crow or Celebes pied crow (Sulawesi, Muna, Butung)
- Corvus unicolor – Banggai crow (Banggai Island)
- Corvus validus – long-billed crow (Northern Moluccas)
- Corvus violaceus – violet crow (Seram) – recent split from slender-billed crow
- Corvus woodfordi – white-billed crow or Solomon Islands crow (Southern Solomon Islands)
See also
- Raven – Corvus species with the word "raven" in their common names
- Rook
- Jackdaw
- Eating crow
- Scarecrow
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English Journal
- Covalent inhibition of recombinant human carboxylesterase 1 and 2 and monoacylglycerol lipase by the carbamates JZL184 and URB597.
- Crow JA, Bittles V, Borazjani A, Potter PM, Ross MK.SourceCenter for Environmental Health Sciences, Department of Basic Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, MS 39762, United States. Electronic address: crow@cvm.msstate.edu.
- Biochemical pharmacology.Biochem Pharmacol.2012 Nov 1;84(9):1215-22. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2012.08.017. Epub 2012 Aug 27.
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- Nature communications.Nat Commun.2012 Oct 9;3:1110. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2111.
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- New Caledonian crows reason about hidden causal agents.
- Taylor AH, Miller R, Gray RD.SourceDepartment of Psychology, University of Auckland, Auckland 1142, New Zealand.
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2012 Oct 2;109(40):16389-91. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1208724109. Epub 2012 Sep 17.
- The ability to make inferences about hidden causal mechanisms underpins scientific and religious thought. It also facilitates the understanding of social interactions and the production of sophisticated tool-using behaviors. However, although animals can reason about the outcomes of accidental inter
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Japanese Journal
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- 関
- crow
- 同
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- CTで歯突起周辺の石灰化像
- 発熱有り
- NSAIDによる対症療法。
- http://sanaiseikeigeka.web.fc2.com/CDS/CDS.html