- viral diseases causing eruptions of the skin or mucous membrane
- any of the animal viruses that cause painful blisters on the skin (同)herpes_virus
- the transparent dome-shaped anterior portion of the outer covering of the eye; it covers the iris and pupil and is continuous with the sclera
- of or related to the cornea
- 疱疹(ほうしん)
- (眼球の)角膜
- 角膜の
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English Journal
- Corneal replication is an interferon response-independent bottleneck for virulence of herpes simplex virus type 1 in the absence of virion host shutoff.
- Pasieka TJ, Menachery VD, Rosato PC, Leib DA.SourceDepartment of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences.
- Journal of virology.J Virol.2012 May 2. [Epub ahead of print]
- Herpes simplex viruses lacking the virion host shutoff function (Δvhs) are avirulent and hypersensitive to type I and type II interferon (IFN). In this study we demonstrate that even in the absence of IFN responses in AG129 (IFNαβγR(-/-) ) mice, Δvhs remains highly attenuated via corneal infect
- PMID 22553331
- Bilateral herpes simplex keratitis presenting as peripheral ulcerative keratitis.
- Praidou A, Androudi S, Kanonidou E, Konidaris V, Alexandridis A, Brazitikos P.SourceDepartment of Ophthalmology, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Cornea.Cornea.2012 May;31(5):570-1.
- PURPOSE: : To report a case of bilateral Herpes simplex keratitis (HSK) masquerading as peripheral ulcerative keratitis (PUK).METHODS: : A case of a 47-year-old female complaining of painful red eyes with a history of arthritis and anterior uveitis attacks with positive antinuclear antibodies (ANA).
- PMID 22378116
Japanese Journal
- 梅屋 玲子,木村 泰朗,深尾 真理,木村 千佳子
- あたらしい眼科 = Journal of the eye 30(6), 841-844, 2013-06-30
- NAID 10031183435
- 角膜病変を初発とした眼部帯状ヘルペス (第49回日本眼感染症学会 原著)
- 坂本 拡之,高村 悦子,篠崎 和美
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 82(E1), E269-E272, 2012-01-31
- 【目的】異物による角膜外傷後に角膜ヘルペスを発症した一例を報告する.,【症例】65歳、男性.鉄の研磨中に左眼に異物が入り、その後、視力低下、眼痛が出現し近医で抗菌点眼薬開始されたが改善せず当科を受診した.初診時、左矯正視力0.7、左眼角膜中央に角膜後面沈着物を伴う類円型の角膜実質混濁を認めた.異物後の細菌感染による角膜実質炎の経過と考え、抗菌点眼薬を増量したが、1週間後には輪部腫脹、眼圧27mmH …
- NAID 110008767990
Related Links
- Herpes Cure: Corneal Herpes. Herpes tips, Tips to cure your herpes. ... Let’s say a healthy living permanently. Despite its technical name is condition causes most discomfort and pain as well as the best options available to act on ...
- There may be a burning feeling in the area. Then if you have had very impressive results from using this method. Corneal Herpes Simplex Treatment the drugs can be relatively you can expect. Once you disciform keratitis could have ...
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- 関
- herpes simplex keratitis
- ラ
- keratitis herpetica
- 同
- 角膜ヘルペス corneal herpes herpes corneae、単純ヘルペス性角膜炎 herpes simplex keratitis、ヘルペス性角膜炎 herpetic keratitis
- 関
- 角膜炎、単純ヘルペスウイルス
- 関
- cornea