- an animal sterol that is normally synthesized by the liver; the most abundant steroid in animal tissues (同)cholesterin
- コレステロール(胆汁・血液・神経組織などの脂肪性成分)
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English Journal
- Diabetic and dyslipidaemic morbidly obese exhibit more liver alterations compared with healthy morbidly obese.
- Pardina E1, Ferrer R2, Rossell J1, Baena-Fustegueras JA3, Lecube A4, Fort JM5, Caubet E5, González Ó5, Vilallonga R5, Vargas V6, Balibrea JM5, Peinado-Onsurbe J1.
- BBA clinical.BBA Clin.2016 Jan 8;5:54-65. doi: 10.1016/j.bbacli.2015.12.002. eCollection 2016.
- BACKGROUND & AIMS: To study the origin of fat excess in the livers of morbidly obese (MO) individuals, we analysed lipids and lipases in both plasma and liver and genes involved in lipid transport, or related with, in that organ.METHODS: Thirty-two MO patients were grouped according to the absen
- PMID 27051590
- Cholesterol 7{alpha}-hydroxylase-deficient mice are protected from high fat/high cholesterol diet-induced metabolic disorders.
- Ferrell JM1, Boehme S2, Li F3, Chiang JY4.
- Journal of lipid research.J Lipid Res.2016 May 4. pii: jlr.M064709. [Epub ahead of print]
- Cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) is the first and rate-limiting enzyme in the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids in the liver. In addition to absorption and digestion of nutrients, bile acids play a critical role in the regulation of lipid, glucose and energy homeostasis. We have backcrosse
- PMID 27146480
- Synergetic cholesterol-lowering effects of main alkaloids from Rhizoma Coptidis in HepG2 cells and hypercholesterolemia hamsters.
- Kou S1, Han B1, Wang Y1, Huang T2, He K2, Han Y1, Zhou X2, Ye X3, Li X4.
- Life sciences.Life Sci.2016 Apr 15;151:50-60. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2016.02.046. Epub 2016 Feb 11.
- AIMS: Hyperlipidemia contributes to the progression of cardiovascular diseases. Main alkaloids from Rhizoma Coptidis including berberine (BBR), coptisine (COP), palmatine (PAL), epiberberine (EPI) and jatrorrhizine (JAT), improved dyslipidemia in hypercholesterolemic hamsters to a different degree.
- PMID 26876917
Japanese Journal
- CYP7A1 genotypes and haplotypes associated with hypertension in an obese Han Chinese population
- Hypertension research : clinical and experimental : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension 34(6), 722-727, 2011-06-01
- NAID 10031163243
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- cholesterol 7 alpha hydroxylase. Far up Cholesterol and The Sexes Home Contact Sitemap cholesterol 7 alpha hydroxylase Featured Products $504.49 Cholesterol 7alpha Hydroxylase 7alpha Monooxygenase (7a-Monooxygenase) ...
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- 関
- コレステロール
- 同
- cholesterol 7-hydroxylase、cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase
- microsomal enzyme
- monooxygenase
- コレステロール + NADPH + H+ + O2 -(7α-hydroxylase)→ 7α-hydroxycholesterol + NADP+
- 補酵素としてビタミンCを要求する?
- コレステロールの存在により反応が促進され、胆汁の存在やビタミンCの不足により反応が抑制される。