English Journal
- Identifying a small molecule blocking antigen presentation in autoimmune thyroiditis.
- Li CW1, Menconi F1, Osman R1, Mezei M1, Jacobson EM1, Concepcion E1, David CS2, Kastrinsky DB1, Ohlmeyer M1, Tomer Y3.
- The Journal of biological chemistry.J Biol Chem.2015 Dec 24. pii: jbc.M115.694687. [Epub ahead of print]
- We previously showed that an HLA-DR variant containing arginine at position 74 of the DRβ1 chain (DRβ1-Arg74) is the specific HLA class II variant conferring risk for autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD). We also identified 5 thyroglobulin (Tg) peptides that bound to DRβ1-Arg74. We hypothesized tha
- PMID 26703475
- Cepharanthine alleviates liver injury in a rodent model of limb ischemia-reperfusion.
- Chang YK1, Huang SC1, Kao MC2, Huang CJ3.
- Acta anaesthesiologica Taiwanica : official journal of the Taiwan Society of Anesthesiologists.Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan.2015 Dec 19. pii: S1875-4597(15)30018-7. doi: 10.1016/j.aat.2015.11.004. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES: Limb ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) causes remote organ injury (e.g., liver injury). Oxidation and inflammation are crucial mechanisms. We investigated the effects of cepharanthine, a potent antioxidative and anti-inflammatory drug, on alleviating liver injury induced by limb I/R.METHODS: Tw
- PMID 26711228
- Cepharanthine mitigates pro-inflammatory cytokine response in lung injury induced by hemorrhagic shock/resuscitation in rats.
- Kao MC1, Yang CH2, Sheu JR3, Huang CJ4.
- Cytokine.Cytokine.2015 Dec;76(2):442-8. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2015.09.008. Epub 2015 Sep 12.
- BACKGROUND: Cepharanthine possesses strong anti-inflammation capacity. We sought to clarify whether cepharanthine could mitigate pro-inflammatory cytokine production in acute lung injury induced by hemorrhagic shock/resuscitation (HS/RES). The involvement of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) was also investig
- PMID 26375521
Japanese Journal
- 小児特発性血小板減少性紫斑病に対するセファランチン長期投与に関する後方視的研究
- 日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 = Japanese journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 51(5), 507-513, 2014
- NAID 40020344527
- エキシマライト療法の効果を認めた小児蛇行状脱毛症の1例
- 円形脱毛症に対するセファランチンと他剤の併用療法の有効性に関する検討
- 日本皮膚科学会雑誌 = The Japanese journal of dermatology 123(1), 9-15, 2013-01
- NAID 40019549277
Related Links
- シート記載: Cepharanthin tab.1mg、CE/D、1mg、セファランチン錠1mg この薬の作用と効果について 抗アレルギー作用、血液幹細胞増加作用があり、造血機能の回復を促進するほか、末梢血管を拡張・末梢循 環障害を改善して毛根などに ...
- Cepharanthin® 販売元 和光純薬工業(株) 販売元コード 304-08891 製造元 化研生薬(株) 製造元コード 30-0889 CAS.NO 481-49-2 分子式 分子量 保存条件 室温 適用法規 危険有害性 劇薬 等級 EC.NO CI.NO 構造式 販売元コード 容量 ...
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