- an opening through which fluid is admitted to a tube or container (同)inlet
- of or relating to calories in food; "comparison of foods on a caloric basis"; "the caloric content of foods"
- 〈C〉(導管などの水・空気などの)取り入れ口 / 〈C〉取り入れ,吸い込み / 〈U〉摂取量;取り入れたもの
- 熱の,カロリーの
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English Journal
- Vitamin D insufficiency together with high serum levels of vitamin A increases the risk for osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
- Mata-Granados JM, Cuenca-Acevedo JR, Luque de Castro MD, Holick MF, Quesada-Gómez JM.SourceDepartment of I+D+I, Sanyres Group, Córdoba, Spain.
- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2013 Dec;8(1-2):124. doi: 10.1007/s11657-013-0124-5. Epub 2013 Feb 16.
- Postmenopausal women who were vitamin D deficient and had high serum levels of retinol had an eight times higher risk of having osteoporosis. A high retinol level together with vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency is an additional risk factor for osteoporosis.PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to eval
- PMID 23417776
- Effects of exercise training on gut hormone levels after a single bout of exercise in middle-aged Japanese women.
- Ueda SY, Miyamoto T, Nakahara H, Shishido T, Usui T, Katsura Y, Yoshikawa T, Fujimoto S.SourceDepartment of Acupuncture, Morinomiya University of Medical Sciences, 1-26-16, Nankokita, Suminoe-ku, Osaka City, Osaka, 559-8611 Japan.
- SpringerPlus.Springerplus.2013 Dec;2(1):83. Epub 2013 Mar 5.
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks of exercise training on gut hormone levels after a single bout of exercise in middle-aged Japanese women. Twenty healthy middle-aged women were recruited for this study. Several measurements were performed pre and post exercise t
- PMID 23504454
Japanese Journal
- 生活習慣病の認知/行動療法(<特集>認知/行動療法)
- 野崎 剛弘,須藤 信行
- 心身医学 51(12), 1088-1097, 2011-12-01
- わが国における食生活の欧米化とモータリゼーションの発展は,確実に高カロリー摂取と低エネルギー消費をもたらした.その結果,2型糖尿病,高脂血症,高尿酸血症,高血圧,冠動脈疾患が急増した.これらは,生活習慣がその発症と進展に深く関与していることから生活習慣病と呼ばれるようになった.欧米では生活習慣病に対して,薬物療法と並び,生活習慣の変容法が重要な治療として位置づけられている.その治療の中核を担ってい …
- NAID 110008761813
Related Links
- 7 Mar 2013 ... Minimum Daily Calorie intake. It is difficult to set absolute bottom calorie levels, because everyone has different body composition and activity levels. Health authorities do set some baselines - these are 1200 calories per day ...
- Free calculator to start cutting your daily calorie intake so that the total is less than the daily calories you burn to lose weight effectively. ... In order to lose weight, you need your calorie intake to be less than your total daily calories burned.
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- 英
- caloric intake
- 関
- エネルギー摂取量、カロリー摂取量
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- caloric intake
- 英
- caloric intake
- 関
- カロリー摂取
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- calorically、calorie
- 関
- ingest、ingestion、take