- relating to the bile ducts or the gallbladder
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English Journal
- Difficult biliary cannulation during ERCP: How to facilitate biliary access and minimize the risk of post-ERCP pancreatitis.
- Testoni PA, Testoni S, Giussani A.SourceDivision of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University - Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy.
- Digestive and liver disease : official journal of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology and the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver.Dig Liver Dis.2011 Aug;43(8):596-603. Epub 2011 Mar 4.
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) is one of the most technically challenging procedures in therapeutic endoscopy; difficulties in biliary cannulation and post-ERCP pancreatitis are still significant problems. Deep cannulation of Vater's papilla may fail in up to 5% of cases; sel
- PMID 21377432
- Precut sphincterotomy, repeated cannulation and post-ERCP pancreatitis in patients with bile duct stone disease.
- Testoni PA, Giussani A, Vailati C, Testoni S, Di Leo M, Mariani A.SourceDivision of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Via Olgettina 60, 20132 Milan, Italy.
- Digestive and liver disease : official journal of the Italian Society of Gastroenterology and the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver.Dig Liver Dis.2011 Jul 4. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Repeated attempts at cannulating the papilla of Vater and "needle-knife" precut sphincterotomy are independent risk factors for post-ERCP pancreatitis. Whether precut alone or repeated attempts at cannulation is the culprit factor in the development of post-ERCP pancreatitis remains cont
- PMID 21733768
Japanese Journal
- Needle knife sphincterotomy for an impacted ampullary stone with difficult selective biliary cannulation
- Kawakami Hiroshi,Kuwatani Masaki,Onodera Manabu,Haba Shin,Asaka Masahiro
- Digestive Endoscopy 22(s1), S107-S110, 2010-06
- … For patients with CBD stones, the treatment goal is to completely clear the biliary duct. … We performed needle knife sphincterotomy and attempted to remove a CBD stone using biopsy forceps and alligator grasping forceps without a lithotripter in a patient with a large impacted stone at the ampulla of Vater. …
- NAID 120003118150
- 内視鏡的乳頭括約筋切開術により十二指腸穿孔, 総胆管完全離断を呈した1例
- 今井 健一郎,新井田 達雄,西野 隆義,鬼澤 俊輔,秦 侑鈴,白戸 泉,伊藤 亜由美,前原 千彩
- 日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 = Journal of abdominal emergency medicine 30(4), 581-585, 2010-05-31
- NAID 10026919678
Related Links
- Endoscopic sphincterotomy is commonly used to remove bile-duct stones and to treat other problems. We prospectively investigated risk factors for complications of this procedure and their outcomes. Of 2347 patients, 229 (9.8 percent) had a complication, including pancreatitis in 127 (5.4 percent) and ...
- Approximately 150,000 patients undergo endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy every year in the United States. Biliary sphincterotomy refers to the cutting of the biliary sphincter and is typically carried out during endoscopic retrograde ...
- 英
- biliary sphincterotomy
- 関
- bile、cholic、gall