- 関
- bifurcation
- divide into two branches; "The road bifurcated"
- split or divide into two
- resembling a fork; divided or separated into two branches; "the biramous appendages of an arthropod"; "long branched hairs on its legson which pollen collects"; "a forked river"; "a forked tail"; "forked lightning"; "horseradish grown in poor soil may develop prongy roots" (同)biramous, branched, forked, fork-like, forficate, pronged, prongy
- a bifurcating branch (one or both of them)
- the place where something divides into two branches
- the act of splitting into two branches
- divided into or made up of two parts; "socially bifurcated populations"
- 〈道路・川などが〉二またに分かれる,分かれて二本になる / 二またに分かれた
- 〈U〉分岐,二また状 / 〈C〉分岐点
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Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts.
Bifurcation or bifurcated may refer to:
- Bifurcation (law), the division of issues in a trial
- Bifurcation theory, the study of bifurcation in dynamical systems
- River bifurcation, the forking of a river into its distributaries
- Bifurcation lake, a lake that flows into two different drainage basins
- Bifurcation of an incompressible flow, modeled by squeeze mapping the fluid flow
- Bifurcated bonding, in which a single hydrogen atom participates in two hydrogen bonds
- Aortic bifurcation, the point at which the abdominal aorta bifurcates into the left and right common iliac arteries
See also
- Fork (disambiguation)
- Tongue bifurcation (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Anatomy for the bronchologist: a prospective study of the normal endobronchial anatomic variants.
- Vaz Rodrigues L, Martins Y, Guimaraes C, de Santis M, Marques A, Barata F.SourceServico de Pneumologia, Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, EPE, Coimbra, Portugal.
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Japanese Journal
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Related Links
- Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts. Bifurcation or Bifurcated may refer to: Bifurcation (law), the division of issues in a trial for example the division of a page into two parts. Bifurcation theory, the study of bifurcation in ...
- bi・fur・cat・edbi・fur・cat・ing. Definition of BIFURCATE. transitive verb. : to cause to divide into two branches or parts. intransitive verb. : to divide into two branches or parts. ? bi・fur・cate \(?)b?-?f?r-k?t, -?k?t; ?b?-(?)f?r-?k?t\ adjective. See bifurcate ...
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- 関
- arborize、bifurcate、diverge、divergence、multibranch、multibranched
- 英
- bifurcation、bifurcate
- 関
- 分岐、二股に分ける、二股
- 英
- bifurcate
- 関
- 二分枝、二股に分ける
- 英
- bifurcate
- 関
- 二分枝、二股