- having prongs or tines; usually used in combination; "a three-tined fork" (同)tined
- having three prongs
- having four prongs
- having two prongs
- a pointed projection
- (フォーク・くまでの)また;(雄ジカの)枝角(えだづの) / …‘を'フォーク(角など)で刺す(突く);〈土・干し草〉‘を'くまででかく
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English Journal
- Recent advances in the pharmacologic treatment of spinal cord injury.
- Cox A1, Varma A, Banik N.
- Metabolic brain disease.Metab Brain Dis.2015 Apr;30(2):473-82. doi: 10.1007/s11011-014-9547-y. Epub 2014 May 16.
- A need exists for the effective treatment of individuals suffering from spinal cord injury (SCI). Recent advances in the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms occurring in SCI have resulted in an expansion of new therapeutic targets. This review summarizes both preclinical and clinical
- PMID 24833553
- Using a call center to encourage linkage to care following mobile HIV counseling and testing.
- van Zyl MA1, Brown LL, Pahl K.
- AIDS care.AIDS Care.2015 Mar 3:1-5. [Epub ahead of print]
- Engaging newly diagnosed HIV+ individuals in treatment is a significant global challenge. As South Africa expands HIV counseling and testing (HCT) services, the growing numbers of people diagnosed with HIV will need innovative links to care approaches in order for treatment to be most effective. Whi
- PMID 25734697
- Mapping Allostery through Computational Glycine Scanning and Correlation Analysis of Residue-Residue Contacts.
- Johnson QR1, Lindsay RJ, Nellas RB, Fernandez EJ, Shen T.
- Biochemistry.Biochemistry.2015 Feb 24;54(7):1534-41. doi: 10.1021/bi501152d. Epub 2015 Feb 6.
- Understanding allosteric mechanisms is essential for the physical control of molecular switches and downstream cellular responses. However, it is difficult to decode essential allosteric motions in a high-throughput scheme. A general two-pronged approach to performing automatic data reduction of sim
- PMID 25658131
Japanese Journal
- 小児気道異物の検討 : 異物把持鉗子の開発と使用成績
- 遠藤 誠,大泉 弘幸,金内 直樹,加藤 博久,鈴木 潤,深谷 建,渡會 光,貞弘 光章
- 気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌 34(4), 314-319, 2012-07-25
- 背景.小児気道異物は緊急病態であるが,治療器具が十分ではなく治療に難渋することがある.当科の術前術中の工夫および治療成績を評価検討し報告する.対象と方法.1994年から2008年1月までに治療した小児気道異物症例18例を対象とした.男児8例,女児10例,患児の月齢は中央値21.5カ月(9〜60カ月).術前診断,麻酔法ならびに手術方法について検討した.結果.異物は豆類16例,歯科補填物とビーズが各1 …
- NAID 110009489903
- The Dual Green Revolutions in South Korea : Reforestation and Agricultural Revolution under the Authoritarian Regime(<Special Issue>Science, Technology, and the State in East Asia: Experts and Politicians in Postwar Korea and Japan)
- MOON Manyong
- Historia scientiarum. Second series : international journal of the History of Science Society of Japan 21(3), 161-173, 2012-03-31
- … This two-pronged revolution was initiated by scientific research - yet accomplished by the strong administrative mobilization of President Park Chung Hee's regime. …
- NAID 110009436627
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- -prongedとは。意味や和訳。[形]((数詞を伴って))…またのa four--pronged fork先が4本のフォークa three--pronged approach三方面からのアプローチ. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書 ...
- Jewelry. a tapering metal projection, usually heavier than a claw, rising from the base of a jewelry setting and used to hold a stone in position as needed. ... He essentially sketches a two-pronged approach to progress in social ...
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