- an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus (同)reflex response, reflex action, instinctive reflex, innate reflex, inborn reflex, unconditioned_reflex, physiological reaction
- (of leaves) bent downward and outward more than 90 degrees
- 反射(刺激に対する無意識の反応) / 《複数形で》反射的な動き / (光などの)反射,反射光;映像 / 反射性の / (カメラが)レフ鋼の,反射型の
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English Journal
- [The protective effect of oral magnesium supplement on noise-induced hearing loss].
- Yildirim C1, Yağiz R, Uzun C, Taş A, Bulut E, Karasalihoğlu A.
- Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat.Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg.2006;16(1):29-36.
- OBJECTIVES: We investigated the beneficial effect of magnesium in the prevention of noise-induced cochlear damage in guinea pigs by transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE).STUDY DESIGN: Thirty-nine guinea pigs with normal auropalpebral reflex were randomly divided into control (n=20) and stud
- PMID 16763412
- Blink reflex and auditory speech perception in prelingually cochlear-implanted children.
- Emamdjomeh H1, Shafaghat L, Abbassalipour P, Hassanzadeh S, Alaeddini F, Farhadi M, Daneshi A.
- Acta oto-laryngologica.Acta Otolaryngol.2005 Apr;125(4):358-62.
- CONCLUSION: The results of this study show that R- prelingually cochlear-implanted children are not optimal candidates for cochlear implantation. However, if this group are implanted, other rehabilitation methods should be incorporated into their rehabilitation program in order to achieve better res
- PMID 15823805
- Universal neonatal hearing screening: past, present, and future.
- Mencher GT1, Davis AC, DeVoe SJ, Beresford D, Bamford JM.
- American journal of audiology.Am J Audiol.2001 Jun;10(1):3-12.
- After a brief review of the history of newborn hearing screening including the Downs behavioral testing procedure, the Crib-o-gram and similar devices, and the use of auropalpebral reflex and otoacoustic emissions, there is a discussion of key issues that need to be resolved before universal hearing
- PMID 11501894
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- co·chle·o·pal·pe·bral re·flex a form of the wink reflex in which there is a contraction, sometimes very slight, of the orbicularis palpebrarum muscle to an intense sound. See also: startle reflex. Synonym(s): acousticopalpebral reflex, auropalpebral reflex ...
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- auropalpebral reflex, APR
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