- 断言する。(権利などを)主張/擁護する。(属性など)の存在を明らかに示す。(神など)の存在を肯定する。自明のこととして仮定す(posit, postulate)
- 関
- (n.)assertion
- insist on having ones opinions and rights recognized; "Women should assert themselves more!" (同)put forward
- state categorically (同)asseverate, maintain
- take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom; "He posited three basic laws of nature" (同)posit
- (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning (同)posit
- aggressively self-assured; "an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue"; "pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act" (同)self-asserting, self-assertive
- a declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary) (同)averment, asseveration
- the act of asserting yourself in an aggressive manner
- the act of putting forth your own opinions in a boastful or inconsiderate manner that implies you feel superior to others
- someone who claims to speak the truth; "a bold asserter"; "a declarer of his intentions"; "affirmers of traditional doctrine"; "an asseverator of strong convictions"; "an avower of his own great intelligence" (同)declarer, affirmer, asseverator, avower
- in an assertive manner; "`I will take care of my own life, she said assertively"
- confidently declared to be so; "the asserted value of the painting"
- …'を'『断言する』,力説する(affirm)
- (自明のこととして)…‘を'仮定する;…‘だと'仮定する《+『that節』》 / (推論の基礎となる)仮説,仮定;(数学の)公理
- (論争のために)仮定する,(事実として)断定する
- 断定的な,独断的な
- 〈C〉(しばしば根拠のない)『断言』,主張 / 〈U〉主張(断言)すること
- 自己主張,出しゃばり
- 自己主張する,出しゃばりの
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/05/05 14:11:34」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
The terms assertion and assert have several meanings:
- Assertion (computing), a computer programming technique
- Logical assertion, logical assertion of a statement
- Proof by assertion, an assertion as opposed to an argument
- Patent assertion, the enforcement of patent rights, usually by litigation against an infringing party
- Assertions (auditing), used in the context of a financial statement audit
- Assert (horse), an Irish racehorse
- Assertions are also a kind of speech act.
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- 1. 心房細動の疫学および危険因子 epidemiology of and risk factors for atrial fibrillation
English Journal
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- Kudelko M1, Sharma R2, Cheah KS1, Chan D1.
- Data in brief.Data Brief.2016 Mar 2;7:449-51. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.02.065. eCollection 2016.
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Japanese Journal
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- 関
- (adj.)assertive 断定的な、独断的な
- 断定的な、独断的な。強い/はっきりとした香り/色彩がある
- 関
- (vt)assert 断言する。
- 関
- assert