- 関
- arterial
- of or involving or contained in the arteries; "arterial disease"; "the arterial system"; "arterial blood"
- 動脈の,動脈状の / 動脈血の / 幹線の
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English Journal
- Clinical pharmacology of paracetamol in neonates: a review.
- Pacifici GM1, Allegaert K2.
- Current therapeutic research, clinical and experimental.Curr Ther Res Clin Exp.2014 Dec 12;77:24-30. doi: 10.1016/j.curtheres.2014.12.001. eCollection 2015.
- Paracetamol is commonly used to control mild-to-moderate pain or to reduce opioid exposure as part of multimodal analgesia, and is the only compound recommended to treat fever in neonates. Paracetamol clearance is lower in neonates than in children and adults. After metabolic conversion, paracetamol
- PMID 25709719
- Array comparative genomic hybridisation testing in CHD.
- Hightower HB1, Robin NH2, Mikhail FM2, Ambalavanan N1.
- Cardiology in the young.Cardiol Young.2015 Aug;25(6):1155-72. doi: 10.1017/S1047951114001838. Epub 2014 Oct 8.
- BACKGROUND: CHD is the leading cause of mortality due to birth defects. Array comparative genomic hybridisation (aCGH) detects submicroscopic copy number changes and may improve identification of the genetic basis of CHD.METHODS: This is a retrospective analysis of 1252 patients from a regional refe
- PMID 25296170
- Isolation of the left subclavian artery: a rare aortic arch anomaly.
- Saktheeswaran MK1, Krishnamoorthy KM2, Sivasankaran S2.
- Cardiology in the young.Cardiol Young.2015 Aug;25(6):1203-5. doi: 10.1017/S1047951114001668. Epub 2014 Sep 24.
- Isolation of the left subclavian artery is a rare anomaly associated with acyanotic CHDs and right aortic arch. This condition can be asymptomatic or can present with neurological and left upper-limb ischaemic symptoms; it does not form a vascular ring. Treatment options include implantation of the
- PMID 25249437
Japanese Journal
- 臨床研究・症例報告 妊娠継続可能であった軽症動脈管早期収縮の1例
- 第80回東京女子医科大学学会総会シンポジウム「東京女子医大 小児医療の最前線!-"なおらない"から"なおる"へ-」Part 1 (2)こどもの心臓病のカテーテル治療
- 杉山 央
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 85(2), 44-49, 2015-04-25
- 心臓カテーテル治療の歴史は1966年Rashikindによる完全大血管転位の乳児に心房中隔裂開術を開発したことから始まるそれ以降、動脈管開存に対するカテーテル治療を始め多くのカテーテル治療法が開発されて臨床に用いられるようになってきている。こどものカテーテル治療の特徴として、(1)カテーテル治療のみで根治性がある手技、(2)手術との組み合わせで治療をする補助的な役割を担う手技、(3)心臓術後の遺残 …
- NAID 110009900091
- Peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis in three cats
- AOKI Takuma,SUNAHARA Hiroshi,SUGIMOTO Keisuke [他]
- The journal of veterinary medical science 77(4), 487-491, 2015-04
- NAID 40020463063
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- 関
- arteriosus、artery
- 英
- arterial、arteriosus
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- 動脈
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- persistent