- (犯罪者など)逮捕する
- 感づく、感知/察知する。~の意味をとらえる、理解する
- 懸念する、気づかう
- 関
- (n.)apprehension
- anticipate with dread or anxiety (同)quail at
- the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal); "the policeman on the beat got credit for the collar" (同)arrest, catch, collar, pinch, taking into custody
- fearful expectation or anticipation; "the student looked around the examination room with apprehension" (同)apprehensiveness, dread
- painful expectation (同)misgiving
- a person who seizes or arrests (especially a person who seizes or arrests in the name of justice)
- 《文》…'を'逮捕する,捕える(arrest) / 《古》〈意味〉'を'理解する / 《まれ》…'を'気づかう,案じる
- 《しばしば複数形で》《単数扱い》『気づかい』,不安 / 《文》理解[力](understanding) / 逮捕,拘引(arrest)
- …‘を'誤解する,思い違いをする
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/07/04 22:44:34」(JST)
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Apprehension may refer to:
- Apprehension (understanding), awareness or understanding of something by the mind
- Arrest by law-enforcement officers
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Apprehension (film), a 1982 film by Lothar Warneke
English Journal
- Cognitive control level of action for analyzing verbal reports in educative clinical simulation situations.
- Morineau T1, Meineri S2, Chapelain P3.
- Nurse education today.Nurse Educ Today.2017 Mar;50:104-108. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2016.12.016. Epub 2016 Dec 22.
- BACKGROUND: Several methods and theoretical frameworks have been proposed for efficient debriefing after clinical simulation sessions. In these studies, however, the cognitive processes underlying the debriefing stage are not directly addressed. Cognitive control constitutes a conceptual link betwee
- PMID 28038369
- Structural and functional annotation of human FAM26F: A multifaceted protein having a critical role in the immune system.
- Malik U1, Javed A2, Ali A3, Asghar K4.
- Gene.Gene.2017 Jan 15;597:66-75. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2016.10.029. Epub 2016 Oct 23.
- BACKGROUND: Human immune system is a complex amalgam of a greatly diverse ensemble comprising of various cellular and non-cellular components, including proteins. FAM26F (family with sequence similarity 26, member F) is a relatively recently identified gene reported to play important role in diverse
- PMID 27784631
- Screening Explorer-An Interactive Tool for the Analysis of Screening Results.
- Empereur-Mot C1, Zagury JF1, Montes M1.
- Journal of chemical information and modeling.J Chem Inf Model.2016 Dec 27;56(12):2281-2286. doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.6b00283. Epub 2016 Nov 22.
- Screening Explorer is a web-based application that allows for an intuitive evaluation of the results of screening experiments using complementary metrics in the field. The usual evaluation of screening results implies the separate generation and apprehension of the ROC, predictiveness, and enrichmen
- PMID 27808512
- A ten-year experience of physical Intimate partner violence (IPV) in a French forensic unit.
- Savall F1, Lechevalier A2, Hérin F3, Vergnault M4, Telmon N4, Bartoli C5.
- Journal of forensic and legal medicine.J Forensic Leg Med.2016 Dec 24;46:12-15. doi: 10.1016/j.jflm.2016.12.007. [Epub ahead of print]
- Forensic units have a central role to play in healthy public policy, by the collection and management of violence. This study aims to describe the characteristics of physical Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) against men reported over 10 years in the forensic unit of Toulouse (France) and to compare t
- PMID 28039764
Japanese Journal
- Paragonimiasis in Japan: A Twelve-year Retrospective Case Review (2001-2012)
- Nagayasu Eiji,Yoshida Ayako,Hombu Amy,Horii Yoichiro,Maruyama Haruhiko
- Internal Medicine 54(2), 179-186, 2015
- … To apprehend the current-day situation of the re-emergent cases of paragonimiasis in Japan, we conducted a retrospective review of 443 patients who were referred to our laboratory and diagnosed as having paragonimiasis during 2001-2012. …
- NAID 130004903022
- 宇宙初期ゆらぎのエンタングルメント(<シリーズ>量子論の広がり-非局所相関と不確定性-)
- 南部 保貞
- 日本物理學會誌 69(11), 763-770, 2014-11-05
- 宇宙の加速膨張期を与えるインフレーションモデルは,現在の宇宙における大規模構造形成に必要な初期ゆらぎを生成するメカニズムを提供すると考えられている.インフレーションの期間中に,加速膨張を引き起こすスカラー場であるインフラトン場の量子論的な粒子生成を通じて空間曲率のゆらぎが生成される.そしてそのゆらぎの波長は宇宙膨張に伴ってハッブル地平線長さを超えるマクロなスケールまで引き延ばされる.このような長波 …
- NAID 110009891151
- Performance Evaluation of Forecasting Models : At Last, Problem Solved!
- Ouenniche Jamal
- 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会春季研究発表会アブストラクト集 2014, 160-162, 2014-03-06
- … In all applications examined so far, empirical results suggest that multi-criteria frameworks for comparing the relative performance of forecasting models provide valuable tools to apprehend the true nature of the relative performance of forecasting models. …
- NAID 110009830775
- 堀池 正樹,中岡 達雄,中村 哲郎 [他],大野 耕一,高間 勇一,銭谷 昌弘,東尾 篤史
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 50(2), 251-256, 2014
- 盲腸軸捻転症は放置すると盲腸壊死に陥る緊急性の高い疾患であり小児では稀である.症例は8 歳男児.腹痛,嘔吐を主訴に来院,腹部立位単純レントゲンで左上腹部に胃泡と一部重なる巨大なniveau 像を認めた.右上腹部には多数の小腸ガス像を認めた.単純イレウスと診断し入院の上保存的加療開始した.しかし入院翌日には腹部緊満,広範囲の腹膜刺激症状が出現した.入院時の画像所見を再検討すると盲腸軸捻転症であること …
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- 憂慮、懸念、危惧、不安
- 理解、理解力。見解、考え
- 捕縛、逮捕
- 関
- (vt.vi.)apprehend