- 関
- antispasmodic、spasmolysis
- a drug used to relieve or prevent spasms (especially of the smooth muscles) (同)spasmolytic, antispasmodic_agent
- the relaxation or relief of muscle spasms
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English Journal
- Polysynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials that trigger spasms after spinal cord injury in rats are inhibited by 5-HT1B and 5-HT1F receptors.
- Murray KC, Stephens MJ, Rank MM, D'Amico J, Gorassini MA, Bennett DJ.Source1.
- Journal of neurophysiology.J Neurophysiol.2011 Jun 8. [Epub ahead of print]
- Sensory afferent transmission and associated spinal reflexes are normally inhibited by serotonin (5-HT) derived from the brainstem. Spinal cord injury (SCI) that eliminates this 5-HT innervation leads to a disinhibition of sensory transmission and a consequent emergence of unusually long polysynapti
- PMID 21653728
- Treatment-resistant sensory motor symptoms in persons with SCI may be signs of restless legs syndrome.
- Nilsson S, Levi R, Nordstrom A.SourceDepartment of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Medicine, Umea University, Umea, Sweden.
- Spinal cord.Spinal Cord.2011 Jun;49(6):754-6. Epub 2010 Nov 30.
- Study design:Case report on the successful treatment with pramipexole in four men with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) suffering from refractory symptoms that were previously considered to be manifestations of a post-traumatic spastic syndrome or neuropathic pain.Objective:To raise awareness among
- PMID 21116284
Japanese Journal
- ITB (髄腔内バクロフェン) 療法の脊髄損傷後の痙性麻痺患者に対する効果
- 商 暁英,影近 謙治,高木 泰孝,山田 泰士,金澤 芳光,那須 渉
- 中部日本整形外科災害外科学会雑誌. 中部日本整形外科災害外科学会抄録 52(5), 1137-1138, 2009-09-01
- NAID 10026234647
- 脳卒中片麻痺上肢の痙縮筋への振動刺激痙縮抑制療法と促通反復療法との併用による麻痺と痙縮の改善効果
Related Links
- Definition of antispastic from Webster's New World College Dictionary. Meaning of antispastic. Pronunciation of antispastic. Definition of the word antispastic . Origin of the word antispastic.
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- 関
- antispasmodic agent、antispasmodic drug、antispasmodics、antispastic、antispastic drug、spasmolysis、spasmolytic
- 英
- spasmolysis、antispasmodic、antispastic
- 関
- 鎮痙剤、鎮痙薬
- 関
- antispasmodic、antispastic
- 関
- antispasmodic、antispasmodic agent、antispasmodic drug、antispasmodics、spasmolytic