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English Journal
- Experience in managing an urban massive burn incident: The Hangzhou bus attack on 5 July 2014.
- Hang H1, Jianan W2, Chunmao H3.
- Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries.Burns.2016 Feb;42(1):169-77. doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2015.09.015. Epub 2015 Oct 31.
- BACKGROUND: On 5 July 2014, a suicide terrorist set a crowded bus on fire in Hangzhou, injuring 33 passengers. Among these, 19 adult victims with the most severe burns were triaged to our center. This is a single-center, descriptive study recording the prehospital response and in-hospital treatment
- PMID 26526377
- The Role of the Nonpneumatic Antishock Garment in Reducing Blood Loss and Mortality Associated with Post-Abortion Hemorrhage.
- Manandhar S1, El Ayadi AM2, Butrick E3, Hosang R4, Miller S5.
- Studies in family planning.Stud Fam Plann.2015 Sep;46(3):281-96. doi: 10.1111/j.1728-4465.2015.00030.x.
- Maternal mortality attributable to post-abortion hemorrhage is often associated with delays in reaching or receiving definitive care. The nonpneumatic antishock garment (NASG), a low-technology first-aid device, has been shown to decrease blood loss and mortality among women experiencing hypovolemic
- PMID 26347091
- Use of pelvic hemostasis belt to control lethal pelvic arterial hemorrhage in a swine model.
- Tiba MH1, Draucker GT, McCracken BM, Alam HB, Eliason JL, Ward KR.
- The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.J Trauma Acute Care Surg.2015 Mar;78(3):524-9. doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000000530.
- BACKGROUND: Hemorrhage is the leading cause of death for both civilian and battlefield injuries. Hemorrhage from pelvic vascular wounds is of concern since it is difficult to control before surgical intervention. This has resulted in renewed interest in developing presurgical endovascular approaches
- PMID 25710422
Japanese Journal
- 下部消化管病変に起因した敗血症性ショックにおける, PMX-DHPの術前抗ショック療法としての位置付け
- 吉川 健治,山口 拓也,斎藤 和則
- 日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 = Journal of abdominal emergency medicine 22(6), 933-938, 2002-09-30
- NAID 10009974169
- 8. 救急医学とEBM (<特集>救急医療における最近の進歩)
- 河内 正男,杉本 裕之,富江 鋭毅,安斉 勝行,花田 英輔,斉藤 達也,小笠原 寛,栗原 稔,矢嶋 輝久,竹内 治男,八田 善夫
- 昭和医学会雑誌 47(3), 437-441, 1987
- ICGは安全性が高く, おもに肝機能検査として臨床に汎用されている.しかし副作用は皆無ではなく, 強いショック例や死亡例も存在する.今回我々は当科および関連施設において過去8年間に経験したICG副作用例を検索した.ICG検査施行2, 753例中, 死亡例は認められなかったが, 明らかにICGと関連した副作用症例が3例 (0.11%) 存在した.第1例は43歳男性, ヨード過敏症不明.ICG静注後1 …
- NAID 130001827564
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- Inhalation injury of moderate severity. The infusion drug of the combined action reamberin, which has a volemic and antihypoxic effect, had added to the complex antishock therapy. The presented clinical observation demonstrates the favorable course of burn shock: stopping of burn shock 28 hours after injury.
- [Use of chlorpromazine as antishock therapy]. [Article in Italian] ESCALAR G, BALDUZZI E. PMID: 13341439 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] MeSH Terms Chlorpromazine/therapeutic use* Schizophrenia/therapy* Substances
- Infusion therapy Acid-basbalance correctorse Antishock solutions Clinical nutrition Detoxification therapy Microcirculation and rheology disorder correctors Osmotic diuretics Water-electrolyte balance correctors Special effect
- 英
- antishock therapy
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