- tell anonymously; "The news were leaked to the paper"
- a euphemism for urination; "he had to take a leak" (同)wetting, making water, passing water
- have an opening that allows light or substances to enter or go out; "The container leaked gasoline"; "the roof leaks badly"
- soft watery rot in fruits and vegetables caused by fungi
- unauthorized (especially deliberate) disclosure of confidential information (同)news leak
- an accidental hole that allows something (fluid or light etc.) to enter or escape; "one of the tires developed a leak"
- be leaked; "The news leaked out despite his secrecy" (同)leak out
- enter or escape as through a hole or crack or fissure; "Water leaked out of the can into the backpack"; "Gas leaked into the basement"
- of or relating to or exhibiting anastomosis
- a unit of length of thread or yarn
- 〈U〉〈C〉(水・空気・ガス・光などが)漏れること / 〈C〉『漏れ口』,漏れ穴 / 〈C〉(秘密などの)漏えい《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈船・屋根・容器などが〉漏る / (…から,…の中へ)〈水・空気・ガス・光など〉漏れる《+『from』(『into』)+『名』》 / 〈秘密などが〉漏えいする《+『out』》 / 〈水・空気・ガス・光など〉‘を'漏らす / (…に)〈秘密など〉‘を'漏らす《+『名』+『to』+『名』》
- 草原,牧草地(meadow)
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Japanese Journal
- 腹腔鏡下低位前方切除術7ヵ月後に発症した遅発性縫合不全の1例
- 伊藤 大介,中島 紳太郎,羽生 健,諏訪 勝仁,岡本 友好,矢永 勝彦
- 日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 67(1), 29-34, 2014
- … は小腸が癒着して一塊になっており,癒着剥離と小腸の部分切除を行って手術終了とした.術2日後に腹痛を訴え,骨盤底ドレーンから便汁様の排液を認めたため,腹膜炎の診断で緊急手術を行った.肛門からのair leak testで初回手術時の吻合部と推測される部位から空気の漏れを認め,人工肛門造設術を施行した.術後経過や緊急手術所見から本症例は遅発性縫合不全が瘻孔化し皮下膿瘍を形成したものと考えられた. …
- NAID 130003385082
- Late-Stage Non-Anastomotic Rupture of Axillo-Bifemoral Bypass Graft
- Annals of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 18(5), 485-487, 2012-10-01
- … Ultrasound examination revealed a leak in the wall of the bypass graft with the formation of a false aneurysm. … Macroscopic findings during surgery confirmed an intact anastomotic region of the left axillary artery and Dacron graft. …
- NAID 10031120938
- 膵頭十二指腸切除術における膵消化管吻合の手術手技 : 安全確実な膵胃密着吻合法
- 新地 洋之,高尾 尊身,前村 公成 [他],又木 雄弘,蔵原 弘,桑畑 太作,川崎 洋太,南 幸次,飯野 聡,迫田 雅彦,上野 真一,石神 純也,夏越 祥次,シンチ ヒロユキ,タカオ ソンシン,マエムラ コウセイ,マタキ ユウコウ,クラハラ ヒロシ,クワハタ タイサク,カワサキ ヨウタ,ミナミ コウジ,イイノ サトシ,サコダ マサヒコ,ウエノ シンイチ,イシガミ スミヤ,ナツゴエ ショウジ,SHINCHI Hiroyuki,TAKAO Sonshin,MAEMURA Kosei,MATAKI Yuko,KURAHARA Hiroshi,KUWAHATA Taisaku,KAWASAKI Yota,MINAMI Koji,IINO Satoshi,SAKODA Masahiko,UENO Shinichi,ISHIGAMI Sumiya,NATSUGOE Shoji
- 鹿児島大学医学雑誌 64(1・2), 1-7, 2012-09
- … Background and Purpose: Pancreatic anastomotic leak remains a persistent problem after pancreaticoduodenectomy.The presence of soft, nonfibrotic pancreatic tissue is one of the most important risk factors for pancreatic leak. …
- NAID 120005197151
Related Links
- An anastomotic leak is a breakdown at the site of a post-surgical closure of a hollow organ. The causes of an anastomotic leak are...
- Anastomotic leaks are among the most dreaded complications after colorectal surgery. However, problems with definitions and the retrospective nature of previous analyses have been major limitations. We sought to use a prospective ...
- 英
- anastomotic leak
- 関
- 吻合部漏出
- 英
- anastomotic leak
- 関
- 縫合不全
- 関
- diapedesis、discharge、escape、leakage
- 関
- anastomose、anastomosis、anastomotic region、anastomotic site
- 関
- leaky