- 関
- AC、adenylate cyclase、adenylyl cyclase
English Journal
- Adenylyl cyclase 7 and neuropsychiatric disorders: A new target for depression?
- Price T, Brust TF.
- Pharmacological research. 2019 Mar;143()106-112.
- Adenylyl cyclases (ACs) are enzymes that catalyze the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) from adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Humans express nine isoforms of membranous ACs and a soluble AC. Studies with genetic knockout or overexpression rodent models have indicated that AC isoforms
- PMID 30904753
- Characterization and engineering of photoactivated adenylyl cyclases.
- Stüven B, Stabel R, Ohlendorf R, Beck J, Schubert R, Möglich A.
- Biological chemistry. 2019 Feb;400(3)429-441.
- Cyclic nucleoside monophosphates (cNMP) serve as universal second messengers in signal transduction across prokaryotes and eukaryotes. As signaling often relies on transiently formed microdomains of elevated second messenger concentration, means to precisely perturb the spatiotemporal dynamics of cN
- PMID 30763033
- Functional characterization of AC5 gain-of-function variants: Impact on the molecular basis of ADCY5-related dyskinesia.
- Doyle TB, Hayes MP, Chen DH, Raskind WH, Watts VJ.
- Biochemical pharmacology. 2019 Feb;163()169-177.
- Adenylyl cyclases are key points for the integration of stimulatory and inhibitory G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signals. Adenylyl cyclase type 5 (AC5) is highly expressed in striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs), and is known to play an important role in mediating striatal dopaminergic signaling
- PMID 30772269
Japanese Journal
- ラット骨芽細胞様細胞株ROS17/2.8におけるPTH/PTHrP受容体のごく早期の同種脱感作に及ぼすベータアドレナリン受容体キナーゼ1の影響(VI.原著論文)
- 陳 新,中田 裕久,馬場 久光
- 神戸大学保健管理センター年報 23, 63-72, 2003-04
- … forskolinを用いた同様の検討では同種脱感作は認められず,ヒトPTH(1-34)によるcAMP産生反応の脱感作は,PTH/PTHrP受容体を含めてadenylylcyclaseよりも上流のメカニズムが原因となっていることが示唆された。 …
- NAID 110007124068
- ラット骨芽細胞様細胞株ROS17/2.8におけるPTH/PTHrP受容体のごく早期の同種脱感作に及ぼすベータアドレナリン受容体キナーゼ1の影響
- 陳 新,中田 裕久,馬場 久光
- 神戸大学医学部紀要 62(1・2), 1-10, 2001-12-20
- … forskolin を用いた同様の検討では同種脱感作は認められず, ヒトPTH(1-34) によるcAMP産生反応の脱感作は, PTH/PTHrP受容体を含めて adenylylcyclaseよりも上流のメカニズムが原因となっていることが示唆された。 …
- NAID 110004652909
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- 英
- adenylyl cyclase、adenylylcyclase
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