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English Journal
- Telomere-centric genome repatterning determines recurring chromosome number reductions during the evolution of eukaryotes.
- Wang X1, Jin D, Wang Z, Guo H, Zhang L, Wang L, Li J, Paterson AH.
- The New phytologist.New Phytol.2015 Jan;205(1):378-89. doi: 10.1111/nph.12985. Epub 2014 Aug 20.
- Whole-genome duplication (WGD) is central to the evolution of many eukaryotic genomes, in particular rendering angiosperm (flowering plant) genomes much less stable than those of animals. Following repeated duplication/triplication(s), angiosperm chromosome numbers have usually been restored to a na
- PMID 25138576
- Efficacy of larvicidal activity of green synthesized titanium dioxide nanoparticles using Mangifera indica extract against blood-feeding parasites.
- Rajakumar G1, Rahuman AA, Roopan SM, Chung IM, Anbarasan K, Karthikeyan V.
- Parasitology research.Parasitol Res.2014 Nov 19. [Epub ahead of print]
- Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) are considered to be among the best photocatalytic materials due to their long-term thermodynamic stability, strong oxidizing power, and relative non-toxicity. Nano-preparations with TiO2 NPs are currently under investigation as novel treatments for acne vul
- PMID 25403378
- The diversification and activity of hAT transposons in Musa genomes.
- Menzel G1, Heitkam T, Seibt KM, Nouroz F, Müller-Stoermer M, Heslop-Harrison JS, Schmidt T.
- Chromosome research : an international journal on the molecular, supramolecular and evolutionary aspects of chromosome biology.Chromosome Res.2014 Nov 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- Sequencing of plant genomes often identified the hAT superfamily as the largest group of DNA transposons. Nevertheless, detailed information on the diversity, abundance and chromosomal localization of plant hAT families are rare. By in silico analyses of the reference genome assembly and bacterial a
- PMID 25377178
Japanese Journal
- ヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV)感染症,HPV関連癌,その予防(<特集>産婦人科感染症)
- Successful cultivation of the toxic dinoflagellate Dinophysis tripos (Dinophyceae)
- Plankton & benthos research 8(4), 171-177, 2013-11-01
- … (2006) succeeded in cultivating the toxic dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuminata and maintaining them by feeding them the ciliate Myrionecta rubra grown with a cryptophyte Teleaulax sp., the present study is the fifth report of propagation of a Dinophysis species (Dinophysis tripos) under laboratory conditions and describes the maintenance of clonal strains kept at relatively high abundance (>2,000 cells mL-1) for a relatively long period (>6 months) when fed on M. …
- NAID 10031203402
- 田中 絢子,権藤 立男,橋本 剛 [他],鹿島 剛,山本 秀伸,田中 道雄,大野 芳正,橘 政昭
- 泌尿器科紀要 = Acta urologica Japonica 59(2), 133-135, 2013-02
- … Histopathological examination indicated urethral condyloma acuminata, and the results of a polymerase chain reaction-based invader assay using urethral swabs taken after surgery suggested lowrisk human papilloma virus infection. … This is a relatively rare case because urethral condyloma acuminata has been reported in only a few elderly patients so far. … No obvious recurrence of condyloma acuminata has been observed for 18 months after surgery. …
- NAID 120005244229
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- condyloma acuminatum、genital wart、venereal wart