- serve in a specific professional capacity; "the priest sat for confession"; "she sat on the jury"
- be around, often idly or without specific purpose; "The object sat in the corner"; "We sat around chatting for another hour" (同)sit around
- be seated (同)sit_down
- be in session; "When does the court of law sit?"
- be located or situated somewhere; "The White House sits on Pennsylvania Avenue"
- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- (…に)『座る』,座っている《+『at』(『on, in』)+『名』》・着席する《+『down』》・(…に)〈鳥などが〉『止まる』,休む《+『on』+『名』》・〈めんどりが〉卵を抱く,巣に就く / 《場所の副詞[句]を伴って》(ある場所に)『位置する』・ (画家・写真家のために)ポーズをとる・しっとしている,動かないでいる・(議員・委員などの)職に就いている《+『on』+『名』》・〈議会・法廷などが〉開会(開廷)される・(…に)負担となる,重荷となる《+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》・〈衣服などが〉(…に)合う,似合う《+『on』+『名』》・〈人〉‘を'座らせる,着席させる《+『down』+『名,』+『名』+『down』》・〈馬〉‘に'乗る・《英》〈試験〉‘を'受ける
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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- 静電誘導トランジスタの略称
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- SITストリングス ギター弦のブランド
- sit
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[Wiki en表示]
SIT may refer to:
- 1 Places
- 2 Computing and Networking
- 3 Organizations
- 3.1 Educational organizations
- 4 Psychology
- 5 Science and technology
- 6 Transportation
- 7 Other
- 8 See also
- Sit (island), an island in Croatia
- Sit, Bashagard, a village in Hormozgan Province, Iran
- Sit, Gafr and Parmon, a village in Hormozgan Province, Iran
- Sit, Minab, a village in Hormozgan Province, * Sit-e Bandkharas, a village in Hormozgan Province, Iran
- Sit River, a river in Russia
- Sit-e Bandkharas, a village in Hormozgan Province, Iran
Computing and Networking
- .sit, or .sitx, file extensions used for compressed files created with StuffIt
- System integration testing, a process in software engineering
- SIT, Simple Internet Transition, an IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling protocol
- Singapore Improvement Trust, a government public housing organization
- Special Investigation Team
- Strategic Information Technology, a Canadian banking software company
Educational organizations
- School of Information Technology, Kolkata, India
- School for International Training, Brattleboro, Vermont, * School of Information Technology, Kolkata, India
- Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, Karnataka, India
- Siliguri Institute of Technology, West Bengal, India
- Singapore Institute of Technology, an autonomous public university in Singapore
- Sinhgad Institute Of Technology, Lonavala, India
- Southeastern Institute of Technology, Huntsville,Alabama, USA
- Southern Institute of Technology, Invercargill, New Zealand
- Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA
- Sexual Identity Therapy
- SIT-lite, pejorative term for a form of social identity theory
- Structural Information Theory, a theory of human perception
Science and technology
- SIT or SITh, static induction thyristor
- SIT, static induction transistor
- Sea ice thickness
- Special information tones (telephony), a three beep signal indicating a call did not go through
- Specific ion Interaction Theory, a theory for estimation of single-ion activity coefficients
- Sterile insect technique, a technique for managing insect populations
- Systematic Inventive Thinking, a practical methodology for innovation and creative problem solving
- Sorting-Indexing-Trimming[citation needed]
- SIT, IATA code for Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Airport
- Sino-Tibetan languages, the ISO 639-2 code
- Slovenian tolar, the ISO 4217 code for the former currency of Slovenia
See also
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Assessment Position Affects Problem-Solving Behaviors in a Child With Motor Impairments.
- OʼGrady MG1, Dusing SC.
- Pediatric physical therapy : the official publication of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association.Pediatr Phys Ther.2016 Summer;28(2):253-8. doi: 10.1097/PEP.0000000000000238.
- PURPOSE: The purpose of this report was to examine problem-solving behaviors of a child with significant motor impairments in positions she could maintain independently, in supine and prone positions, as well as a position that required support, sitting.CASE DESCRIPTION: The child was a 22-month-old
- PMID 26914718
- More standing and just as productive: Effects of a sit-stand desk intervention on call center workers' sitting, standing, and productivity at work in the Opt to Stand pilot study.
- Chau JY1, Sukala W2, Fedel K1, Do A3, Engelen L1, Kingham M4, Sainsbury A5, Bauman AE1.
- Preventive medicine reports.Prev Med Rep.2015 Dec 12;3:68-74. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2015.12.003. eCollection 2016.
- This study evaluated the effects of sit-stand desks on workers' objectively and subjectively assessed sitting, physical activity, and productivity. This quasi-experimental study involved one intervention group (n = 16) and one comparison group (n = 15). Participants were call center employees fr
- PMID 26844191
- Design and analysis of clinical trials in the presence of delayed treatment effect.
- Sit T1, Liu M2, Shnaidman M3, Ying Z4.
- Statistics in medicine.Stat Med.2016 May 20;35(11):1774-9. doi: 10.1002/sim.6889. Epub 2016 Feb 2.
- In clinical trials with survival endpoint, it is common to observe an overlap between two Kaplan-Meier curves of treatment and control groups during the early stage of the trials, indicating a potential delayed treatment effect. Formulas have been derived for the asymptotic power of the log-rank tes
- PMID 26833957
Japanese Journal
- Molecular characterization of Mycobacterium orygisisolates from wild animals of Nepal
- The Effects of Self-directed Home Exercise with Serial Telephone Contacts on Physical Functions and Quality of Life in Elderly People at High Risk of Locomotor Dysfunction
- 脊髄不全損傷者の歩行能力の予後予測に関する研究 : リハビリテーション病院における後方視的検討
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- 草加市のペットサロン&ペットシッターのSITです!ペットホテル・ペットトリミング・ペットシッターをお考えの方は是非一度ご来店ください 送迎サービスもございますので、お忙しい方も安心!草加市・越谷市・川口市・足立区 ...
- sitとは。意味や和訳。[動](sat 〔s#509;t〕 or((古))sate 〔s#509;t〕, sat or((古))〜・ten 〔sitn〕, 〜・ting)(自)I [人・生物主語]1(1) [I([副])]((動作))座る, 着席する(⇔stand)sit on [in] a chairいすに(腰)かけ... - goo辞書は ...
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- 英
- allergen specific immunotherapy, SIT
- 関
- 抗原特異的減感作療法
4-アセトアミド-4'-イソチオシアン酸スチルベン-2,2'-二スルホン酸 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid
- 関
- lie、locate、location、loci、locus、map、position、rank、seat、situated、situation、stand、topo