English Journal
- The epidemiology, healthcare and societal burden and costs of asthma in the UK and its member nations: analyses of standalone and linked national databases.
- Mukherjee M1,2, Stoddart A3,4, Gupta RP5, Nwaru BI3,6, Farr A7, Heaven M8, Fitzsimmons D7, Bandyopadhyay A8, Aftab C9, Simpson CR3, Lyons RA8, Fischbacher C10, Dibben C11, Shields MD12, Phillips CJ7, Strachan DP5, Davies GA13, McKinstry B4, Sheikh A3.
- BMC medicine.BMC Med.2016 Aug 29;14(1):113. doi: 10.1186/s12916-016-0657-8.
- BACKGROUND: There are a lack of reliable data on the epidemiology and associated burden and costs of asthma. We sought to provide the first UK-wide estimates of the epidemiology, healthcare utilisation and costs of asthma.METHODS: We obtained and analysed asthma-relevant data from 27 datasets: these
- PMID 27568881
- Study of the cytotoxic activity of Styrax camporum extract and its chemical markers, egonol and homoegonol.
- de Oliveira PF1, Damasceno JL2, Bertanha CS2, Araújo AR2, Pauletti PM2, Tavares DC2.
- Cytotechnology.Cytotechnology.2016 Aug;68(4):1597-602. doi: 10.1007/s10616-015-9864-y. Epub 2015 Mar 21.
- The benzofuran lignans egonol and homoegonol are found in all species of the genus Styrax. Since natural products are important sources of new anticancer drugs, this study evaluated the cytotoxic activity of a hydroalcoholic extract of the stems of S. camporum (SCHE) and their chemical markers, egon
- PMID 25795470
- Benefit-risk tradeoff preferences for chronic hand eczema treatments.
- Hauber AB1, Mohamed AF1, Gonzalez JM1, Otteson Fairchild A1, Zelt SC2, Graff O2.
- The Journal of dermatological treatment.J Dermatolog Treat.2016 May 10:1-7. [Epub ahead of print]
- Hand eczema affects approximately 16% of the US population. The long-term prognosis is poor, and 5-7% experience severe chronic hand eczema (sCHE) that interferes with daily activities. Treatments for CHE may be ineffective or associated with adverse events (AEs) that may dissuade patients from purs
- PMID 27160959
Japanese Journal
- 書評 Oka, Masao "Kulturschichten in Alt-Japan" (2Bde.), herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Josef Kreiner
- 震災とデモクラシー : クライスト『チリの地震』における「声」の政治的射程(<特集>カタストロフィ)
- 西尾 宇広
- ドイツ文学 : Neue Beitrage zur Germanistik (148), 26-40, 2014-03-25
- … Dieses Kleist'sche Modell der Demokratie ist fur die Lekture der betreffenden Novelle insofern aufschlussreich, als auch in ihr gerade ein solches "Ansehn" zu erkennen ist, und zwar in entgegengesetzten Varianten: im utopischen Mittelteil und in der letzten gewalttatigen Massenszene. …
- NAID 110009816111
- 『資本論』第Ⅱ部第Ⅱ稿の6亜部門表式(「現行版不採用部分」)とその体系的位置づけについて
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