好中球走化性因子 neutrophil chemotactic factor
- the 14th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)n
- nitrogenの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/02/20 08:38:34」(JST)
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- 正味キャッシュ・フロー (Net Cash Flow)
- なんばクリエイターファクトリー
- FRPに使用されるノンクリンプファイバー(Non-crimp fibre)または、ノンクリンプファブリック
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NCF may refer to:
- National Commerce Financial Corporation, headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee from 2001 to 2005
- the Naga College Foundation of Naga City, Philippines
- the Nature Conservation Foundation, a wildlife conservation organization based in Mysore, India
- the Norwegian CIO Forum of Norway.
- the National Capital Freenet, a non-profit internet service provider in Ottawa, Canada
- the National Civic Federation
- the National Cultural Foundation of Barbados
- the Nationale Computer Faciliteiten, a Dutch independent foundation, financed by NWO
- the NCF file extension
- the New College of Florida
- No-Conscription Fellowship
- Non-crimp fibre, a type of dry carbon (or glass, aramid) fibre material used for Fibre-reinforced plastic
- the Nederlandsche Cocaïnefabriek (NCF)
English Journal
- Serum YKL-40 is increased in patients with slow coronary flow.
- Xu Y1, Meng HL, Su YM, Chen C, Huang YH, Li XF, Fan MK, Yan YJ, Wu J, Jiang MH, Pan M.
- Coronary artery disease.Coron Artery Dis.2015 Mar;26(2):121-5. doi: 10.1097/MCA.0000000000000191.
- OBJECTIVES: There is accumulating evidence that inflammation plays a major role in the development of the slow coronary flow (SCF) phenomenon. YKL-40 has been suggested to be a potential biomarker of inflammation. In this study, we aimed to study YKL-40 as it relates to SCF.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pa
- PMID 25356814
- Effect of alloy type on the life-time of torsion-preloaded nickel-titanium endodontic instruments.
- Ha JH1, Kim SK, Cheung GS, Jeong SH, Bae YC, Kim HC.
- Scanning.Scanning.2015 Feb 12. doi: 10.1002/sca.21195. [Epub ahead of print]
- This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of torsional preloads on the cyclic fatigue life of nickel-titanium (NiTi) instruments with different history of heat treatments by manufacturers. WaveOne (Primary) made of M-wire, K3XF (#30/0.06) of R-phase, and ProTaper (F2) of conventional NiTi alloy wa
- PMID 25676195
- Processes discriminating adaptive and maladaptive Internet use among European adolescents highly engaged online.
- Tzavela EC1, Karakitsou C2, Dreier M3, Mavromati F4, Wölfling K3, Halapi E5, Macarie G6, Wójcik S7, Veldhuis L8, Tsitsika AK4.
- Journal of adolescence.J Adolesc.2015 Jan 21;40C:34-47. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2014.12.003. [Epub ahead of print]
- Today adolescents are highly engaged online. Contrary to common concern, not all highly engaged adolescents develop maladaptive patterns of internet use. The present qualitative study explored the experiences, patterns and impact of use of 124 adolescents (Mage = 16.0) reporting signs of internet
- PMID 25617526
Japanese Journal
- Cyclic fatigue resistance of OneShape and WaveOne instruments using different angles of curvature
- ,
- Dental Materials Journal advpub(0), 2015
- … The number of cycles to fracture (NCF) was recorded to evaluate cyclic fatigue resistance. … Weibull analysis was performed on NCF data. … WO had a significantly higher NCF than OS for all angles of curvature (p<0.05). …
- NAID 130005066133
- 日本の農家経済における収支計算と損益計算の乖離の現状とその要因分析
- 恩和吉日嘎拉,古塚 秀夫
- 農林業問題研究 48(4), 448-459, 2013-03
- … 本論文の目的は,農家経済余剰と農家経済のNCFとの乖離の現状とその要因を明らかにすることであった。 … 第2に,農家経済のNCFに比べて農家経済余剰が大きく,このために乖離額は大きなマイナスの値であり,農家経済余剰からの乖離率が高いことであ。 …
- NAID 120005581219
- ニッケル基合金溶接部における熱サイクル中の残留応力変化
- 西川 聡,秋田 貢一,鈴木 裕士,盛合 敦,Harjo Stefanus
- 溶接学会全国大会講演概要 2013f(0), 254-255, 2013
- … 母材がSUS316LとNCF600,溶接金属がAlloy82の異材溶接継手にピーク温度が320°Cの熱サイクルを付与し,熱サイクル中の残留応力を中性子線回折法により測定した.その結果,昇温に伴いSUS316Lの残留応力は低下するが,Alloy82は残留応力が上昇し,運転中は室温より残留応力が高くなることが示唆された. …
- NAID 130005046064
Related Links
- NCFは,地域の飲食店に密着した業務用食材の卸や仕入れ支援,PB開発,流通活性化を目指す業務用卸企業が結集した次世代の販売店グループです。
- NCFは、地域に密着した食材卸企業が結集し、次世代の販売店を目指すグループです。PB(プライベートブランド)商品なども開発しております。 ... NCFとは、地域密着型ナンバーワンの食材卸売企業が結集し、その強みを最大限に活かし ...
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- 英
- neutrophil chemotactic factor, NCF
好中球走化性因子, NCF