- 関
- hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
- a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
- a complex of concurrent things; "every word has a syndrome of meanings"
- (疾患の徴候となる一群の)症徴候,症候群 / (事件・社会的状態などのパターンを示す)徴候形態
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- 1. 悪性腫瘍およびリウマチ性疾患 malignancy and rheumatic disorders
- 2. 内臓悪性腫瘍の皮膚症状 cutaneous manifestations of internal malignancy
- 3. 肺癌の危険因子、病理、および臨床症状の概要 overview of the risk factors pathology and clinical manifestations of lung cancer
- 4. 孤立性胸膜線維腫 solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura
- 5. 爪疾患の概要 overview of nail disorders
English Journal
- [Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy as a cue for NSCLC: four cases in the light of the current literature].
- Lommatzsch M, Julius P, Lück W, Bier A, Virchow JC.SourceAbteilung für Pneumologie, Universität Rostock. marek.lommatzsch@med.unirostock.de
- Pneumologie (Stuttgart, Germany).Pneumologie.2012 Feb;66(2):67-73. Epub 2012 Jan 16.
- Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (often referred to as Marie-Bamberger syndrome) occurs in 1 - 5 % of all patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) as a paraneoplastic syndrome. The complete syndrome is characterised by clubbing of the fingers and toes (often without hypoxia) and
- PMID 22249782
- Pierre Marie-Bamberger syndrome.
- Guarneri C, Guarneri F, Vaccaro M.
- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.J Am Geriatr Soc.2008 Jan;56(1):184-5.
- PMID 18184221
Japanese Journal
- 研究症例 肺癌摘出後に症状の改善を認めた肺性肥大性骨関節症の1例
- Marie-Bamberger症候群を呈した肺癌の1切除例
- 荒井 宏雅,中山 治彦,伊藤 宏之,藤田 敦,正津 晶子
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 19(5), 661-664, 2005-07-15
- … 自覚するも放置していた.健康診断で胸部異常陰影を指摘され当科を受診, 左下葉肺腺癌と診断した.骨シンチグラムでは両大腿骨, 脛骨の骨皮質に沿った線路状の病的集積像を認め, 肺癌に伴ったMarie-Bamberger症候群と診断した.左下葉切除後より膝関節痛は消失, 下腿浮腫も軽減した.指趾のバチ状指や関節炎症状等を認めた際には, 常に本症を鑑別疾患の1つにおいて精査を進めていくことが重要である. …
- NAID 110001876714
Related Links
- Definition of Marie-Bamberger syndrome in the Medical Dictionary. Marie-Bamberger syndrome explanation. Information about Marie-Bamberger syndrome in Free online English dictionary. What is Marie-Bamberger syndrome ...
- Marie-Bamberger syndrome synonyms, Marie-Bamberger syndrome antonyms. Information about Marie-Bamberger syndrome in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. Marie-Bamberger syndrome - definition of Marie ...
- 英
- hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy、Marie-Bamberger syndrome
- 関
- 肺性肥厚性骨関節障害、マリー・バンベルガー症候群
- 関
- Marie-Bamberger syndrome
- 英
- Marie-Bamberger syndrome
- 関
- 肥大性肺性骨関節症