- the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)m
- Mach number / mark[s] / Monsieur
- Montana
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/13 00:51:13」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
この項目では、テレビ番組について説明しています。イベントについては「Make: Tokyo Meeting」をご覧ください。 |
この記事の主題はウィキペディアにおける独立記事作成の目安を満たしていないおそれがあります。目安に適合することを証明するために、記事の主題についての信頼できる二次資料を求めています。なお、適合することが証明できない場合には、記事は統合されるか、リダイレクトに置き換えられるか、さもなくば削除される可能性があります。(2014年3月) |
- 1 概要
- 2 出演者
- 2.1 司会
- 2.2 準レギュラー
- 2.3 原石
- 2.4 メジャーデビューした原石
- 2.5 ナレーター
- 3 スタッフ
- 4 放送局
- 5 関連項目
- 6 外部リンク
- R.O.B
- 8mm
- Rey
- からもも
- ビーグルクルー
- 少年カミカゼ(2005年10月メジャーデビュー)
- Rey
- ビーグルクルー
- 企画:進亮
- プロデューサー:岩熊正道(RKB)、天鷲裕到(MBS)
放送対象地域 |
放送局 |
系列 |
放送日時 |
備考 |
福岡県 |
RKB毎日放送 |
TBS系列 |
土曜 25:40 - 26:10 |
製作局 |
近畿広域圏 |
毎日放送 |
木曜 26:55 - 26:25 |
- MTM(MentaiTakoyakiどんなMonja) [リンク切れ]
この項目は、テレビ番組に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めています(ポータル テレビ/ウィキプロジェクト 放送番組)。 |
[Wiki en表示]
- 1 Computing and electronic games
- 2 Science, technology, medicine and engineering
- 3 Entertainment
- 4 Other
- 5 See also
MTM may refer to:
Computing and electronic games
- Mario's Time Machine, an educational game for the SNES
- Microsoft Test Manager, Microsoft Test Manager
- Midtown Madness, a series of racing computer games
- Monster Truck Madness, another series of racing computer games
Science, technology, medicine and engineering
- Massive Thirring model, an exactly solvable quantum field theory which describes self-interacting spinor field in (1+1) dimensions
- Medication Therapy Management, the cognitive service of pharmacy
- Methods-Time Measurement, a system used in Industrial Engineering to conduct time studies on work methods
- Methyltrimethoxysilane, precursor to silicone polymers
- Midwoofer-tweeter-midwoofer, a type of loudspeaker configuration
- Model-Test-Model, a Modeling and Simulation (M&S) process
- Modified Transverse Mercator coordinate system, used for specifying locations in Eastern Canada
- Mountaintop Removal Mining
- Myotubular myopathy, also called Centronuclear myopathy, which is a rare, congenital muscle disorder
- Modified Thayer-Martin agar, a type of microbiological growth medium
- Master of Technology Management, awarded by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- MTM - Motoren Technik Mayer, a German car tuner and small manufacturer based in Wettstetten
- MTM (protective group), methyl thiomethyl group, a protective group for hydroxyl groups
- MTM (group), a musical duo who represented Portugal in the Eurovision Song Contest 2001
- Mary Tyler Moore, an American actress
- MTM Enterprises, a production company co-founded by Mary Tyler Moore
- MTM Records, a record label
- Minutes to Midnight, a 2007 album by American rock band Linkin Park
- Made to measure, clothing that is sewn from a standard-sized base pattern
- La Maquinista Terrestre y Marítima former machinery, equippement and locomotive builder from Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
- Mark-to-market, a term from economics
- Metro Trains Melbourne, a train company that operates in Melbourne, Australia
- Minnesota Transportation Museum, a transportation museum in Minnesota, US
- Motoscafo da turismo modificato (Italian for "modified tourism motorboat"), an explosive motor assault boat weighing 2 tons, which was used by the Italian Royal Navy in World War II to ram stationary naval units
- An index of Momentum used in the technical analysis of market prices, abbreviated as MTM for Momentum.
- Ibanez MTM, a series of signature guitars created by Slipknot's Mick Thomson
- Media Technology Monitor (MTM), Canadian research on technology ownership and use
See also
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Towards an all-copper redox flow battery based on a copper-containing ionic liquid.
- Schaltin S1, Li Y, Brooks NR, Sniekers J, Vankelecom IF, Binnemans K, Fransaer J.
- Chemical communications (Cambridge, England).Chem Commun (Camb).2016 Jan 7;52(2):414-7. doi: 10.1039/c5cc06774j. Epub 2015 Nov 3.
- The first redox flow battery (RFB), based on the all-copper liquid metal salt [Cu(MeCN)4][Tf2N], is presented. Liquid metal salts (LMS) are a new type of ionic liquid that functions both as solvent and electrolyte. Non-aqueous electrolytes have advantages over water-based solutions, such as a larger
- PMID 26526384
- Clinical Outcomes Associated With a Collaborative Pharmacist-Endocrinologist Diabetes Intense Medical Management "Tune Up" Clinic in Complex Patients.
- Morello CM1, Christopher ML2, Ortega L3, Khoan J4, Rotunno T4, Edelman SV5, Henry RR5, Hirsch JD5.
- The Annals of pharmacotherapy.Ann Pharmacother.2016 Jan;50(1):8-16. doi: 10.1177/1060028015615586. Epub 2015 Nov 5.
- BACKGROUND: No previous studies exist examining the impact of a short-term pharmacist-endocrinologist collaborative practice model on glycemic control in complex patients.OBJECTIVE: Evaluate outcomes associated with a PharmD-Endocrinologist Diabetes Intense Medical Management (DIMM) "tune up" clinic
- PMID 26546580
- Cardiac and mitochondrial dysfunction following acute pulmonary exposure to mountaintop removal mining particulate matter.
- Nichols CE1, Shepherd DL1, Knuckles TL2, Thapa D1, Stricker JC3, Stapleton PA4, Minarchick VC4, Erdely A5, Zeidler-Erdely PC5, Alway SE1, Nurkiewicz TR4, Hollander JM6.
- American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology.Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.2015 Dec 15;309(12):H2017-30. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00353.2015. Epub 2015 Oct 23.
- Throughout the United States, air pollution correlates with adverse health outcomes, and cardiovascular disease incidence is commonly increased following environmental exposure. In areas surrounding active mountaintop removal mines (MTM), a further increase in cardiovascular morbidity is observed an
- PMID 26497962
Japanese Journal
- 乳び胸を伴ったX-linked myotubular myopathyの1例
- 歯周病の進行による前歯部の審美障害に対してMTM処置後に補綴処置を行った1例
- P0403-21-PM アジア人、黒人、白人を対象としたワルファリンの母集団薬物動態解析と投与アルゴリズムの評価(薬物治療と遺伝子多型,ポスター発表,一般演題,医療薬学の進歩と未来-次の四半世紀に向けて-)
Related Links
- 2016年よろしくお願いいたします!1月6日より平常営業です。 MTMジャパンのfacebook公式ページも是非ご覧ください。 常に進化を求めるMTM製品は、製造・日本導入時期により、デザインなど仕様が異なる場合があります。
- Audiのチューニング・コンストラクターとして定評の有るMTM GmbH (Motoren Technik Mayer)の日本総代理店でもあるCOX Inc.では、MTM Tuning Menuの中から、日本の法規定や道路事情、交通事情に合ったものを選定し、その第一歩として ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- minor tooth movement, MTM
- 同
- 歯の小移動
メチオニン methionine