鉱質コルチコイド反応性低ナトリウム血症 mineralocorticoid-responsive hyponatremia of the elderly
English Journal
- [Thiazide diuretics for hypertensive treatment induced severe hyponatremia with consciousness disturbance in two elderly cases].
- Takeshita M, Miyao M, Mizuno Y.SourceDivision of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kanto Central Hospital.
- Nihon Ronen Igakkai zasshi. Japanese journal of geriatrics.Nihon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi.2010;47(3):257-61.
- The salt intake of the Japanese is among the highest in the world, leading to a high prevalence of salt-sensitive hypertension. To prevent this, salt restriction, suppression of the rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and natriuresis are important. Therefore, the use of a combination of an angiot
- PMID 20616453
- Clinical and laboratory features of hyponatremia-induced myopathy.
- Sasaki M, Yuzawa M, Saito T, Ikoma A, Tamemoto H, Kawakami M, Ishikawa SE.SourceDepartment of Medicine, Jichi Medical University Omiya Medical Center, 1-847 Amanuma, Omiya-ku, Saitama, 330-8503, Japan.
- Clinical and experimental nephrology.Clin Exp Nephrol.2007 Dec;11(4):283-6. Epub 2007 Dec 21.
- BACKGROUND: The present study was undertaken to determine the clinical and laboratory features of hyponatremia-induced myopathy.METHODS: We collected 14 hyponatremic subjects (six men and eight women) with serum creatine kinase (CK) levels of more than 500 IU/ml during the 5-year period between 2001
- PMID 18085388
Japanese Journal
- 低Na血症とSIAD (特集 見落としがちな内分泌疾患) -- (症候や検査値の異常から内分泌疾患をとらえる)
- 代謝・内分泌 抗利尿ホルモン不適合分泌症候群 (医薬品副作用学--薬剤の安全使用アップデート) -- (副作用各論--重大な副作用)
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- また、 SIADH 以外の疾患が原因の場合は、ミネラルコルチコイド反応性低Na 血症(MRHE )、甲状腺機能低下症、副腎機能低下などの疾患の治療が大事。 * 抗利尿ホルモン分泌不均衡症候群(Syndrome of inappropriate secretion ...
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- 英
- mineralocorticoid-responsive hyponatremia of the elderly, MRHE
- 関
- 低ナトリウム血症
- 加齢によるレニン-アルドステロン系の反応性の低下によりナトリウム保持機構の作用不全が起こり、代償的にADHの分泌が亢進している状況。
- SIADHとの鑑別が困難
- 体液量は若干低下 → SIADHと同様に水制限すると循環血漿量の低下により血圧低下を来す危険がある。
- http://rokushin.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-12-24
- 2.Close association of urinary excretion of aquaporin-2 with appropriate and inappropriate arginine vasopressin-dependent antidiuresis in hyponatremia in elderly subjects.
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鉱質コルチコイド反応性低ナトリウム血症 MRHE