- the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)m
- Mach number / mark[s] / Monsieur
- Maine / Middle English / Middle East
- meetの過去・過去分詞
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/10/11 14:00:40」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 施設
- メトロポリタン美術館 (Metropolitan Museum of Art) - アメリカ ニューヨーク。
- メトロポリタン歌劇場 (Metropolitan Opera House) - アメリカ ニューヨーク。
- メトロポリタン・スタジアム (Metropolitan Stadium) - アメリカ ミネソタ州ブルーミントン。
- メット・センター (Met Center) - アメリカ ミネソタ州ブルーミントンのアリーナ。
- ザ・メット (The Met) - タイ バンコクの超高層ビル。
- 官公庁
- ロンドン警視庁 (Metropolitan Police)
- イギリス気象庁 (Met Office)
- アイルランド気象庁 (Met Éireann)
- 交通機関
- メトロポリタン鉄道 (Metropolitan Railway) - イギリス ロンドン。
- メットリンク (Metlink)・旧 Met - オーストラリア メルボルンの鉄道・バス。
- モデスト・アンド・エンパイア・トラクション (Modesto and Empire Traction Company; 報告記号: MET) – アメリカ カリフォルニア州モデスト・エンパイア間の鉄道。
- 化学物質
- メチオニン (methionine) - アミノ酸。
- メチルエチルトリプタミン (methylethyltryptamine) - 幻覚剤。
- 時間帯
- 中央ヨーロッパ時間 (Middle European Time) - 中欧などの時間帯。CETに同じ。
- ミッション経過時間 (Mission Elapsed Time) - 宇宙開発などで、打ち上げ時を0/00:00:00とする時間帯。
- メットライフ (MetLife; NYSE: MET) - アメリカの生命保険会社。
- 代謝当量 (metabolic equivalent of task))
- ナッシュ・メトロポリタン (Nash Metropolitan) - ナッシュの乗用車。
- モジュラー・エクィップメント・トランスポーター (Modular Equipment Transporter) - アポロ計画で使われた人力の月面車。
- メトロポリタン・マイアミ (Metropolitan Miami) - マイアミの開発地区。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up met or MET in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Met, MET or The Met may refer to:
- 1 Arts venues
- 2 Other locations
- 3 Media and entertainment
- 4 Medicine and physiology
- 5 Policing
- 6 Public transport
- 7 Science, technology and mathematics
- 8 Sports
- 9 Other uses
- 10 See also
Arts venues
- Metropolitan Opera in Manhattan, New York
- Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan, New York
- Manhattan Ensemble Theatre in Manhattan, New York
- Various buildings known as the Metropolitan Opera House
- The Met (arts centre) in Bury, Greater Manchester
Other locations
- Manchester Metropolitan University, England, UK
- Metropolitan Building (Minneapolis), taken down in 1961
- The Met (skyscraper), luxury condominium in Sathon, Bangkok, Thailand
- Met, the Metropolitan Miami (development) complex in Miami, Florida
Media and entertainment
- The Met (TV series), a BBC documentary series
- The Met (newspaper), student newspaper of Leeds Metropolitan University
- Met 107, a radio station in Bangkok
- Mind's Eye Theatre, a live action role-playing game
- Multiple Element Target, a feature in DirectX9
- Met, a common enemy in the Mega Man video game series
Medicine and physiology
- MET, Metabolic Equivalent of Task, or simply metabolic equivalent, a measure of the intensity of aerobic exercise
- Methylethyltryptamine, a hallucinogenic tryptamine
- Methionine, an essential nonpolar amino acid
- Met, short form describing the genetic disorder Hypermethioninemia
- MET, the gene symbol for C-Met, a proto-oncogene in human biology
- Mesenchymal-epithelial transition, the reverse of epithelial-mesenchymal transition
- Motivational Enhancement Therapy, used in treatment of drug abuse and mental illness to help people in denial accept treatment
- Muscle Energy Technique, a neuromuscular protocol used in osteopathy, physical therapy, and massage therapy
- Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia in Washington, D.C.
- Metropolitan Police Service of London
Public transport
- Metropolitan line of the London Underground
- Metropolitan Railway, its predecessor company
- Metlink, previously The Met, the former metropolitan public transport marketing agency in Greater Melbourne, Australia
- Metropolitan Transit Authority of Black Hawk County (MET) in Waterloo, Iowa, USA
- Modesto and Empire Traction Company, a Class III shortline railroad
Science, technology and mathematics
- MET Matrix, an environmental analysis tool to evaluate the materials, energy, and toxic emissions of a product
- Mechanical engineering technology, a technical field of study and practice
- Met Office, the British meteorological service
- Met Éireann, the Irish meteorological service
- Met, a mathematical term describing the category of metric spaces with metric maps
- Met, the short name for the Nash Metropolitan
- Met, a unit used in describing Thermal comfort
- MET, Mission Elapsed Time
- The Modular Equipment Transporter (Apollo program), a two-wheeled handcart used on the Apollo 14 manned mission to the Moon
- Missing transverse energy
- Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomington, Minnesota
- Met Center in Bloomington, Minnesota
- Met Park in Norfolk Virginia
Other uses
- Muslim Educational Trust
- MET, Middle European Time aka CET, Central European Time
- MET, the NYSE ticker symbol for Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
See also
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Renal impairment among postmenopausal women with osteoporosis from a large health plan in Israel.
- Yu J1, Goldshtein I, Shalev V, Chodick G, Ish-Shalom S, Sharon O, Modi A.
- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2015 Dec;10(1):210. doi: 10.1007/s11657-015-0210-y. Epub 2015 Mar 10.
- Bisphosphonates are a first-line treatment for osteoporosis but require adequate renal function. We estimated the prevalence of renal impairment among osteoporotic women in Israeli. Approximately 2.3 % of women had renal impairment at a level that makes them inappropriate for bisphosphonate use, dem
- PMID 25753617
- Surgery for recurrent biliary carcinoma: results for 27 recurrent cases.
- Noji T1, Tsuchikawa T, Mizota T, Okamura K, Nakamura T, Tamoto E, Shichinohe T, Hirano S.
- World journal of surgical oncology.World J Surg Oncol.2015 Dec;13(1):507. doi: 10.1186/s12957-015-0507-8. Epub 2015 Feb 27.
- BACKGROUND: Various chemotherapies have been used as best practice to treat recurrent biliary malignancies. Conversely, relatively few surgeries have been described for recurrent extrahepatic biliary carcinoma (RExBC), so whether surgery for RExBC is feasible has remained unclear. This retrospective
- PMID 25778076
Japanese Journal
- RET,ROS1,BRAF,METを標的とした肺がん治療 (特集 肺がん治療戦略の変貌)
- Evidence for organic cation transporter-mediated metformin transport and 5'-adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase activation in rat skeletal muscles.
- Oshima Rieko,Yamada Mayumi,Kurogi Eriko,Ogino Yohei,Serizawa Yasuhiro,Tsuda Satoshi,Ma Xiao,Egawa Tatsuro,Hayashi Tatsuya
- Metabolism 64(2), 296-304, 2015-02
- … We investigated whether metformin (MET) acts directly on skeletal muscle, is transported into skeletal muscle via organic cation transporters (OCTs), and activates AMPK. … [Materials/Methods] Isolated rat epitrochlearis and soleus muscles were incubated in vitro either in the absence or in the presence of MET. … The activation status of AMPK, the intracellular energy status, and glucose and MET transport activity were then evaluated. …
- NAID 120005540403
Related Links
- Features information on upcoming museum events, fine art exhibits, special exhibitions, the Met collection and art galleries online.
- METライブビューイング ニューヨーク・メトロポリタン歌劇場のオペラを映画館で上映! 絢爛豪華なオペラを身近にお楽しみ下さい。
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- 英
- papillary renal cell carcinoma
- 関
- 腎細胞癌、腎明細胞癌、グラヴィッツ腫瘍、乳頭状腎細胞がん、腎明細胞がん
- hereditary papillary renal carcinoma
- gain-of function mutaion in the prooncogene MET (HIM.494)
- 関
- medical electronics、medical engineering
メチオニン methionine