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- 1. β-ラクタマーゼ阻害剤、カルバペネム系、およびモノバクタム系抗菌薬の併用combination beta lactamase inhibitors carbapenems and monobactams [show details]
…enzymes). The addition of vaborbactam to meropenem reduces the MICs to meropenem among class A carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae to wild-type MIC levels . Meropenem-vaborbactam was comparable to pip …
- 2. 基質特異性拡張型β-ラクタマーゼextended spectrum beta lactamases [show details]
…extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing organisms are carbapenems (imipenem, meropenem, doripenem, and ertapenem). We use meropenem or imipenem for most ESBL infections. Ertapenem is an acceptable option in …
- 3. βラクタム系抗生物質の長期注入投与prolonged infusions of beta lactam antibiotics [show details]
…stable at room temperature for long durations. The product information for branded meropenem (Merrem) notes that meropenem prepared for infusion in normal saline is stable for 1 hour at room temperature and …
- 4. グラム陰性桿菌性髄膜炎:治療gram negative bacillary meningitis treatment [show details]
…susceptibility . Meropenem may also be useful in the treatment of meningitis caused by P. aeruginosa when other treatments have failed . There is also evidence that prolonged infusion of meropenem (each dose …
- 5. 成人の(腎盂腎炎を含む)急性複雑性尿路感染症acute complicated urinary tract infection including pyelonephritis in adults [show details]
… we suggest an antipseudomonal carbapenem (imipenem 500 mg intravenously [IV] every six hours, meropenem 1 g IV every eight hours, or doripenem 500 mg IV every eight hours) to cover extended-spectrum beta-lactamase …
English Journal
- Antinociceptive effects of the aqueous and methanol extracts of the leaves of Pittosporum mannii HOOK. F (Pittosporaceae) in mice.
- Wandji BA1, Tatsinkou Bomba FD1, Awouafack MD2, Nkeng-Efouet PA3, Kamanyi A1, Nguelefack TB4.
- Journal of ethnopharmacology.J Ethnopharmacol.2016 Apr 26. pii: S0378-8741(16)30243-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2016.04.041. [Epub ahead of print]
- ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Pittosporum mannii (Pitosporaceae) is used in Africa traditional medicine to treat various ailments including pain and inflammation.AIM OF THE STUDY: The present work was undertaken to evaluate the antinociceptive effects of the aqueous (AEPM) and methanol (MEPM) extr
- PMID 27130641
- The efficacy and safety of cefepime or meropenem in the treatment of febrile neutropenia in patients with lung cancer. A randomized phase II study.
- Fujita M1, Matsumoto T2, Inoue Y3, Wataya H4, Takayama K5, Ishida M6, Ebi N7, Kishimoto J8, Ichinose Y9; Lung Oncology Group in Kyushu (LOGIK).
- Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy.J Infect Chemother.2016 Apr;22(4):235-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jiac.2016.01.005. Epub 2016 Feb 8.
- Febrile neutropenia frequently develops after chemotherapy. There is little evidence to indicate the type of antimicrobial agents that should be used in the treatment of febrile neutropenia in patients with solid tumors. The objective is to determine the efficacy and safety of cefepime (CFPM) and me
- PMID 26867793
- Exenatide enhances cognitive performance and upregulates neurotrophic factor gene expression levels in diabetic mice.
- Gumuslu E1, Mutlu O2, Celikyurt IK2, Ulak G2, Akar F2, Erden F2, Ertan M1.
- Fundamental & clinical pharmacology.Fundam Clin Pharmacol.2016 Mar 3. doi: 10.1111/fcp.12192. [Epub ahead of print]
- Exenatide is a potent and selective agonist for the GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) receptor. Recent studies are focused on the effects of GLP-1 analogues on hippocampal neurogenesis, cognition, learning and memory functions. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of chronic exenatide treat
- PMID 26935863
Japanese Journal
- The First Case Report of Cerebral Cyst Infection Due to <i>Helicobacter cinaedi</i>
- Enterococcus casseliflavus敗血症にダプトマイシンとメロペネムの併用が早期に奏効した1症例
- 日本病院薬剤師会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists 52(11), 1386-1389, 2016-11
- NAID 40021003218
- 臨床研究・症例報告 13歳女児に発症したリステリア髄膜炎の1例
Related Links
- カルバペネム系の抗生物質には、メロペネム三水和物(薬)(MEPM)、イミペネム・ シラスタチン(薬)(IPM/CS:シラスタチンはイミペネム代謝阻害剤である)、パニペネム・ ベタミプロン(薬)(PAPM/BP)がある。嫌気性菌、大部分のグラム陽性球菌(腸球菌、 メチシリン ...
- ここではMEPM(メロペネム) とIPM/CS(イミペネム/シラスタチン)について解説する。 現在本邦で使用できるカルバペネム系抗菌 ... メロペン(R) 0.5g6時間おき ただし髄膜炎 などでは2g 8時間おきまで増量(保険適応外). 多くのグラム陽性菌、陰性菌、嫌気性菌 に ...
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- 英
- meropenem, MEPM
- 商
- メロペン、Merrem
- 化
- メロペネム三水和物 meropenem trihydrate
- 関
- 抗菌薬
- 関
- motor-evoked potential
- 同
- motor evoked potential,運動誘発電位
- 関
- medical electronics、medical engineering