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"HILDA" redirects here. for other uses, see Hilda (disambiguation).
The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey is an Australian household-based panel study which began in 2001. It has been used for examining issues such as the incidence of persistent poverty; assets and income in the transition to retirement; the correlates and impact of changes in physical and mental health; and an international comparison of wealth and happiness. The survey is widely used by Australian and international researchers in the fields of economics, social science and social policy and by the Australian Government. The HILDA survey is managed by a small team from the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne and the national fieldwork is carried out by ACNielsen and Roy Morgan Research. The survey is funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Social Services.
HILDA has the following key features:
- It collects information about economic and subjective well-being, labour market dynamics and family dynamics.
- Special questionnaire modules are included each wave and have covered topics such as wealth, retirement and fertility intentions.
- The wave 1 panel consisted of 7,682 households and 19,914 individuals. In wave 11 this was topped up with an additional 2,153 households and 5,477 individuals
- Interviews are conducted annually with all adult members of each household.
- The panel members are followed over time.
- Funding has been guaranteed for 16 waves, and the survey is expected to continue beyond wave 16.
- Data releases occur at the start of December. The release in December 2013 was for data collected from 2001 (wave 1) to 2012 (wave 12).
HILDA data, when weighted, describe the Australian population (excluding those not living in households). The datasets (PSPP/SPSS, SAS and Stata files) are available for legitimate research purposes and application can be made from the HILDA website. The data are confidentialised by suppression of geographic and other identifying information. A bibliography of published research, the survey methodology, the questionnaires and a user manual are available from the HILDA website.
HILDA data are integrated into the Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) which contains population panel data from Australia, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Korea, Switzerland, Russia and the United States.
See also
- Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), USA
- Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), Germany
- Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW), Italy
- UK households: a longitudinal study (UKHLS) / Understanding Society, UK (formerly British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), UK)
External links
English Journal
- Sickness absence and psychosocial job quality: an analysis from a longitudinal survey of working australians, 2005-2012.
- Milner A, Butterworth P, Bentley R, Kavanagh AM, LaMontagne AD.
- American journal of epidemiology.Am J Epidemiol.2015 May 15;181(10):781-8. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwu355. Epub 2015 Apr 3.
- Sickness absence is associated with adverse health, organizational, and societal outcomes. Using data from a longitudinal cohort study of working Australians (the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey), we examined the relationship between changes in individuals' overall
- PMID 25841868
- PIAS-like protein Zimp7 is required for the restriction of the zebrafish organizer and mesoderm development.
- Moreno-Ayala R1, Schnabel D1, Salas-Vidal E1, Lomelí H2.
- Developmental biology.Dev Biol.2015 Apr 24. pii: S0012-1606(15)00213-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2015.04.013. [Epub ahead of print]
- The Zmiz2 (Zimp7) protein and its homolog Zmiz1 (Zimp10) were initially identified in humans as androgen receptor co-activators. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of an SP-RING/Miz domain, which is highly conserved in members of the PIAS family and confers SUMO-conjugating activity. Zimp7 has
- PMID 25912688
- Description of Evandromyia (Aldamyia) orcyi, a new phlebotomine species (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) from the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
- de Oliveira AG1, Sanguinette Cde C2, de Almeida PS3, Andrade Filho JD4.
- Parasites & vectors.Parasit Vectors.2015 Apr 17;8(1):233. doi: 10.1186/s13071-015-0847-9.
- BACKGROUND: The genus Evandromyia is widely found in Brazil, but occurs mainly in Brazilian savannah. To date 13 species have been described in the subgenus Aldamyia. Here we described a new species of Evandromyia (Aldamyia) collected in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.METHODS: Measurements
- PMID 25884363
Japanese Journal
- 国際政治経済社会の変貌とグローバリゼーション、及び、人間の安全保障 (桑原哲也教授追悼号)
- 中村 博
- 福山大学経済学論集 39(1・2), 57-72, 2015-03
- … The above-mentioned Simultaneous Terrorist Terror Attack means the fusion of politics and religion, and the above-mentioned Worldwide Financial Crisis was originated from the local subprime lending issue in America, but if we consider what is one of the causes of this Worldwide Financial Crisis historically, it reaches the New-liberalism as a policy of Margaret Hilda Thatcher in England and Ronald Wilson Reagan in America. …
- NAID 120005612500
- Immunogenicity of a candidate DNA vaccine based on the prM/E genes of a dengue type 2 virus Cosmopolitan genotype
- Putri Dwi Hilda,Sudiro T Mirawati,Yunita Rina,Jaya Ungke Anton,Dewi Beti Ernawati,Sjatha Fithriyah,Konishi Eiji,Hotta Hak,Sudarmono Pratiwi
- Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases advpub(0), 2015
- The development of a dengue vaccine is a major priority. Several researchers are using Asian 1 and Asian 2 genotypes as vaccine candidates to develop a vaccine for dengue type 2 virus (DENV-2). Howeve …
- NAID 130004757182
- ヒルダの涙と山頂の陽光 : 『大理石の牧神』における「病」の受容
Related Links
- The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey is a household-based panel study which began in 2001. It has the following key features: It collects information about economic and subjective well-being, labour ...
- ヒルダ. HILDA. Height: 171cm; Weight: 59kg; 3size: 94/63/95; Birthday: 11/11; BloodType: AB; Ability: 煌朧のEXS「パラドクス」; Weapon: 闇の衣(マスカレード). 「 偽誕(インヴァース)を越えた再誕(リヴァース)…それこそ私が唯一つ求めるもの…!」.
Related Pictures

- 英
- leukemia inhibitory factor、LIF
- 同
- 白血病増殖阻止因子、白血病抑制因子、HILDA
- 関
- コリン作動性神経分化因子
[show details]
- LIFは当初、「Human InterLeukin that induced DA-1 cell to proliferate」として同定されたので、HILDAと名付けられた。
- 株化白血病細胞の分化を誘導するサイトカインとして同定された180個のアミノ酸からなる分子量4.5万~6.7万の糖蛋白。
- 胚幹細胞(ES細胞)の分化を阻害し多分化能を保持するので、トランスジェニックマウス、遺伝子ノックアウトマウス作製に不可欠である。
- LIFはマウス骨髄性白血病細胞M1の増殖を抑制しその分化を誘導する因子であり、M1細胞の分化誘導物質のD因子と同一のものである。